
New Day Herald

One United Family of Awakening Hearts: Insight I for MSIA Ministers

Article image Click here to view the photo slideshow from the Insight 1 for MSIA Ministers.

For three splendid evenings and two magical days, over 200 MSIA Ministers from around the world gathered in Santa Monica, California to enjoy the first Insight I for MSIA Ministers Only. It was a wonderful opportunity to bring our Insight and MSIA Ministerial families together to experience the beauty and power of the Traveler’s teachings.

MSIA Ministers came from England, Italy, France, Mexico, Canada, Honduras, Australia, and Chile as well as throughout the United States including Maine, Colorado, Missouri, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Florida, Maryland, Texas, Wisconsin, and of course, California. Some folks had been participants in the very first Insight Seminar in 1978. Some had taken Insight Seminars many times over, and still others had served as Assistants in Insight Seminars. Some Ministers were choosing to have their very first Insight experience surrounded by the love and Light of their fellow Ministers of God.

The first blessing of the seminar began on Wednesday evening with the ordinations of three new MSIA Ministers. Then, for each and every day of the training, we were blessed with the abundant humor, wisdom and inspiration of our three precious facilitators — John-Roger, Founder of Insight, Russell Bishop, Creator of Insight, and John Morton, Spiritual Director for Insight. Each of our beloved facilitators gave their very best with enduring love and support. We laughed, cried, danced and hugged as our hearts continually awakened in the joy of our Oneness. Candace Semigran, Chief Executive Officer of Insight Seminars, served as our lovely hostess and Rick Ojeda & Joey Hubbard headed up a super team of devoted, reassuring assistants. NOW Productions was right there on hand providing the perfect sound and light show for our special journey.

As Ministers, we brought forward our ministerial blessings through the Insight processes. The processes took on new, deeper and more tender meanings. The room became filled with a sense of excitement and fun, as we received wondrous gifts from Spirit, simply by choosing to serve others as we serve ourselves. As a seminar participant, I realized a greater sense of how my heart is ever-awakened when I choose to serve the Lord. I experienced again and again that service truly is its own reward and the perfect way to know that the blessings already are.

On Sunday morning, the participants in the Insight 1 for Ministers joined the monthly Los Angeles Ministers’ Meeting. For my virgin Los Angeles Ministers’ Meeting experience, I found myself deeply moved by the friendship so generously extended to me. I felt right at home sitting amongst over 250 of my Ministerial brothers and sisters, all of us choosing to serve the Lord and support one another as we do God’s work in this world. I especially enjoyed the sharings of the Ministers who chose to be of service by entertaining us with their humor and creativity, enlightening and uplifting us all. Two new Ministers were ordained, and we basked in an exquisitely powerful moment as John Morton officiated a bliss-filled baby blessing. As I left the meeting, I felt a bit stunned, divinely and gratefully so. Loving one another just the way we are is both ordinary and magnificent. I experienced renewed energy to serve as an MSIA Minister and a greater awareness of how being of service is often simply about opening one’s heart to another.

Later on Sunday in the Insight Seminar, with one simple spark of generosity, an abundance of generous donations poured forth from the Ministers to help one another participate in Insight Seminars around the world. It was a magnificent demonstration of giving and receiving as Ministers who asked for financial assistance were instantly taken care of by their Ministerial brothers and sisters who put their bodies, and their money, on the line. Our Insight experiences as Ministers were blossomings and re-blossomings of our awakening hearts in the Spirit of service.

By Sunday evening’s candle-lighting graduation ceremony, we gathered as one united family of God choosing to bring the Light into the world. As Ministers participating in Insight Seminars, more than ever before we are reaching out to one another, sharing our awakening hearts, serving ourselves and others.

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