Whenever you let go you will probably find that you have made a space for something greater to happen. When you let go of resentment, you’ll have more energy for appreciation. And when you let go of your attachment to the outcome, you will have more energy to enjoy and participate in this very moment.
– John-Roger
This article by John-Roger was first published in Rod & Staff, Fall 1983.
There’s probably a point in everyone’s life when you have felt like a captive–in a job, a relationship, a financial situation, a belief or a habit pattern. When we look at this process of being captivated and at who’s keeping us and what’s not letting us go, we often excuse ourselves by saying, “I can’t leave my job because if I do, what will happen to me?ā Or, “I can’t leave my family; I might hurt them.”
This is the time to ask some key questions: “What is making me stay where I am? And, what is the price I’m willing to pay to get out of the situation?”
Depending upon the circumstances, each of you has to decide for yourself the price you’re willing to pay. The decision may mean you will lose money, your friends, a relationship, or you may also gain a lot of new responsibilities. If it’s worth it to you, then go for it. It may be worth getting rid of something that’s been tying you up physically, mentally, emotionally or financially. You may take a great loss but if it’s worth getting out from under it, then that’s the loss you must be willing to take. When you can do that with a smile, you’ll walk away saying, “Free!”
It’s so very important to have a willingness to forge ahead where no one dares to go. Do you have to leave out the family? No. Do you have to be willing to leave them out? Yes. Do you also have to be willing to take the family if they want to go with you? Absolutely. This attitude is so important in the process of “letting go.ā That’s when you’ll experience the success in your life.
All the things that keep you in bondage today are the things that will keep you in bondage tomorrow. You have to deal with them NOW. They may hurt today when you deal with them and that may be the price you have to pay–taking hurt or having hurt feelings. And, it may be the very thing to bring you the joy you’ve been praying for in your life.
Whenever you let go you will probably find that you have made a space for something greater to happen. When you let go of resentment, you’ll have more energy for appreciation. And when you let go of your attachment to the outcome, you will have more energy to enjoy and participate in this very moment.
In order to see the face of God you must be able to see the face of suffering, despair and heartache in this world. Then you can step forward, not into it, but through it and then be free of it.
Baruch Bashan.
This is such powerful wisdom for me at this time. I am so grateful.
Baruch Bachan