
New Day Herald

“Rest & Rejuvenate in the Beloved Within” Workshop with John Morton at MSIA’s Conference of the Rest of Your Life

Article imageClick here to view the photo slideshow from the “Rest and Rejuvenate in the Beloved Within” Workshop at MSIA’s Conference of the Rest of Your Life.

“Rest and Rejuvenate in the Beloved Within” workshop, facilitated by John Morton, was the kick-off event of MSIA’s Conference of The Rest of Your Life. The Ballroom at the Sheraton Universal Hotel had been a beehive of activity up until the doors opened for the workshop, with a dozen or more assistants placing literature on chairs, preparing supplies, and displaying refreshments for the “mingle” time later in the evening.

Willing volunteers are the life-blood of this and all the other Traveler-related organizations. How many years has MSIA been doing its annual Conference? More than 37, at least, and none of them would have happened without our volunteers.

The NOW Productions crew, having spent two days building an extensive audio and video system in the Ballroom, was busily checking wires and microphones, and “tweaking” the finely tuned engineering and electronics. Their “Sound Fort” at the back of the room is a monument to creativity and professionalism.

Our hostess for the evening was Toni Schultz, Peace Theological Seminary’s Director of Undergraduate Studies. She called in the Light (a form of invocation), we chanted the Ani-Hu (an ancient name for God coupled with a word for empathy), and she introduced Jsu Garcia. He was very excited to announce the release of the DVD of the film “Spiritual Warriors,” co-written with John-Roger, and based on the book “Spiritual Warrior,” by John-Roger.

We watched two brief Moment of Peace videos which touched on peacefulness and rest. Toni reminded us all of the ground rules for the workshop, and then introduced John Morton, the facilitator for the evening.

John talked a little about the book “The Rest of Your Life: Finding Repose in the Beloved”, by John-Roger and Paul Kaye. He also spoke about the importance of intention, and the application of the teachings of the Movement to this physical world. He added that MSIA’s work is primarily inside, and individual, and that the power of the Soul transcends the disturbances of this world.

As he went through some basic questions about rest, John recounted stories from his own life. He described the Resting Points that are highlighted in the book, and how these Points, or techniques, can assist us in finding rest daily, now, in this moment.

We then answered a series of questions, working with a partner, to choose how we can have more rest and rejuvenation in our lives.

John closed the workshop with an inner process, or meditative exercise, which ended with the words “Baruch Bashan,” which means “The Blessings Already Are.”

Toni Schultz closed the evening with a few announcements, and delicious refreshments were had by all.

Read more articles from MSIA’s Conference of the Rest of Your Life, 2008

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