
New Day Herald

Dr. Paul Kaye Presents “What’s It Like Being You?”

Article imageDr. Paul Kaye, President of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA), virtually stunned the entire audience with the clarity, beauty and utter simplicity of his presentation “What’s It Like Being You?”, on May 29th at an open event for newcomers to MSIA. Paul used his wit, charm and spiritual awareness to present an introductory evening of the teachings of MSIA at the 2101 Wilshire building in Santa Monica, CA.

Vincent Dupont, MSIA’s marketing director, was the MC for the evening. He explained that MSIA teaches Soul Transcendence — becoming aware of yourself as a Soul and as one with God, not as a theory but as a living reality. He called in the Light and led a chanting of the “Ani-Hu” (an ancient word for God with an invocation of empathy).

Then Vincent said: “All of us are here in a place called Hollywood. All of us are actors, and all of us are Souls — but do we know we are Souls? Or are we like actors who have forgotten who we are.” Then he turned the meeting over to Dr. Kaye who is also the co-author with Dr. John-Roger of the book, “Momentum: Letting Love Lead.”

“The fact that you took time to be here is a great statement to yourselves,” Paul said. “It seems like we are always looking for the latest Savior…All of us are, at one time or another, trying to be someone other than who we are. The whole point of this evening is to see whether our awareness MOVES.” He then led the audience in a 30-second breathing exercise, “just relaxing, just kind of being ourselves.”

Paul drew a line down the middle of a large sheet of a paper on an easel pad, labeling one side, “True Self,” and the other, “False Self.” Using suggestions from the audience, he wrote under “False Self,” who we think we are: concerns about money, false ego, insecurity, distorted self-image, fear, lack, lust, judgment, anger, worry, doubt, impatience and control. Under “True Self,” he wrote, love, honesty, joy and compassion. “It’s who we ARE versus who we THINK we are,” Paul said. “We can look at it; it’s ALL an act.”

Participants willingly went along for the ride, offering excuses for their False Self behavior including: “It’s all my parents fault”; “If I were in charge, I could do better”; “I can’t do it”; “I’m not good enough”; “Not right now”; and “I’m too afraid.”

“There is a way out of this — by going back to our True Self of unconditional loving,” Paul said. He then explained that we can love our false images, things we all have troubles with, our relationships, careers, health and finances. All of the False Selves relate to human conditions or human experiences. We can all be aware of our minds and emotions. What if we are crying out to God? And God is inside, BEING AWARE.

Following 90 seconds of breathing exercises and 60 seconds of silence, Paul said: “We can look at ourselves as humans seeking a Spiritual Experience, when really we are Spiritual Beings having a Human Experience. And basically, we already have a road map — acceptance, cooperation, understanding and enthusiasm.”

He then asked everyone to take their “issues” through their imaginations, emotions and mental processes into their “True Selves.” Members of the audience were then led through five Ani-Hu’s and 60 seconds of silence. “Coming out of the Soul and back into this world, we find the qualities of Soul — love, joy, laughter, peace, honesty with ourselves and compassion.

Statements of acceptance were then solicited from the audience, including a “True Self” point-of-view. One participant remarked: “I’m enough, you are enough, and there’s nothing we have to fix.”

“It’s all an act, anyway,” Paul said. “Practice being your True Self. Plan a new script. Could you live with a new script? That new script could be your Soul,” he continued.

“The Game of Life is and will always be the Game of Life. But the bigger game is the Game of Loving,” Paul concluded.

Also sitting in the audience was Dr. John Morton, Spiritual Director of MSIA, who said, after being asked if he had anything to say, “I LOVE my True Self.”

Vincent Dupont then closed the evening’s program, pointing out that Paul would be available to autograph copies of the Momentum book.

Members of the audience were invited to two upcoming open events. The first is a Question and Answer Session with Dr. Morton on June 10 at 7:30 p.m. pacific time at 2101 Wilshire Blvd., in Santa Monica, and live on the Internet. For more information on how to participate in that event, go to The second is an evening called Spirit in Everyday Life offered by Dr. Kaye on July 2 at 7:30 p.m. at the Sheraton Universal Hotel in Universal City, CA. This event is free and open to the public. Registration begins at 6:30 p.m. at the door. The Sheraton Universal Hotel is located at 333 Universal Terrace Parkway.

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