
New Day Herald

Connie Stomper on Zoom during the Intercessory Prayer

A 15 Minute Daily Ministry for the Planet

One of the ministries that a group of people in the MSIA community have been involved in for the past 2 1/2 years, is participating in a daily intercessory prayer call that is based on the Moment of Peace where John-Roger talks about Intercessory Work and Intercessory Prayer. As part of an answer to the question, “How can I, with the changes going on the planet, be of greater service to the Traveler?” J-R describes intercessory work and then describes an intercessory prayer this way:

“There is intercessory prayer, where from our consciousness here, we ask that the light be sent to the spiritual realm that is involved in intercessory work and the messengers of light and the angels and archangels can take that energy, and confine it, hold it, and then it goes to this area and it’s used as a barrier. And our prayers are exceedingly good.” (From Intercessory Work & Prayer for the Middle East – Moment of Peace with Dr. John-Roger)

Our group (a cyber community from many locations) decided to turn our concern regarding world events, into a practice that could help our planet.

“Do you know there’s no cure for evil? But I’ll tell you how you get rid of it. You put the divine on top of it; it absorbs the evil, and it becomes one. Instead of evil pulling divinity down, divinity pulls the evil up. You balance it out, and we have another bright spot in the universe.” John-Roger, DSS (From Loving Each Day July 22, 2015. Source: New Day Herald website.)

While concern about events can generate strong emotions, ultimately directing that energy towards a resolution for the highest good through Spirit can be more productive and in line with our role as ministers in MSIA.

J-R has said:

“Let’s say that you are upset over the violence in the world. When you are in any kind of distress over that, you are in the karma. When you can expand beyond it (that is, rise above it), you can bring in the love.” (From Loving Each Day Oct 6, 2017. Source: New Day Herald website.)

We also heed these words of J-R, knowing that our light can also be needed and used in ways we don’t directly see or understand.

“Am I saying to dismiss people’s suffering by saying, ‘Well, it’s their karma’? Not at all. People need your love and compassion, your reaching out and your caring, and it is always helpful to suspend any judgments and say, ‘I don’t really know what’s going on.’ (From Loving Each Day Sept 7, 2017. Source: New Day Herald website.)

The intercessory prayer is a more general prayer than naming where we want to send light. Given that we don’t really know what is going on, there may be a larger context generating events, or influencing them from other levels that we are not aware of. As an example, in the Moment of Peace on Intercessory work and prayer, J-R talks about the war on the ground is not the war — the war that is going on is in Spirit.

J-R speaks to the value of more general prayers in this quote:

“A general prayer can be something like ‘Thy will be done.’ In other words, you put the results in God’s hands, trusting that the outcome will be what is best for all concerned. Research shows that non-specific prayer is two to three times as effective as specific prayer. However much we think we know about what we need, it turns out that God really does know best.” John-Roger (from Loving Each Day Sept 7, 2020. Source: Momentum: Letting Love Lead.)

In the call, we start with a clip of J-R in that Moment of Peace, offer an intercessory prayer from the group, release our personal concerns into the light silently for about a minute, chant the ANI-HU (vibration of oneness and compassion) together a few times out loud and then do silent Spiritual Exercises. Our SE’s are part of the offering of our energy to Spirit to be used for the purposes of the intercessory work we are asking be done for our world. I also recall J-R saying SE’s done as a group can throw a flying wedge into negativity. At the end of the call, inspiring quotes by J-R, John Morton or others are shared.

An example of the kind of intercessory prayer we might do, which you can use on your own:

“Father Mother God, we call ourselves forward into your light, the Christed Light, the Light of the Holy Spirit. We ask for the presence of the Traveler and the Preceptor Consciousness to assist us through grace. At this time we offer an intercessory prayer — sending the light, loving and peace that we are, to the spiritual realm that is involved in intercessory work, so that the messengers of light, the angels and archangels, can take that energy and use it for the highest good wherever and however it is needed on this and any level. As we align more fully with thy will being done, we trust that spirit knows how to best use our light for the highest good of all concerned and that there is infinite light for all people places and situations. We set an intention to hold in the energy of love and light and peace, contributing that vibration to whatever is happening. Amen”

If you’d like the fellowship of participating in a daily 15 minute Intercessory prayer with other MSIA ministers and community members, there are currently three Intercessory Prayer calls in three different times zones, one of which is done in Spanish. You can participate in any of them as often as you are able. For details and links contact Rev. Connie Stomper,

Connie Stomper with John-Roger

3 thoughts on “A 15 Minute Daily Ministry for the Planet”

  1. Beautiful invitation and explanation of what we do, and can do, in a group gathering of students/initiates/ministers of the Traveler. I am grateful for this part of my ministry and that the place is prepared for us to do this. Thank you!

  2. Thank you Connie for your ministry in all aspects of the innercessory prayer groups. ‘Truly inspiring’ service is its own reward.

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