
New Day Herald

Worldwide Internet Q&A with John Morton & John-Roger on October 23, 2001

Article imageMSIA offered our monthly Q&A worldwide on the Internet with John Morton, and John-Roger was present too, on October 23. Genie Ford opened the evening, welcoming all to the regular Tuesday night MSIA Seminar at the 2101 Building, calling in the Light, and introducing John Morton. J-R was introduced via audio from his remote location in the building, and he demonstrated his wonderful sense of humor, teasing one and all. Maria Teresa Kelber and Laren Bright were once more at the Internet booth, fielding questions from listeners online. And the NOW Productions crew did their usual, impeccable work in recording and videotaping the evening’s proceedings.

Then John stepped off the stage, and took the hands of two people on either side of the center aisle. He asked the rest of us in the room to reach out and put our hand on someone nearby, and said, “What God has present for us tonight is a blessing.” And he spoke a heartfelt, beautiful blessing for each person and for the planet. This blessing can be viewed or listened to online at

Here are a few highlights from questions and answers from the evening:

Can you give us a larger picture of the current events? J-R responded, to look in the Bible, in the Book of Revelations, Chapter 10…”in the end times.” We are in the end times, he said, and he referenced mighty angels. He also said we are not going to find out the full story tonight. J-R added, “And the Gates of Hell shall not prevail, for they cannot withstand the Holy Spirit.”

An adorable boy of perhaps 4 years asked, Why do we go to Heaven? John’s answer: We belong there. We go to Heaven because it’s our true home. We’re visiting here. (And J-R commented that he had been watching the boy and his father interact earlier, and was touched by their beauty and intelligence.)

How can I more steadily hold a positive vision? According to J-R, worry does not accomplish anything. It makes for mental tiredness, and takes the mental energy and wastes it. What is the opposite of worry? Joy, humor, laughter. Smile, and go do something else.

How can I overcome judging people? J-R suggested we come to understand that acceptance does not mean condone. It is a re-cognition of facts. It brings a recognition of things we don’t know. Peace inside of each person is different from the way peace is inside of all others. Peace is not fighting within oneself. We gain knowledge, which is God’s intelligence (not intellect, which causes troubles.) Peace is cooperating with What Is, the fulfilling of the Law. God said, I have given you the intelligence, the wisdom, of God to stand forward.

What actions can we take right now? J-R noted this was a statement of social consciousness. He recognized that there was a hardship inside of the person asking this question, a sense that the “wrongness” of the world was upon them. The goodness of the world was also upon them, but they felt conflict in not being able to do more. There was not enough power and strength to balance the evil in the world. He jokingly added that it is the nature of dharma that it can be run over by karma. He suggested that we look at what we focus on, and that’s the karma. We are moving to freedom and loving. We are all waking up. We are sharing health, wealth, happiness, loving, and caring. That’s when the dharma is the same as the karma. If we keep a good mind focused on the positiveness of life, we can let the overflow go to others.

What can I do about feelings of upset and separation? J-R stated that this was the Baal power. Its job is to make us feel separate from others, and to not trust and believe in the Holy Spirit. He suggested we touch the forehead with one hand, and say, “Baal be gone.” This is the release of negativity. Although it has no control over us, we sometimes give into it.

John then read from the Bible, Psalms 23, and added a bit to the meaning. Here is a paraphrase of what John said and read: The Lord is my shepherd, my guiding consciousness. I shall not be in want; it will be good times. He leads me beside quiet, tranquil places, and restores my Soul to the place from which it came. He leads me in the paths of righteousness, which are right ways. Even though I am in the valley of the shadow of Death, I will fear no evil. The One who overcomes evil is with me, in my presence. Those who come against (destroy or disturb) shall not prevail. My cup overflows, there is an anointing of what needs healing. Goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell with the Lord.

How can I aid and assist my aging father, who is experiencing dementia? J-R said that we are to be used as messengers to bring love and joy, to assist them to re-focus into God, the present, and the beautiful. Bring music when we visit, give moments and share and be the picture of love. An aging parent is not a chore. They are ours to handle. When we are leaving the world, only remnants of who we are remain, with most of us gone to Spirit. They’re like a child who is lost, and needs comforting and reminding. They are also tests. Resolve to be there, and to proclaim what you know is so.

In starting to know myself, I am freaking out at knowing, how can I just be who I am and trust that? J-R said, we can screw up our thinking by wanting what is not present and not available. Getting good grades, getting along with friends. The attention-seeking device, when not in the outer, goes to the Inner when it is not going for sensation or distraction. Be careful what you ask for. Turn to a new focus, a new determination. “I CAN do it. I can get a Ph.D. There’s no rush, no impatience. I’m on God’s time.” Our ego time will lead us astray. We are beautiful, with the ability to step forward. Let’s not just get by on our good looks.

J-R added to remember why we’re meeting, the spirit of the Sound Current, when God spoke. It is designed to live where it was spoken from — where God walked. Man in his Soulic movement would stand forward and speak God’s name in the truth and honesty of the heart. God’s promise is delivered by, for and through us, to all planes of existence. We’re teaching immortality — and ours is not a God that lies. Ours is one that lives the Creation Himself.

John Morton closed with a blessing, embracing and enfolding us in Light and Love.

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