
New Day Herald

MSIA Events in San Francisco with John Morton — December, 2006

Article image Click here to view a photo slideshow by David Sand from the MSIA events in San Francisco, December 2006.

Saturday, December 9th, 2006
Open John Morton Seminar

The NorCal MSIA events each year in San Francisco are much like Conference in Los Angeles, except with more manageable numbers of people, and occasional drizzles. The families and faces are warm and friendly, the joy is certainly palpable, and everyone is eager to experience the Traveler’s loving energy.

Volunteers did their very best to create an atmosphere appropriate to the Season of Loving. For this event, open to all, David Wilkinson was MC. He invited a participant to call in the Light, which she did in Ethiopian. Taras Lumiere accompanied himself on guitar and sang “The Rock-a-Bye”, a tender, rocking lullaby. We heard from Lord Tithington (Rev. Paul Kaye), who gave a short and enthusiastic talk about the latest MSIA products; and then we viewed the latest video clips from NOW Productions.

David then introduced two lovely people, one on flute and the other on sitar, who offered a beautiful and peaceful instrumental piece. Then David brought John Morton up to the stage, and John welcomed John-Roger to the room as well.

John began by telling a story about an experience in a local restaurant, and his attempt to order food without onion or garlic. He went on to discuss the amazing amount of profound information that has been brought forward through the years in MSIA seminars, and he mentioned the very valuable work being done by the John-Roger Library and Archive, preserving the teachings in an excellent way.

He talked about how we can assure ourselves that the circumstances that have brought us to this point in our lives are correct, and he offered each of us the gift of Correctness. He suggested that we can claim this Correctness in our life.

He then reminded us all of some of the essential teachings of the Movement: Not One Soul Will Be Lost, and that God corrects all things; Many are called and few are chosen, because few choose back; Love is working always, in All Ways; The Beloved is the One who loves completely.

John offered everyone a second gift: We don’t have to do anything. We are free, and not obliged to pretend we like things we don’t. He stated that the energy or force of Spirit is EXPANSIVE. And he added that we could take on the job of smiling.

He commented that one of the signs of MSIA is that we get together, we touch, we embrace, we move to the Spirit inside. And part of the gift is: There is always progression. He referred to a work by Charles Dickens, “A Christmas Story,” and said that there was not a lot of materiality, but a great deal of joy in Scrooge’s nephew’s family.

He urged us to find the wisdom of the Magi, and follow that star to the birth of Christ, the Consciousness of the Beloved. He closed with “Baruch Bashan,” which means “The Blessings Already Are.” David Wilkinson came back to the dais to close the evening, and we exited out to the rain and the city, seeking dinner and Spirited companionship.

Sunday, December 10, 2006
Ministers’ and Initiates’ Question and Answer Seminar

In the early morning hours, many MSIAers could be seen padding out into the misty morning to find coffee (myself among them), to buy a morning newspaper, to join friends for early breakfasts, since the Q & A didn’t begin until 11:00 AM.

Jim Stratigakis and his wife Roseanne were the designated MC’s for the festivities. Jim first introduced a lady named Cynthia, who sang and led the group in a hilarious version of “The Twelve Days of Christmas,” ending each verse with “A one-way ticket to the Soul Realm.” Then we were treated to a viewing of the new CDs and DVDs expressly for MSIA Ministers. And finally, Laila Millar graced us with a classic rendition of an old song based on text from the Book of Genesis, “Oh, Had I Jubal’s Lyre,” which she performed masterfully.

Jim came back to introduce John Morton, with a very personal and a very heart-felt thank you to the members of the MSIA community for the support that he and Roseanne have received during her hard-fought return to health, and to John Morton for his ministry to their family.

John began by asking all to send Light to John-Roger, who was in the back of the room, and he reminded us that the Q & A format is an opportunity to share, to minister and to be ministered to. And he underscored the availability of Ordinariness.

The first person asked a question about ministering to self first. John’s response had to do with being conscious of our Self, having compassion for our Self, and practicing forgiveness for forgetting that we are divine. He referenced Mother Teresa’s ministry in India, and suggested that we ask for help if we need it.

Next, a participant requested assistance with a belief system that produces impatience. John spoke about coming into detached observation, since all is temporary here. Someone asked about not taking responsibility, and John said, “Ask yourself this question: Where is the loving? Where’s the blessing? How can I make the most of this?” He added that everything is for upliftment, learning and growth.

Someone living in an isolated area asked about their ministry, and John reminded them of the importance if Awareness, Intention, Attention, and re-sourcing of Self. To another participant he talked about turning the other cheek, respectfulness, and stated that Happiness is not restricted by what’s in the world. One person asked their question in Spanish, and John’s message was that seeking perfection in the world can lead to separation. He added that Perfect Partnership is with the Self, inside, and Spiritual Marriage is a union in the Spirit.

Jim and Roseanne closed the meeting, and what followed was a huge buffet of delectable foods prepared by the Hyatt Fisherman’s Wharf. We all had opportunity to mingle and chat while we dined, renewing old friendships and catching up with everyone.

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