
New Day Herald

It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas — In San Francisco with the Travelers

Article image Click here to view a photo slideshow by David Sand from the MSIA Seminar with John Morton in San Francisco, December 2007.

Click here to view a photo slideshow by David Sand from the MSIA Ministers & Initiates Q&A with John Morton in San Francisco, December 2007.

MSIA travel staff was recently in San Francisco, providing MSIA Services (Innerphasings, Polarity Balances & Aura Balances) as well as MSIA events. Staff member, Angel Gibson, provides these updates from the trip:

DAY 1 – On the Road Again to San Francisco

Here we are. Paul Kaye and I, in one car and Vincent Dupont and the lovely Lesley Freeman in another car caravanning up HWY 5 from Los Angeles to San Francisco. ‘Tis a perfect day for driving. We convene at Urth Caffe on Melrose for a powering breakfast and then we take off at 10ish a.m. for Northern California. Traffic and the weather devas are with us and we just drive effortlessly right into San Francisco by 4:15pm. Of course, our first stop is Whole Foods for essentials and other snacks. We’re beginning to know the Whole Foods in each of the fair cities we visit. I restrain myself from wanting to buy every cute Christmassy thing enticingly displayed at Whole Foods.

Bags in cars we drive on to our hotel, and finally get ourselves settled in for the evening. After a brisk walk to get myself oriented in the neighborhood (oh the Christmas lights and sights and sounds of the harbor and Fisherman’s Wharf delight the child in me), I too settle myself in for some email. Tomorrow we’ll start Services here.

DAY 2 – San Francisco

Sharon Trieste, our San Francisco MSIA Rep, has lovingly set up our Services schedule for today. Thank you to David Reed for bringing all the Services supplies and water. It’s wonderful to see our San Francisco MSIA family and catch up with what’s been happening over the past year. Our day zooms by. I hear that Brooke and Phil Danza arrived in the wee hours last night. Brooke spends the day getting arrangements for our events squared away. Tonight most of the gang opts to do in-room dining. The rain that started as a sprinkle this morning is in full out downpour now, but that doesn’t deter Brooke and I from walking around on the Embarcadero checking out these most wonderfully lit up tourist restaurants. Crab, seafood, Italian food are familiar themes as we walk along splashing in the puddles. “Brrr,” it’s getting cold out here. Finally we go to Pier 39 a definite tourist destination–very colorful with lots of shops, restaurants and a big Christmas tree. We catch a late dinner and enjoy visiting, looking out over the harbor. Walking back is chilling and wet, but still fun. We’re both happy to settle in, do our emails, and watch a bit of TV-hey, I just saw Jsu Garcia as a teen in Wild Cats with Goldie Hawn–what fun to see our own Spiritual Warrior as a youngin’. Well, tomorrow things will get buzzy around here as we’re hoping to have the Travelers and company joining us.

DAY 3 – San Francisco

It’s cold today, but that doesn’t seem to dampen anyone’s spirits around here. Services today are in full swing. As the day progresses we see more and more friends checking into the hotel. The air is buzzing with people going in and out, to and from holiday shopping. J-R, John and the gang all arrive today and Brooke is making sure all is in readiness for them. After Services Vincent, Lesley and I take off for a long walk to our dinner destination. Wow, I didn’t realize I was going to get in some cardio as I look at the hill in front of me. All is worth it though for dinner is yummy, and we work it off on the way home walking. Paul opted for a quiet night in room. Well, time for a few emails, a quick peek at what’s on TV and then to bed. Tomorrow and Sunday will be packed!

DAY 4 — San Francisco

Breakfast is fun today with so many of our MSIA family in the restaurant, table-hopping around. We do just a few Services and then head to the seminar room for our annual Closed MSIA Seminar in San Francisco.
Lee Clausen is our MC for the evening and warmly leads us step by step. Taras Lumiere serenades us, then David Wilkinson assumes the stage with his clarinet and courageously presents a medley of Christmas Carols. He’s joined for the grand finale with his beautiful daughters, Brianna and Danielle with flute and violin for Silent Night; the group can’t resist humming along. Then Lee introduces John and away we go soaring with the Traveler.

Afterwards some of us are taken to the Palace Hotel for dinner. This is quite a grand hotel with a huge atrium and even “huger” Christmas tree gorgeously illuminated with tiny white lights. There’s a big black-tie event happening this evening and people move around us elegantly dressed. There are gingerbread houses on display in the lobby; all is very festive. After dinner we are all happy to be back in our rooms. We pack tonight for after tomorrow’s brunch we will go to Asilomar to prepare for Living in Grace.

DAY 5 – San Francisco and onto Grace

We’re all buzzing around this morning. I manage to grab a quick breakfast meeting with David Sand as we look at next steps for John’s new book that is in production–keep the Light coming on this. Then it’s on to the seminar room and time for an ordination. Then Sharon Trieste, the San Francisco MSIA Rep takes the stage as MC, lovingly and charmingly welcoming us and J-R and John. Laila Millar offers a joyous “Alleluia” and Alethea Lamb enfolds with her pipe music and the space is deliciously and sacredly set for John to be with us.

John begins with stories from his past. We laugh, and are touched as he regales us with his humanness and learnings. Then he opens the floor to questions from the Ministers and Initiates that are present for this feast. Before we know it, this time with the Traveler comes to a close, and we’re in full gear now. Paul and I eat quickly of the brunch (the squash soup was my favorite–ok I had thirds of it) and then check out for we must be on our way towards Asilomar to make an assistants meeting in the early evening. The rest of the crew help with packing up the equipment and then leisurely make their way towards Asilomar.

Our drive to Asilomar was magical as the late afternoon lighting with the sunset brought extraordinary shades of blues, oranges, pinks, grays and golds together. We stop by Whole Foods to shore up our supplies for the week, and then we make it to Asilomar with just enough time to check in and get to the meeting. Once in the meeting we are greeted by our facilitators Jeeni and Howard Lawrence, and our Team Captain, Daniel Melbourne. The theme for us is the One Accord…and it is present from the beginning.

DAY 6 – Asilomar-preparing for Living in Grace

Well, we start at 9 am and go full throttle, but with joy, fun, focus and grace as we prepare the room for the training. We manage to finish in time for dinner which seems miraculous and we know we’ve experienced Grace right from the beginning. We’re grateful to all who assisted us along the way in both San Francisco and at Asilomar. We are grateful to be here for this time of once again reminding ourselves that Grace is with us. I leave you now to go into the training knowing you are with us.

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