
New Day Herald

Spiritual Warrior & Blessings Workshops in New York City with John-Roger & John Morton

Article imageNeighbor to the Metropolitan Opera in New York, Empire Hotel played host to Dr. John-Roger, Dr. John Morton and over 230 people who came to listen to them speak. Though there were no arias performed, the range of entertainment included everything that a great opera needs, from fits of laughter and joy to tears of clearing sorrow. The difference between this evening and one at the Met is that the audience actually participated in the play.

The evening was geared to show people how to be a Spiritual Warrior regardless of any conditions, and how to find the Blessings when the going gets rough. Based on the LA Times #1 Bestseller, “Spiritual Warrior” by John-Roger, and “The Blessings Already Are” by John Morton, the workshops were loaded with great information. Speaking about the tools of the Spiritual Warrior, John-Roger said:

“The Spiritual Warriors have the sword of their heart in front of them. They use awareness as their primary weapon, and their armor is their intention.”

After discussing the tools and concepts of the Spiritual Warrior, John-Roger and John Morton called upon volunteers and guided them through a simple process to invoke their inner knowing and find the blessing in any situation. Below are the questions that they used, and you are free to test this process for yourself.

What situation blocks or challenges me?

What is the illusion in that situation?

What is the truth or the highest good in that situation that I can act upon?

What is the blessing in the situation as it is now?

After John-Roger and John Morton finished speaking, they took the time to personally meet the participants while signing the books that were sold (which numbered approximately 80). Perhaps the greatest blessing was the togetherness and upliftment that was shared among the many New Yorkers present, making the evening a warm success for all.

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