
New Day Herald

REACH-ing to Our MSIA Family in Nigeria… and Beyond

Article imageBack in 2003, MSIA closed the formal organization and church structure in Nigeria. There were a number of good reasons for doing so, not the least of which was that the way we were working with people there did not support them in their learning and growing in certain areas.

While on the one hand, the change in our way of dealing with Nigeria was a great opportunity, on the other hand, it presented a number of challenges to these lovely people—largely financial—in keeping their subscriptions to study materials active. Because, under the new policy they had to pay the same amount for these materials as anyone else anywhere else in the world. That’s $100 per year for Discourses or SAT tapes, and in the case of Nigeria, and additional $20 shipping.

A hundred dollars is not an insignificant amount for anyone, and in Nigeria it was somewhat more significant than for most others because the average annual income for MSIA people in that country is between $500 and maybe $3000 US. The high end incomes we saw were around $6000. Imagine trying to come up with $120 with that kind of income. So, as you might expect, many MSIA students just let their subscriptions lapse.

Cost was not the only problem. Trying to get money out of Nigeria through their banking system requires something akin to an act of God or a miracle of the magnitude of parting the Red sea. In fact, to date we have never been successful at effecting a bank transfer. However, despite an incredibly inefficient mail system, when the new guidelines took effect in Nigeria, a few intrepid souls still manage to send their full payment to the MSIA office in Los Angeles.

This was the status quo for many months. Then John Morton stepped forward. While he was not in disagreement with changing a system that was not working, at the same time, he felt that as he was the Traveler responsible for the initiates in Nigeria, he wanted to help.

Possibly the first public mention of this was at the Conference Ministers Meeting in Los Angeles in July, 2004. John mentioned that he was looking for a way to make it more practical for all Nigerians who were looking for the Traveler’s teachings to be able to receive them. That was the planting of the seed, which lay fallow for another month. And then a sprout appeared.

It took the form of a meeting with John and the Los Angeles Ministerial Board at Prana, also attended by the MSIA Presidency. In that meeting John presented a vision of a volunteer body, largely a ministerial service but not a ministerial board responsibility, that would assist in funding requests for primary study subscriptions. He emphasized that this was not to be a burden on the church administration and that he would continually check with John-Roger to make sure the new approach was not supporting the flaws of the old approach.

From that meeting, a group of people stepped forward, responding not only to John’s call, but to a heartfelt inner calling to assist. A committee was formed, advised by John who attends all the meetings, and took on the name of MSIA REACH. The seed was further nurtured by generous donations from the Travelers Foundation and some individuals and other REACH Team members. As a result of that, six requests for assistance with Discourse subscriptions were filled and a letter sent to 649 Nigerian students letting them know of the existence of the fledgling REACH Team.

The procedure described in the letter was simple: They would communicate their request for assistance to the REACH Team and indicate how much they could afford to contribute toward their subscription. Their contribution was very important because it was a tangible demonstration that they were participating fully. They were told that each request would be considered, and that their contribution would be applied toward other requests to the REACH Team.

While this was going on, Alexandra Roberts, the chairperson of the REACH Team, was spending hours in the middle of the night, on the Internet and in phone calls to bank officials in Nigeria, attempting to find ways to make it easy for Nigerian students to deposit their donations into a bank account that could then be managed via the Internet by the church in Los Angeles. Several times it appeared as if she might be succeeding, and as many times the process collapsed before completion. It was beginning to look like a viable solution was simply not possible.

But then an amazing thing started happening. MSIA REACH began receiving letters from Nigerian students requesting assistance. While that was remarkable in itself, the really amazing thing was that the letters also included payment. Under the old system when MSIA had an official organization in Nigeria, they were receiving the equivalent of about $8 US for subscriptions — and, of course, none of the funds ever reached the US. So the net inflow to the church was zero, while the outflow was the cost of Discourses plus shipping. Multiply this by the over 20 years MSIA had been active in Nigeria and you begin to get an idea of the scope of the situation.

Now we began receiving US dollars, and not just a few of them. The first letter we received included $50 US. Twenties and tens were not uncommon and a few people sent the full amount: $100 for the subscription and $20 for the shipping. Even more motivating were the letters of gratitude and joy at being able to receive their Discourses and the joyful donations from these people so they, too, could support the MSIA REACH effort.

In January, 2005, John spoke to the ministers at the Los Angeles Ministers meeting about the REACH effort. In his own inimitable way he communicated that in order to meet the costs, money was needed. As timing would have it, this meeting was on the same weekend as the PTS Doctor of Spiritual Science classes (DSS) which brings together people from all across the US. The ministers meeting was jam packed, and the people present dug deep. Contributions of $5, $10 and $25 began coming in, and one couple was moved to donate $5000 in funds to be matched against other funds raised.

With this, about 30% of the potential need to accommodate the Nigerian students was raised. Which, of course, prompted John to go into expansion mode. At the next MSIA REACH meeting he announced his vision was now that anyone with genuine need of financial assistance for their primary study materials would be considered by REACH. Immediately this was communicated to students from Siberia, where income is meager by US standards, and all requests for assistance were referred to MSIA REACH.

Behind the scenes things were also exciting. Since the Nigerian orders were not to be handled by the church staff, procedures for tracking donations and fulfilling requests needed to be established. It was essentially creating a whole new department of the church staffed entirely by volunteers, but which had to be structured efficiently and professionally so it could interface with church personnel and not create more work for them. Between the Traveler’s vision and the support of the church presidency and staff and the willingness of the MSIA REACH volunteers, things began to take shape.

Today, things are still in the formative stages, though the outline is clear and the structure is beginning to be filled in. We have begun to seek MSIA REACH Reps in MSIA communities around the US and in other countries to assist in holding the vision, communicating developments and being available to facilitate donations being sent to MSIA REACH in Los Angeles.

Is it working? Magnificently. We wanted you to know and to share these almost poetic expressions of thanks and joy we have received from our family in Nigeria. We also wanted to let you know that if you are moved to support REACH—either by becoming an MSIA REACH Rep or donating toward the fund to assist those seeking the Traveler’s teachings, we gladly welcome your participation.

MSIA REACH is a labor of love for those working with it. It’s also a continual lesson in seeing, with a little help from the Traveler, just how far love can REACH.

Donations or requests for assistance may be sent to:
3500 W. Adams Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90018

Here are letters received by the MSIA REACH team from Nigerian MSIAers in thankfulness for the financial assistance they have received to continue their Discourse and SAT subscriptions.


I am grateful to the Spirit, Preceptor and the Mystical Traveler for their loving in granting favor to Nigeria.

I am a minister whose ministerial credentials require renewal since Nigeria’s problem started. My Discourse also is no longer current.

I therefore, through this forum enclose the sum of $60.00 (Sixty Dollars) [US] as part of my donation for my 8th Discourse subscription.

Although, I know that without this grace extended to us in Nigeria it would have been difficult to continue with discourse subscription.

I again particularly thank John Morton for the divine love, guidance and grace for the MSIA Reach Programme.

Yours in service of Love,

Beloved Alexandra,

Blessing. I got your prompt response to my request. I do not know how to express my joy and gratitude to you all in MSIA REACH. Thank you all immensely for your work of charity you have extended to me. I am very much happy about it.

I am now going to arrange for my $50 donation which I have to pay as soon as possible.

My Beloved Brother,

Is so nice to hear from you again. Actually we have not receive any of the Discourse, with your information we are expecting it soonest. Though I have received four packs of Discourses for other students towards the end of March I just hope my wife’s one will soon arrive.

I also want you to inform MSIA REACH that we have just concluded the part three of the Sacred Tone Workshop we started in Port Harcourt early this year, though we are still reaching out beyond Port Harcourt with the program. At the conclusion in Port Harcourt on Easter Sunday the students took a group picture that will soon get to MSIA REACH via post office soonest.

Convey my heartfelt greetings to the entire members of MSIA REACH including my beloved travelers J-R and JM. We appreciate all their love, care and support in every where and in everything.

In conclusion I say once more, may the Light of the most high that knows it all shine and show MSIA REACH the way forward; baruch bashan.

Dear Sir,

During my seminar last Sunday, at the above address, the following applicant cried out stating their inability to afford their Discourse renewal. Fortunately, they were informed on the new MSIA Reach development which came to salvage Discourse subscribers.

It is pertinent to say that this joy motivated them to borrow the sum of $50.00 each for their renewal.

I would want you to assist them and send their Discourses as to enable the rest members to be aware of the new approach in practices.

Thanks in anticipation.
Yours in Loving,

NOTE: Two of them paid $50.00 each brings the total to $100.00. Thanks for your regards.

Blessing all the ways, Happy New year. I am writing from the abundance of joy in my heart. Your letter of December 10, 2004 brought a big relief to me. Before your letter arrival I’ve been thinking what would I do,with my spiritual journey. My SAT is due for a renewal and yet no way out. My thanks and love to all who took time to remember us down here in Nigeria. I appreciated all the step taken to reduce at least the tension in my head. Once more thank you immensely for your understanding and initiative extended to us and world at large. May I request for an assistance towards my SAT renewal. I want to pay 50 dollars and I want to assist me for the balance in sending my SAT tape to me.

L and L

Dear Sir,

Donation for my Discourses and Ministerial Renewal

I wish to thank God that despite my protracted unemployment circumstance, I have been able to get my donation, which I am sending along with this letter. Therefore, enclosed herewith is the sum of One Hundred and Forty Five ($145.00) Dollars, out of which, One hundred and Twenty Dollars is for the Discourses and Twenty-Five ($25.00) dollars for my Ministerial renewal Fee.

I also want to respond that I do not have Ministerial renewal form as indicated in your e-mail to me. So send me the form.

Finally I wish all of you in the REACH team, God’s Blessings. Thank you for the opportunity given to me to grow in spirit and in truth.

In Light and Love,

Thank God

Dear Alexandra Roberts,

This is to inform you that I have received the Discourses for my Eight (8th) year in a very good condition. I received them precisely on the 17th of February, 2005. I therefore use this medium to most profoundly thank MSIA Reach Team, particularly, John Roger, John Morton and all the members of the Reach Team for the wonderful support given to me.

I also wish to express my deep appreciation to the Reach Team to have considered me among the first beneficiaries of the Reach Team’s Support. May the God Almighty and the Master forces of Light and Sound continue to bless and reward your efforts at alleviating the spiritual problems of Nigerian and Ghanain students of MSIA. Amen. On a personal level, your action has again rekindled my hope of attaining the kingdom of heaven while alive or death.

Let me also state here that I will send my donation to the Reach Team in not too distant date so as to benefit maximally from the process. However, I wish to use this medium to request for the Reach Team’s prayers to intercede in my protracted unemployment situation. I have been unemployed for the past three years which has adversely affected me financially. But I thank God and the Traveler that I have been in relatively good health.

Finally, without being selfish, I appeal to the Reach Team to also assist me in my ministerial status renewal. My heartfelt greetings to all of you in the Reach Team. God bless you!

With Light and Love,
Thank God

From a student in Nigeria who was gifted by the REACH team and turned around and sent in a donation back to continue the support of REACH.

All I am asking is the Light that knows all should always and forever support MSIA REACH so they can give all the loving support and service to MSIA Nigeria, believe it, you guys have a large family here.


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