
New Day Herald

The Staff Parties On — Holiday Celebration at Prana, 2006

Article image Click here to view a photo slideshow by David Sand from the Staff Holiday Party at Prana, December 2006.

Every year at Christmastime, the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA) throws a party for MSIA staff and the staffs of related organizations. Traditionally it is held at Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, MSIA headquarters and an historic mansion that has been restored to and exceeds its original beauty and magnificence. To my observation, the party embodies the excellence and elegance of the work these people do and reflects back to them the loving that is at the heart of the Traveler’s teachings.

Over 200 staff members and spouses filled the place, representing MSIA, Peace Theological Seminary and College of Philosophy (PTS), NOW Productions (who were, of course, all at work making sure the event was recorded for posterity and that everyone could hear every word and whisper) the Heartfelt Foundation, the Institute for Individual and World Peace (IIWP), Insight Seminars and the University of Santa Monica (USM). And, of course, John-Roger and his personal staff were there and by all appearances fully enjoying the festivities. From start to finish it was a day of joy, camaraderie and fun.

The event began with spiritual exercises at noon, followed by a gathering at the labyrinth where the Light was called in by the day’s omelet chef, John Morton (yes, it’s true, he who would lead is often the greatest servant). Immediately following was the enthusiastic consumption of an opulent feast, with poached salmon and roast of beef as the main features, and so many other goodies, it would take the entire article to describe them. MSIA volunteers worked tirelessly to prepare and present the sumptuous repast (one is compelled to use words like these to even begin to convey the mood and presentation of the meal) so that the staff members could be the honored guests.

It would not be an MSIA party if there was not tons of fun and entertainment. And this was, indeed, an MSIA party and fun abounded. The French contingency of the MSIA Presidency, Vincent Dupont, hosted the entertainment portion of the day proving that the letter “f” starts both Francais and funny.

What ensued was an hour or so of absolutely wonderful, heartfelt, topnotch entertainment that absolutely embodied the spirit of the day. Among the presentations that stick in my mind were a dramatic presentation by Tamsin Rothschild, an original song composed and sung by Milo Page, a heartfelt acapella Christmas carol sung by Elizabeth Dumont, Marjorie Eaton’s angelic harping, a sweet sing-along version of Silent Night led by Jan Shepherd with Helen and Alan Bradley, Nat Sharratt singing an original song revealing his appreciation for Mrs. Claus, and a valiant effort at entertainment by the Prana (the original name of Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens) Administrative Team. Jsu Garcia sang a song he and J-R wrote for the movie Spiritual Warriors, and Kevin McMillan and Eric Albrecht sang a wonderfully complex and haunting duet.

However, none of the presentations could really compare with the USM staff grande musicale, which obviously requires the full time effort of several staff members over several months to create their production. We understand from a reliable source (okay, we muscle tested) that the production has grown to consume fully 62% of the USM annual operating budget (just kidding). However, judging from the smiles on the faces of Drs. Ron & Mary Hulnick, they consider it time and money well spent.

The formal part of the party ended with a brief talk by John Morton, who simply and eloquently expressed the church’s appreciation for those who do the work of the organizations that John-Roger has established. He ended with a blessing that truly capped a magnificent day.

If the intention of the MSIA presidency was to honor and reflect their appreciation for those under their charge, one would have to say they succeeded. It was another fine staff party and the perfect way to usher in the season of the Christ and of joy.

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