
New Day Herald

Inspiring Sharing & Photo Slideshows from 2012 Best of Super II

Insight’s annual fundraiser “The Best of Super II” has drawn me for several years in a row, this year being no exception. I knew I had to go…again, no matter what a financial stretch it is for me. Each time I experience a great transformation, a deep shift and change inwardly, and my life becomes noticeably more abundant in all ways. Part of the abundance I feel comes with giving the substantial donation portion of the registration fee to Insight and it actually easily comes back to me multiplied. My participation supports Insight’s teen programs including the new Youth Transformational Leadership (YTL) collaboration with EduCare Foundation–One of Insight’s authentic experiential programs that teaches teens to live more in their hearts and go for their dreams—and lead and serve from their hearts.

I find my personal wellspring of learning gets created by trusting, by assuming that all is provided and with the action of taking my money and placing it on the line as an action of the heart, an action of trust. That gets translated into my reaching deep within me, that I will gain much from this experience and that the abundance is manifested, created and multiplied in my heart and in my world. It always pays off.

To go to the luxurious Ojai Valley Inn & Spa is a beautiful experience. My roommate and I entered a beautiful and very, large, elegant guestroom with a view that ended up having a few surprises. On waking the first morning, I heard an old friend’s voice vibrantly talking outside. I peeked out my window just in time to see John Morton tee off and then his golf partners. Later in the day, it was like God’s joke and a bonus gift to say, “yes, I am here with you and will show you even more surprises if you choose to see them and receive”, as I heard John’s foursome again while I was on a run further out on the property!

The beauty of the mountains, the sunshine, the herb garden path and pool were near me and I reveled in them. The peace was with me as I entered the Best of Super II meeting room with John Morton and Michael Hayes.

I’m grateful for all the wisdom that Insight has brought to my family and me. John-Roger, the founder of Insight, exemplifies the loving approach and deep transformation that we’ve always experienced and received. I am pleased to say that although he was not present in the room most of the time, John Morton and Michael Hayes brought the same amazing quality of love, the learning, the upliftment, joy, peace and immense beauty that we have always experienced with the addition of John-Roger in past years at Best of Super II.

We so love this man and are blessed by having him, his wisdom and love for all these years. I loved witnessing John and Michael and how they bounced off of each other. John’s depth of loving and wisdom poured into each person and Michael’s ability to expand on that wisdom with his words allowed each of us with a question, and all those in the room, the beauty of accessing the Soul, of rising in one’s view of him/herself, of preparing a place of forgiveness, healing, upliftment and clarity.

There were moments of surprise such as a spontaneous demonstration of loving when John stepped off the stage and came to hug someone in their deepest moment of breakthrough. Humor between John and Michael crept in frequently. Some responses were brief, and others quite long. They stayed with each person until that person was complete, often asking “Is there anything more?”

So imagine a room with almost 70 participants, each person sharing until all the sharing was done, from 2pm until midnight for three glorious days. And for those angels who were “underwriters” who helped to underwrite the expenses of the weekend so that the funds received from others are available to directly assist the wonderful Insight programs there was a fourth day.

There were delicious snacks and beverages available outside the room in our private foyer. We could wear headsets to allow for continued listening when we wanted to move around or go outside to view the mountains and enjoy the lavender-scented air. The guidelines allow for great freedom, yet with a gentle discipline allowing a sacred space to be contained in perfect harmony.

Buffet dinners were magnificent with plenty of choices and creative themes, i.e. Mexican one night, BBQ grill another, and Pacific Rim another. I personally avoided the desserts, but the late night ice cream sundae bar is now a legendary Best of Super II tradition, and the beautiful desserts and fruit were great for those who truly wanted to indulge. Daytime snacks were equally impressive and my personal fave was the Mediterranean dip, (off-the-charts in flavor), hummus and baba ghanoush with vegies and crackers and the variety of goat cheeses. We even received beautiful customized journals and a bag of coffee, tea and other goodies from Insight’s dear friends at Urth Caffe. All was beautifully done and carefully provided for by beautiful loving Insight volunteers and staff at the Inn.

The very best part of Best of Super II for me is the love, the Spirit present ALWAYS, a few days of basking in a very sacred space with kindred souls. This space for me is so pure that when I am ready to share and ask my question(s), I always commit to go as deeply as I can. Sometimes if I wait awhile, my questions are gone by the time I stand. I recognize that all is perfect and my question has already been answered or no longer matters. The energy and answers throughout the weekend build one upon the other as if each person’s sharing becomes an essential part of the whole. The week before Best of Super II had been particularly challenging for me on the issue of abandonment and I started the seminar with an intention for healing some deep places in my consciousness.

The result was tested the week after Best of Super II. No longer did I experience abandonment when challenged again. It was easier to just experience the grief without the pain as had been my past process and the negativity was lifted. This was remarkable to observe– knowing that I am never abandoned or alone and that God has my back, I have my own back, I am full and complete. The angels came forward for me. I am deeply grateful to myself for going to Best of Super II and asking for what I needed for my next steps in healing and uplifting, for truly understanding and receiving the lessons shown to me, for knowing that I am divine and “going for gold” in my life. Thanks to Best of Super II, I received gold.

I know I don’t want to miss next year’s Best of Super II—the 10th Anniversary, as every minute is worth a lifetime of experience, every moment is a precious gift. My life is taking off in ways that support the abundance I felt throughout the training, and has already surpassed in receiving the miracles I received there, in all areas in my life.

I still revel in the beauty of Ojai and my gorgeous room with a view, the laughter I had with a friend for hours after the last night, the sacred peace in the room, as precious as the presence of God, and know I am forever and gratefully changed, thank you to John Morton and Michael Hayes, John-Roger and Insight.

Come and get the blessings of your life anchored into you. It is my favorite event, my deepest weekend in time, and a life-changing, sacred experience.

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