
New Day Herald

A Profoundly Peaceful Invocation by John Morton at MSIA’s April Webcast

Article image Click here to view the photo slideshow from the Seminar with John Morton on April 23rd, 2005.

It was just before noon when we arrived at the 2101 Building in Santa Monica on Saturday, April 23rd, for the Q&A with John Morton, and the sun was just beginning to burn off the morning’s haze. There were many long-time MSIAers in attendance, and they kept arriving even after the seminar had begun.

Kelly had the duty at Mistress of Ceremonies for the day, and she welcomed all those in the Brentwood Ballroom as well as those participating online. She also offered thanks to the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA) for sponsoring the event. She discussed MSIA as a means to practical spirituality, reminding us that Soul Awareness Discourses are the primary form of studying the teachings.

Then Kelly introduced a video clip of John Roger, founder and spiritual advisor of MSIA, speaking about the tools and the teachings. Next Kelly brought Bob Tackney up on stage, and Bob played guitar and sang, “In My Soul Is A Story,” which he had written himself.

Next were a couple of Moment of Peace video clips, the first featuring John Morton on his recent trip to Thailand, with a promo for the upcoming Thailand trip scheduled in January-February, 2006. The second Moment of Peace featured John-Roger in several different areas of the world, in which he stated that he has found Spirit in every place in the world that he has gone.

Kelly then introduced John Morton, who led us in an invocation, an attunement to Spirit, which was profoundly peaceful. He emphasized that we become willing to be aligned to the Highest Good of All Concerned, and described a vision of Light, Wisdom, Grace, and Wholeness. He asked that we bring peace and freedom to those all around us, and that we find peace in simple things and simple ways. He spoke also about our constant companionship with the Lord. You can hear this invocation and the entire archive of the event at

John then opened the seminar to questions from participants, first from those on the Internet. The first was a sharing more than a question, and it came from a Nigerian who was logging on from Germany. It was a testimonial as well as a request to be remembered.

The next question from an Internet participant was: “Is the spiritual energy as profound on the Internet as it is if one were physically in the seminar room?” John answered, “I don’t know, my experience is always in the seminar room.” But he added that one can expand their intention and determine to receive the full learning regardless of where they are. John spoke at length about patience, about trusting God, and that all of God’s creation is valuable for learning.

Another question from a participant on the Internet, this time from Colombia: “How can I show loving and still fire one of my employees?” John advised to the person to own any discomfort, and to observe whether the job is being performed, rather than enter into judgment or rejection.

In the Brentwood Ballroom, a participant asked: “How can I be more patient, and still get off my butt and do it?” John described his experience at the Olympic Games, where superb athletes demonstrate energetic intensity and a complete relaxation at the same time.

From France, an Internet participant asked: “What is “Anointing,” and if I were, how would I know it?” John referred to a physical anointing, such as that described in the New Testament of the Bible in the baptizing of Jesus by John the Baptist.

John closed his portion of the seminar with the words, “Baruch Bashan,” which means The Blessings Already Are.

Kelly once again took the stage, and announced that the next scheduled Internet Event will be a webcast class with John Morton called Momentum: Letting Love Lead. This class will be held at 2101 Wilshire Blvd in Santa Monica and live on the Internet at on Tuesday, May 17th at 6:30 p.m. pacific daylight time.

And, here’s some encouragement to participate with us on Tuesday, May 17th, regardless of where you are:

From one of our Internet participants in Miami:
Regarding a question about the difference, if there is one, between the Live Seminar and watching it on my laptop — having been blessed to experience them in both ways, I find the experience is really all about me and my willingness to participate, to invest myself. It’s based on my attitude. If I look at my screen and see myself separate from John or whoever is on the screen, which being human I can easily do, then I experience separation, lack, etc., which I have. When I move into our Oneness and see the broadcast as simply a practical vehicle, a tool, a co-created creation between the Lord and people who due technical stuff to bring the Lord to my lap top just so I, and my brothers and sisters around the world, can experience that connection within through one more Divine and clever way, then there is no sense of separation. There is no sense of lack. There can’t be because it doesn’t exist. But it really is about my choosing to use this experience for my upliftment and growth, to see the good in all of it, regardless of the screen freezing or the distortions in the sound. To move into my gratitude that I, just little ol’ me laying around on a Saturday afternoon with this piece of machinery on my lap and a couple of earphones stuck in my ears, can have a real, here and now, absolutely exquisite experience of the Lord’s presence. Thank you, John, and everyone, once again.

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