As usual I arrive early to enjoy the fellowship of my spiritual family and to assist where I can in setting up for this evening’s webcast class on Spiritual Exercises with John Morton, spiritual director of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA). After placing my belongings down in the “press box,” I roll up my sleeves, and am given the opportunity to serve once again in a few different ways. I love variety. It’s part of the fun and the joy in Spirit with the Traveler.
Before I know it the room is filling up, and it is nearing the time to start the class. I join my fellow eNDH reporter, Penelope Bright, in the press box to start getting the feel of the room. Nick Segal is on stage as our MC tonight and I love hearing his joyful stereophonic voice. He urges people to start taking their seats as we are about to begin.
Nick welcomes everyone in the ballroom as well as on the Internet around the globe. We also welcome those who are new to an MSIA event and those tuning in for the very first time on the Internet. Nick then does a beautiful and simple Light invocation bringing us all into a quiet and peaceful place.
We are first introduced to Nat Sharratt singing a brand new song he just wrote based on a experience he had this week. The song is entitled “Tears Aren’t The Only Thing These Sunglasses Hide.” In a Johnny Cash voice, with a joyous wit, and donning a pair of dark sunglasses, Nat sings his very funny, clever and entertaining new tune. I don’t think I’ve ever experienced Nat this funny. There is a lot of toe tapping in the room and Nat finishes to a great round of applause. Nat let us know about his new CD, This Life, which is abundant with his original songs is now available in our online store.
Next up is the masterful Marjorie Eaton playing her harp. If you have not heard Marjorie you must treat yourself at some point. Marjorie has a way of bringing the experience of the sound current through her harp playing that will take you to heaven. While Marjorie plays this evening I start feeling like I am being refreshed, sitting at a spiritual fountain of water. It takes me into a green oasis where, with my eyes closed, I can be in Hawaii near a waterfall. It is God strumming the harmonics of my Soul. I am experiencing it throughout my body, tingling and baptizing me with Light. The room is full of beauty and Light. “Ahhhhh.”
Next Nick returns to the stage to do some announcements, speaking a bit about this evening’s sponsors, MSIA & Peace Theological Seminary and College of Philosophy (PTS). Afterwards we watch two video clips, called Moments of Peace, with John-Roger, the Founder of MSIA. One of the clips is on the peace tour that was done in Japan and it is simply stunning.
Nick once again returns to the stage with a warm introduction and welcome to John Morton our facilitator this evening. John receives a warm welcome from everyone in the room (and I imagine from those on the Internet as well). John starts by speaking a bit about MSIA and this evening’s focus of Spiritual Exercises (SE’s for short). As John speaks on the concept of SE’s and how one would go about doing SE’s, he introduces us to John-Roger’s book Spiritual Warrior and turns to the chapter that talks about SE’s. John reads the step-by-step process leading up to the complete action of doing SE’s.
John speaks about focusing on the spiritual centers, moving the consciousness towards God. Opening our awareness to the Spirit inside of us — that it is a time of getting in touch with our spiritual nature rather than doing a mental want list. It is a most sacred time with God and ourselves. John now takes us through the SE process alternating 5 minutes chanting the sacred names of God and 5 minutes listening.
After a time, John invites us to gently bring our consciousness back in the room if we would like to do that, or to keep silently chanting and listening. John then introduces us to Fulfilling Your Spiritual Promise, the newest book by John Roger, a 3 volume set including an index and a glossary. It’s quite a compilation of the Traveler’s teachings. We listen to John refer to some of the chapters that may assist us in going inward to have the experience of SE’s.
Next John introduces a series of video excepts by John Roger that we watch which include some very interesting and helpful information on the subject of SE’s. After the video excerpts, John moves into the Q & A portion of the evening where he is taking questions from participants in the ballroom and from participants on the Internet as well.
In perfect timing, our evening comes to a close. Nick returns to the stage for closing remarks and information regarding MSIA study materials related to SE’s which are 40% off, and are still available in our online store at the reduced price.
It has indeed been another delightful evening and as always I look forward to next month’s spiritual adventure with John Morton when he presents a class titled “As Long As We Shall Love,” which will be webcast live on February 6th starting at 6:30 p.m. pacific standard time. I know I will be here for that. You can come in person to the webcast at 2101 Wilshire Blvd in Santa Monica, CA, or participate online at See you there!
If you’d still like to participate in the Spiritual Exercises class, you can do so through the online archive at