Consider that you can contribute to this life such that the world is better than when you came into the body, make it specific to this life. You may say, “I’m really good with that. That is inspiring to me. I have interest to do something to help.” – John Morton
This article comes from a Question & Answer Fundraiser with John that took place in April 2024.
Consider that you can contribute to this life such that the world is better than when you came into the body, make it specific to this life. You may say, “I’m really good with that. That is inspiring to me. I have interest to do something to help.” Make it practical.
Make sure you include your embodiment. We call that taking care of yourself. I’m talking about truly taking care of yourself so God’s got it. “This is my daughter or my son in whom I am well pleased.” Where did that voice come from?
It’s like my son or daughter took the baptism and is about to do what they came into the world to do that is going to make the most difference. I’m going to set the world record for helping. It’s, “Thy kingdom come and will be done.” “Thy will be done” is what follows that “kingdom come.” It is here, delivered, and you are in it.
If we fall apart, on the floor wobbling, gyrating, hit or slain by the spirit, is that really practical? It may be awkward because doing anything in the world has an awkwardness in it. It’s that kind of world. If you are here, you’re out of balance. How do we get back in balance? Spirit.
The spirit that comes into the body of the soul consciousness, takes hold voluntarily in God’s will. There is a perfection here. It’s in the teachings. There is no one born or dying in the world that the spirit doesn’t clear that. It is a clear action. It goes into very simple terms. It goes into we love one another.
We become the embodiment of God’s love. I like the ring of that. I wonder if I am the first one to ever say that we become the embodiment of God’s love? It doesn’t matter who said it first if it’s the truth. I am living the truth. We are the embodiment of God’s love. That is what we are here for.
In this world, it’s like the full negative power with all of its authority and ability runs the world. However, God is in control. God created the negative power. We have all been sent as God’s beloved son/daughter embodiment. Yet we do things opposing the love of God and we are allowed to have that experience. What are we doing? If we put out harm and violation, it would come back to us to us in exact measure of a perfect law of God.
The weird part is that we don’t remember and we don’t need to remember. You don’t need to be able to explain it, understand it or ask, “Why do I have these dreams or desires? I feel like I’m in some kind of crazy consciousness.” In a way you are, but it’s coming out. If it is not the love of God, just let it go.
Is it the truth of God? I mean God’s truth, which would be true for all. Not, “I’m doing truth for my chosen ones, but I’m disappointed in those people over there. They don’t get to be chosen. They are awful and I’m going to curse and punish them.” That is not God’s love, the love of God. At the level of who you truly are, your heart and soul, you know this. You know it completely.
Look at what you did when you forgot your love of God. God forgets that because it is “no-thing”. This is the craziness of the conditionality of being in a negative world. It comes on us as though it’s the truth. But it does not stay. It is just a condition that completely dissolves itself. When we come out of this world, it is erased. It never was a thing. There is no record of your sin because there never was a sin in spirit.
It sounds like that doesn’t make sense, but it is the truth of the spirit. It stays clear. It does not enter into the imperfection camp. What is it? A dream or a nightmare. It is going to dissolve. You are going to wake up. What was all that stuff in the negative form? It is “no-thing.” We don’t have a record of it in spirit. It doesn’t cross over. The negativity stays on the other side in this world. But in spirit, there is no record of it. It’s clean.
The consciousness we call the Christ can be like a washcloth that comes in and dissolves it. If we ask, “Cleanse me Lord,” then we are asked, “Who are you?”
If you answer or relate to yourself as anything less that the beloved of God, you’re off. It’s that simple.
You are the embodiment of God’s love.
Baruch Bashan
The Blessing
We begin by reminding ourselves that we, by our human nature, are an instrument for the Soul and that all of what is necessary is in place with our humanity. So whenever we receive another breath, we are receiving confirmation that we are a place for the Soul to illuminate, an anchoring for the Soul and God’s purpose.
And this is also fulfilling the Traveler’s purpose in this world, to anchor the Light and love that is the Christ, the anointing of the Spirit of God that comes with the Soul.
This spark of the Divine is illuminated into each body and each consciousness that walks in this world. We ask for this blessing to become more illuminated in every breath, that we may be more conscious of our divine purpose, that we may have the wit to move our consciousness into the higher Light, into the higher purpose that is the Soul and the love that is always abiding for every part of God’s creation.
We ask that we may have the grace to pause to find the silence that is also solace and the holding that would tell us to wait and give God’s grace a chance to illuminate before us as a vision of knowing what divine purpose is taking place, that we may fully understand.
What we would consider as hope comes to us as a dawning of a new day and a reminder that darkness is not permanent. It is simply a temporary condition. We realize that all the forms of negativity that greet us or meet us or that we carry are temporary.
We find that we can take this spark of the Divine and illuminate our consciousness once again. As Souls upon this plane of existence, we may do our duty to bring illumination.
Illumination is necessary in our fulfillment as individualized Souls and is part of the purpose we are in this world to realize. We can become more aware of this purpose of the Soul and hold it as a consciousness that is a beacon in this world, that all is greeted in love, all is embraced.
We hold for the greater good. In this purpose, we would not turn against anyone or anything, for all is cherished in the Light of God.Baruch Bashan
The Blessing can be found on pages 116-117 in John’s book, You Are the Blessings, available at