
New Day Herald

Trusting Spirit — The Arrowhead Work Party

Article imagePhotos by Peter Leighton

On Memorial Day Weekend a group of about twenty Light workers drove to MSIA’s Lake Arrowhead property to clean up the grounds after the winter snows. PTS Event Coordinator Linda Searle, Prana Property Manager Nicholas Parkes, and MSIA volunteer Glenn Barnett had been working for weeks to prepare for the work party. They set objectives, called volunteers, and held a focus for a productive, smooth and grace-filled experience for everyone.
The chief focus for the long holiday weekend was to prepare the retreat grounds for the upcoming summer activities — the PTS Family Retreat at the end of June and the Peace Awareness Trainings I, II, III and a Teen Insight in July.

We gathered around the breakfast table on Saturday morning to call in the Light as we listened to the soothing sound of wind humming through the trees in the peacefulness of nature. We could almost see and feel the presence of all the people who would soon be coming to visit, walk the land, and awaken to ever greater loving.
It was clear from the start that we had come together to have fun and eat great food–if you have never been to Lake Arrowhead, a retreat, or a work party, the first thing you need to know is that we really eat well.

For this work party, Veronica Hochede and Marianne Sladzinski led the kitchen team efforts, and designed mouth-watering menus including: French toast, banana-walnut pancakes, scrumptious eggs, organic turkey with mouth-watering mashed potatoes, chicken teriyaki with incredible stir-fry vegetables, and beef tenderloin marinated in olive oil and rosemary (Now that’s roughing it!). As one of the work party participants, Bob Janis, said: “I come for the food!” He wasn’t disappointed.
It was also clear that we came to Arrowhead to do some significant work. The chief tasks were fire prevention activities that included felling two dead trees and disposal of dried up underbrush. We also cleaned out the sanctuary and removed all the items stored there over the winter.
On our first full day Spirit came in to teach us all a lesson or two. The two dead trees were large old growth trees, one pine, and one cedar. Each one topped out at over one hundred and fifty feet tall. Their dry condition made them fire hazards and they had to come down. Felling such huge trees is dangerous even for professionals. We tied each tree off with ropes in the direction we wanted them to fall and Nicolas expertly applied his chain saw. He was ably assisted by Robert Peake who afterwards was sure that he had worked off all his lumberjack karma. After some tense moments we watched the two trees drop exactly where they were supposed to. We were all very relieved.
That evening we ran into another snag: The wood chipper we rented broke down, and had to be exchanged for another. The first day ended with uncertainty as to how much was actually going to get done over the weekend. Spirits were high, however. After a delicious turkey dinner (with all the trimmings), we gathered in the Merrimack House, watched a movie and snacked on fresh baked peanut butter and walnut brownies and ice cream. We just love roughing it!

On Sunday, Spirit showed us that no matter how grim things might look in the moment, it’s never as bad as we think. Actually things turned out much better than expected. We divided into teams and cleared the underbrush and the trails, cleaned the sanctuary and reduced a mountain of dead branches to wood chips.

Meanwhile in the kitchen, after a weekend of Herculean efforts to brew a strong urn of coffee for breakfast, we finally produced a hearty java that satisfied even the most dedicated coffee-meisters.
After dinner Sunday night, we gathered in the sanctuary to bless it and the property for another summer season of events. We stood together in that sacred space where so many beautiful people have stood before us. We laughed while sharing heartfelt memories of retreats and PATs of our own. We then asked a blessing for all those who would come after us to enjoy this precious piece of nature and the sanctity of this room. All of us came into a true state of gratitude and appreciation–for the property has truly blessed us by being available for our re-treat.
By the way, it’s not too late to register for a PAT training if you feel called–these are truly one-of-a-kind experiences and opportunities to connect with the Spiritual Heart in yourself and others. And it’s never too early to sign up for a work party! The next one is planned for Labor Day Weekend. Did we mention the food? In either case, please contact the PTS office at 323-737-4055 for more information. God bless us all.

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