
New Day Herald

Soul Transcendence, Responsibility, and Psychic Energies

There have been times when people working within the structure of MSIA have chosen to go to psychics, teachers, fortune-tellers, or “readers” of various sorts to get additional information they feel they need or want. When you are an initiate or student of the Mystical Traveler and are working directly with that consciousness, your process of balancing your past actions is being handled through the protection of that grace. The Traveler teaches that all knowledge lies within you and that you will be awakened to this when the time is right and proper. If you trust that, you do not seek others to tell you about your spiritual life. You do spiritual exercises, study the teachings of the Traveler, and go within to find your answers. If specific questions are of concern to you, you can always write to John Morton or me and receive answers that way. The Traveler will tell you inwardly or outwardly anything you need to know.

If you contact someone who is working from a level of Light awareness in the lower worlds (astral, causal, mental, or etheric) and if that person releases some areas of imbalance, bringing them to your attention and concern, you are then responsible for working those areas through your consciousness into completion or clarity. It might be that those things could have been released through the Traveler’s grace. It might be that those things could have been released on a level other than the physical. It might be that there were other options for you, which would have allowed you to walk free of that imbalance in this physical level.

Once someone else has brought a situation to your attention, however, it is yours to handle. Because it was initiated by another, the Traveler or Spirit cannot interfere. This applies to anyone you might go to see, whether or not they participate in MSIA, whether or not they are ordained in MSIA, and irrespective of the level to which they may be initiated in MSIA. When you seek psychic counsel from another, you leave yourself open to these possibilities. It is your choice. The Traveler cannot violate your consciousness, so if you go to another for spiritual or psychic advice, the Traveler will back off and not interfere.

If you go to sources outside yourself to get spiritual or psychic advice, you may be giving up part of yourself because you are turning over your power to another individual. The decisions of your life are for you to make. John Morton, MSIA, and I do not make them for you because that would cheat you and deny you the experience of your growth. You would forever be the dependent child. If you go to others for your validation, you may also get their psychic projections and/or karma.

MSIA teaches the upward path of Soul Transcendence, which is a path of full awareness and total responsibility. You do not reach Soul consciousness by giving over yourself or your power to anyone outside yourself. The Traveler acts as a wayshower to guide you but does not take from you any experience that is for your growth and upliftment. When you feel yourself turning to someone outside yourself—whether it is a spouse, a parent, a psychic, an astrologer, or whatever—and putting on them the decisions that are rightfully yours, it is time to take a look at yourself and your life and to find out what within you is avoiding the greater experience of your true self.

If you begin giving over your power and then find that you experience depression, confusion, disturbance, and unhappiness, you might want to consider giving you back to yourself and going within to find out what is so for you.

Along these same lines, people sometimes get involved in individual psychic pursuits, such as automatic writing and mental games of asking a question and then setting up conditions that would indicate a yes or no response. Spirit is not a Ouija board. The Traveler is not a Ouija board. John Morton and I are not Ouija boards. MSIA is not involved in fortune-telling.

The Spirit, the Traveler, John Morton, and I are concerned with your spiritual growth and with assisting you in lifting into the awareness of your Soul. The natural knowing and intuition that spiritual awareness provides not only are encouraged but are a primary intention of MSIA. However, whether you wear “red socks or blue socks” is of no concern to Spirit. You make that decision and learn from the results of your decision. If you are trying to decide whether to get married, change jobs, buy a home, learn to ski, and so on, do not put off that decision on anyone or anything else. Make that decision and learn from it. That is the way to progress into Soul consciousness.

If you start playing games with psychic energies, you are leaving yourself open for disembodied entities to feed information to you, most likely from the astral level or lower. When you tune in to the psychic levels, you might very well get a response and you might very well get advice and messages, but the information you receive in this manner is likely to be highly unreliable. You can also open yourself up to messages that might be disturbing to you and cause great anxiety and fear. You are further ahead not to get involved in any of these areas of psychic manipulation.

There are no rights or wrongs in any of this. The actions are widely different from that of Soul consciousness, and the results that you bring to yourself are very different from the experiences of Soul consciousness. It is up to you. Go for the experience you want in life. Go for the results you want.

On the path to Soul Transcendence, you sometimes have to give up an immediate gratification or comfort for the long-range goal. It may not always be the most popular approach, and the results may not be immediately apparent. You have to decide whether it is worth the wait.

Q: Does this information about psychic readers apply to medical doctors or other practitioners?

A: The information specifically refers to “readers,” psychics, etc., and the caution applies mainly to two things: (1) if the person you go to brings forward a situation that might otherwise have been handled by the Traveler under grace (for example, in the night travel), you are then responsible for handling it, and the Traveler does not interfere with this process; (2) if you give over any of your power to the person—that is, you begin letting the person make or influence your decisions and how you live your life—and then you experience disturbance, confusion, etc., that’s up to you to handle. Again, the Traveler does not interfere.

Q: What would happen if I go for a reading from someone who says they can read all my past existences in the Akashic Records? Would it interfere with the Traveler’s guidance for me?

A: This is a very broad question, and there’s no one answer. In general, if a person goes to readers of any kind for information, things may come forward (correct or incorrect) and karma may be released in such a way that the person then has to work it through on their own since they were the one to put it in motion by seeing the reader. The Traveler allows each person to have their own experiences and the results of their own choices. It’s a high level of respect for each person’s consciousness and freedom of choice.

Q: I think that I am able to read the Akashic Records for people. Can I open to this level of information, and if I do, will it be of value to me and those to whom I minister?

A: This is something that cannot be answered, as randomnicity is at work here. It is never certain whether karmic records can or will be available at any given time.

Q: If I can open the Akashic Records, and if it is for the highest good, how would you suggest I proceed?

A: If you can open them, then the way to proceed also follows with the opening. If you don’t really know what you are doing, it can cause considerable harm/damage to everyone concerned, regardless of whether you asked for “the highest good of all concerned,” as karmic readings never really came under the highest-good concept; they can come under the “you did it” concept. In other words, a person may or may not have done what the reader says. If the person did not do whatever it was, it is pretty obvious that the information can be harmful. If the person did do whatever it is, there is an accuracy, but who is to say if it is for the person’s highest good that this information be given to them? If the reader doesn’t know this, they can do harm to the one they tell, as well as possibly take on karma.

Q: I am a health practitioner and would like to know if you approve of the work I am doing.

A: I don’t sanction individuals doing anything. What people do or don’t do in the world is their 10-percent area. I support people in whatever they do because I support them in a spiritual sense and on the spiritual levels, but that does not necessarily mean that I support, approve of, or sanction what they do or that I encourage others to participate in what they do. This also doesn’t mean that I necessarily disapprove of or discourage what they do. It’s always up to the person.

Q: I’m starting a new business and would like your blessing on this.

A: I support the work that is done through MSIA, PTS, USM, Heartfelt, and IIWP. This is not to comment one way or the other on other work that people do or on its value; it is to be clear about what work I specifically support and agree to work through. I don’t get into recommending or endorsing the work that is done by others.

Q: I give workshops in developing greater self-awareness, and before I begin each workshop, I always ask for the Light for the highest good. Am I protected by doing this? I don’t want to create any karma.

A: When a person asks for the Light for the highest good, this does not necessarily mean that they are protected, that no karma will be created, or that they will stay clear while they do whatever they do. Much depends on the person, their intention and clarity, the karmic flow, their attunement with the Light, and many other things. This answer applies not only to giving workshops but also to anything a person does.

Q: I am seeing someone in MSIA for counseling. Do you work through this person?

A: I do not work through others. I work closely and directly with people who are doing such things as MSIA services (aura balances, polarity balances, and innerphasings) and facilitation of PTS events. All other people, whether in or out of MSIA, “do their own thing.”

I work closely on the inner spiritual planes with those who are my initiates. The closeness that exists there is not necessarily reflected here, however, and that quality would be extremely difficult for the ordinary person to discern.

If a person is working in a clear, positive, and loving way and is directly, specifically, and accurately representing the Mystical Traveler Consciousness, the Mystical Traveler’s support will be present as they work. If, at any moment, that work slips into a less-positive space, however slightly, the Mystical Traveler’s spiritual support may not be noticed. It is the nature of the Mystical Traveler Consciousness that it will support only that which is positive in nature, loving, and pure.

Q: There are some people in MSIA who are health practitioners (or they do things like numerology, astrology, or readings). Because they are in MSIA, does MSIA endorse what they do?

A: No. MSIA does not endorse the personal things done by people in MSIA, nor do we condemn them. People do what they do, and it is their life.

Editor’s note: The information in this article is from John-Roger’s book Fulfilling Your Spiritual Promise. The book also includes information on techniques for protection and clearing.

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