
New Day Herald

Celebrating Grace and Light at Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Meditation Gardens

Article image Click here for the photo slideshow from the evening of Grace and candlelight labyrinth walk at Prana.

“When people stop to listen and the mind becomes quiet, they sometimes will go to sleep out of habit.

The better choice is to hold yourself alert and awake and to just listen.

Listen for whatever comes forward out of the silence. Listen past the inner conversations of your mind.

When you bring yourself into the silence, you can then experience the knowing and the wisdom that will start flowing.”
–John-Roger, The Tao of Spirit (p.53)

On Tuesday, December 9, Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens and Peace Theological Seminary and College of Philosophy sponsored a beautiful evening devoted to Grace and Light. The evening took place at Prana, the headquarters of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA), festively decorated and vibrating with glad tidings of the season.

Close to sixty people gathered to partake in the blessings of Spirit, coming together for a workshop entitled “What Is Grace?” and an opportunity to experience a sacred candlelight walk on the labyrinth.

Carol Jones, Program Director for Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, opened the event with a warm welcome for all and an invocation of the Light. After chanting Ani Hu together (both words come from Sanskrit; “Ani” meaning empathy or compassion and “Hu” as a name for God), we were treated to some joyous entertainment as Angel Gibson, Kevin McMillan, and Barbara Wieland sang “What Child Is This?” Carol then introduced Angel as not only a woman of many talents, but also our facilitator for the evening’s workshop. We were treated to Angel’s warmth, humor, and down-to-earth loving as we opened ourselves to experience God’s grace.

We explored practical aspects of grace, including how we currently experience it in our lives and identifying areas where we would like to open to receive more grace. One way to look at our evening is that we touched on ways to open to grace with all the levels of our consciousness.

Spiritually, we can open to grace by just that—by being open! We can ask for grace for the highest good (since God knows more about what is going on in any situation than we might). We can invite Spirit and grace to be with us beyond anything that words might say or actions might do. And all of this can take place instantly, without long rituals or delay. While exploring the question “What is grace?” Angel shared some words from John-Roger: “Grace is loving God.” Even simply typing those words brings an experience of grace, and that there isn’t anything more to say—just go right beyond the words!

Mentally, we can bring our awareness to grace more fully by practicing observation. We can rise in altitude and perspective, as if being lifted by a balloon, and learn to simply look and observe what is going on in our lives or any situation. We can ask, “Where is the Grace in this situation?” We can also place ourselves forward into the Light. Angel shared how “LIGHT” can also be seen as an acronym for “Living In God’s Holy Thoughts.” What a great way to open to experience grace!

Emotionally, some of the ways we can open ourselves to God’s grace include simply bringing our attention to grace. During the workshop, we did an exercise answering the question, “What is grace for you?” We called out answers and Angel gamely scribed them onto a large piece of paper for all to see and enjoy. Afterward, Angel noted how just by doing that, the energy of grace seemed more present in the room. When we bring our attention to grace, we can become more aware of it automatically and naturally. What a sweet, precious (and fun!) gift that is.

Physically, a great way to open to grace is to relax. And another is to keep moving—especially if we find ourselves feeling stuck or “under the law” in some way (an attitude, a judgment, any kind of downward spiral). We did this literally during our evening together by walking the labyrinth following the workshop portion of the evening. Before we began, we experienced another way to open to grace spiritually with a meditation. After sharing with each other for much of the evening, the meditation gave us time to be with Spirit and receive a gift of God’s grace.

The labyrinth walk was a silent, sacred time of moving in spiritual inner awareness. After an introduction by Carol sharing some of the ways people have turned to labyrinths throughout history as a way to connect with Spirit, we moved into the clear night air to continue our celebration of Grace and Light. The labyrinth slowly filled with people, each carrying a candle, each walking to their inner rhythm with Spirit. There was a stillness and womb-like sense around the labyrinth, as if an envelope of loving energy came present to hold everyone and deliver grace to each in perfect ways. Just being in the energy that was present was a gift of grace.

After the labyrinth walk, we gradually made our way to the lovely Prana rotunda, to experience more of grace on all levels of consciousness, with some exquisite physical treats in the form of each other’s company and delectable desserts prepared by our loving chefs, Claudie and Guillaume Botte. Amidst apple crumble, sliced pears with slivered almonds, whipped cream, coffee and tea, we mingled together and enjoyed more of the grace and peace present with us.

Here is what some of the participants had to say in response to the question, “How did you experience Grace this evening?”:

“I wasn’t thinking about what I was going to do later! I had another discovery as well. Every time I walk the labyrinth I experience an amazing paradoxical freedom along a constrained path. I am giving myself more & more freedom to walk however I walk on that path. This is a great evolution from thinking I have to control my mind or anything. Just freedom. That’s what grace is for me tonight.”

“While on the labyrinth, I was focused. As long as I was on the path, every time I looked up and “strayed,” I felt no anxiety because I always saw my good friend who I came with close by me. I realized that love keeps crossing my path. My friend was always in eyesight. So stay positive and love will keep finding you! I didn’t have to go looking or searching—it’s always there. The labyrinth helped bring more of a realization of what was discussed in the workshop.”

“An experience of letting go!”

“It’s not a vocal thing or something I can say—it’s a feeling; a safe, cleansing feeling.”

From one of our happy chefs: “I can stay all night long—it’s my divine job.”

“Great dessert!”

“I remember the beginnings of Prana and I haven’t been here for about two years. It’s great to be in the energy of a workshop and Prana. This is a really neat place.”

“I am a miracle! I’m here, and it’s a miracle!”

And a miracle sounds like a good note to end on. May you experience miracles of grace in your life throughout each day, and abundant blessings to you and all you touch!

Please join us for the upcoming MSIA Family Christmas Eve Seminar with John-Roger and John Morton (health and schedule permitting), live in Santa Monica & worldwide via the Internet in English & Spanish. The seminar is scheduled for 3:00-5:00 PM Pacific time on Wednesday, December 24. For more information, please contact MSIA at 323.737.4055 or at God bless you!

Baruch Bashan
(The Blessings Already Are)

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