
New Day Herald

Send the Light (Every Three Seconds)

Editor’s note: In 1992, there were large challenges in Somalia, including people starving. American troops assisted with food distribution, and doctors from other countries also went there to help. The first part of this current article is taken from a February/March 1993 New Day Herald article by John-Roger, which was about that situation.

The remainder of the article is selections from J-R’s book Fulfilling Your Spiritual Promise.

We in this Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness do one thing that very few others can do. We can directly send Light into a situation, as a direct contact. It’s direct, like I can directly drink a glass of water, and it is fast. Think of the fastest computer, and we’re faster than that. And we’re faster than all these other prayers that have to go other places. We now can do direct contact when we send the Light. Think of the Eiffel Tower; it’s faster than you can do that. As soon as we have a picture or a sense or an idea of a place, the Light and love of our beingness, coupled with the Divine Light and love of other people’s beingness, goes to that place.

What does it do? It has to go into a critical mass because the negative force-fields, the diabolic fields and demons that are over there, are trying to siphon it up to themselves. So we need to saturate them with Light so that it spills over into the environment and so the people there [in Somalia] pick it up and start to throw off the negative force-fields.

The people are so weak now that they can’t do this, and that’s why food has to be brought in. But if you feed these people and you don’t take care of the spiritual energy around them, they will be back where they are now. Ten years ago, they were all fed, and look where they are now. They didn’t have the spiritual nature coming alive. So feeding them physically is the most wonderful thing to do. But feeding them spiritually is going to be the salvation of them.

How do we send the Light to them? As soon as I mentioned it, some of you people here sent it immediately. Others of you are still waiting and thinking, “Maybe he’ll do a meditation, and I’ll send the Light then.” No, I’m not. Don’t delay. Just let your heart open to them for that fraction of a second, and the Light is sent. Sometimes it goes over in a mass like a cloud, and sometimes it will zero right in on a person. You can actually feel it as it zeroes in on a person. You can get a heart tug. You won’t know who got it, but you’ll know somebody got it. If it went into the energy field, it may be, “Well, I didn’t feel anything.” Maybe it went, maybe it didn’t. Do it again, and again, and again. How many agains? Every three seconds.

So you think, “Every three seconds? I’ll never get anything else done.” Yes, you will. You may get even more done because you’re going to be focusing in a Light consciousness of upliftment, which will affect you. And you’ll start to lift yourself as you lift others.

Baruch Bashan.


There are a lot of ways to hold the Light and send the Light and work with the Light. One way is that as soon as someone tells you about a situation, just pass it right into the consciousness of the Light. Before that person even finishes getting the words out, the Light has gone.


Q: If all things are happening according to the highest good and in perfect timing, why send the Light?

J-R: Because Spirit will not usually look at a plan to see if an alternate can be instituted unless requested from this level of Spirit. In the cosmic sense, taking all eternity into consideration, all things are ultimately for the highest good because not one Soul will be lost. But very few of us function at that cosmic, ultimate level. On this level where most of us function, all things don’t necessarily happen for the highest good or in perfect timing. So it’s always appropriate to send the Light—for the highest good (which is something God knows and we, on our personality levels, don’t always know). Sending the Light for the highest good increases the positive energy in a situation and increases the likelihood that the highest good possible will take place, rather than a not-so-high good.

Also, the spiritual worlds are quite polluted with all the extraneous thought-patterns that we are heir to. Our job is to transmute these things that come in. When we get a down feeling or a negative thought—no matter if it’s ours or someone else’s or if we don’t know where it came from—we transmute it in Light and put it back out as Light. Some of the metaphysical churches know this and are doing it. They have 24-hour prayer groups going, blessing and putting out the positive energy.

We also have Prayer Lists at the MSIA office and in various MSIA centers around the world. People place names on the lists, and whenever anyone asks for the Light to go to “the MSIA Prayer List,” it goes to everyone on all the Prayer Lists.

Every little prayer or Light group around, asking for the Light of God for the highest good of mankind and praying and asserting goodwill and brotherhood, helps clean out the negativity we feel.

Q: I have heard people call in the Light and ask for the Traveler Consciousness through John-Roger. Is that how we should do it?

J-R: No. When you call in the Light, call it in through the Traveler in your own consciousness. Claim it for yourself. The Traveler Consciousness is in each one of us, so don’t give it away to my physical form or anyone else’s physical form. Awaken and strengthen the Traveler in yourself.


Keep it simple. Prayer does not have to be complicated. Remember, you don’t have to spell out all the details. All you need to do is place the situation in God’s hands and let God handle the results.


You can be in a state of constant prayer for the upliftment of everyone, full of love for the essence of each one’s beingness. Then, wherever you go, people will thank God that you’re there.


All you have to do is keep freedom in your consciousness and be open to let Light and love flow through you to everything. You don’t have to say, “God bless that flower, that ant, those buildings, that tree.” The blessings flow automatically, as soon as Spirit uses you as a channel into this world.


Placing Light columns is a way to integrate into your daily life and routine a specific awareness of Spirit. When you do that, you are using your spiritual energy in positive action that can bring positive results to this level. As an ongoing practice, it’s a good idea to place a Light column twice a day at your home. It can help clear any negativity—not only from your home but from the person who places the Light column.


The Light works the way it works. It doesn’t always work the way you think it should work or the way you would like it to work. It is the most powerful force on the planet and the most powerful force in your life. If you are open to it and develop your awareness of it and learn to flow with it, you find your life unfolding in the most beautiful, dynamic, creative, and loving ways imaginable.


It assists your Soul’s growth when you silently send the Light to others.


Q: Sometimes when I think of you, I will send you the Light or think, “God bless you.” Does this help you in any way?

J-R: Yes, it sure does. Thoughts are transmitted over long distances, and we are affected on many different levels by them. Sending the thought “I love you” or “God bless you” can work wonders, and I appreciate it when you send those words or the Light to me.


Each action you take, each Light column you place, each moment that you stoop to raise another or to send our Father’s Light to another being, that action resounds throughout the universe, and the love and the Light available to all is increased. You have chosen to do a mighty service. I am most grateful.



Question: J-R, is there anything I can do for you?

J-R: Do your s.e.’s.



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