
New Day Herald

Insight Seminars’ One World — Connect, Inspire, Create

Article image Click here to view a photo slideshow from the One World Insight I Seminar in New York, October 2008.

New York City — October 17-20, 2008

The first One World Insight I Seminar was truly a global event…with over 135 participants, assistants and facilitators coming together at New York’s Hotel Pennsylvania, in the heart of New York City…coming from cities throughout the United States, Mexico, Canada, Colombia, Venezuela, Australia, India, Uruguay, and Greece.

Offered in a bi-lingual format, with simultaneous translation into Spanish, we witnessed several cultures coming together, learning together, learning from each other, celebrating their unity and diversity — and most of all, awakening to their own hearts, their own divine nature, their own goodness — as they learned tools and techniques they can use every day of their lives to create a world of peace, prosperity and promise…a world where everyone can win.

In this time of great uncertainty regarding the world economy, leadership, environment, healthcare, and international relations, a time in which many people are concerned about how all of this is affecting their families, their personal finances, and their future, participants commented what a perfect time it was to participate in Insight’s ONE WORLD Insight I Seminar…and learn or be reminded of what’s truly important…how to create greater peace, harmony, joy, abundance and security…from the inside out.

Insight’s One World facilitating team consisted of Insight’s President and CEO Candace Semigran, Insight’s Executive Vice President Joey Hubbard, and Senior Spanish and Bi-lingual Facilitator Peter Felsmann. Board Member and Spiritual Advisor John Morton joined the team on Sunday.

The tagline for One World is “Connect — Inspire — Create”. Early on in the seminar, the facilitators shared with us its meaning.

Connect: Connect to your Heart, your Soul, your Source, your goodness.

Inspire: Be Inspired…in Spirit. Learn to trust your intuition and be guided by your natural knowing and from that place you can also inspire others.

Create: Create from that inner place of natural knowing and wisdom the experience you want in your life. From the inside out you can create abundance, peace, joy, fulfillment…first, creating those experiences inside of yourself and then manifesting them in your life in your relationships, jobs, world. But it all starts inside of you first.

The One World Insight I Seminar was offered in a “pay-it-forward” fashion. People came in to the seminar by making a deposit and then near the end of the seminar were invited to make a contribution, a donation, to pay-it-forward and create a seminar in another city or language somewhere in the world. People gave what they could…some could give little…some could give a lot…the beauty of this process was that each person and everyone’s contribution was valued. Offering the seminar in this way also opened the doors to allow people who might not have been able to otherwise participate, to join in the seminar and receive tremendous value.

Comments from participants:

“The language of the heart crosses all perceived barriers…of color, race, language, culture, disability, economic level or life situation.”

“In Insight, I realized that sharing vulnerability and emotions is a strength and not a weakness.”

“I learned there is something more powerful on the planet than anger, hate, doubt, worry or fear — and that is LOVING.”

“I learned I have the power to choose whether to live my life in fear or to live my life in loving…to live my life in lack or to choose abundance…and that it all starts inside of me.”

“The whole world could use this seminar. Imagine what our world would be like if everyone lived their life with integrity, compassion, and mutual respect.”

“I don’t have to let outer circumstances dictate how I feel inside.”

“I don’t need to act depressed to get attention.”

“I can look for the blessings, the good in myself and others…and my life will be happier because of it.”

“I learned to forgive my parents and that is HUGE!”

“I now know the answers are inside of me. I can quit looking to others for the answers. I am learning to trust myself.”

“I learned the power of intention and to focus on what I want…not on what I don’t want. The facilitators said something about what we focus on, we create. Our energy follows our thoughts. I know I want to create a happy, healthy, abundant, successful and joyful life…so that is what I am now focusing on.”

“I learned I was looking at others to validate my success and my worthiness…and that it won’t matter what others say about me…I have to believe in myself first.”

“I learned a simple key to go for what I want in my life:
Do more of what works.
Do less of what doesn’t.
Try new things.”

“I learned the value in being present in each moment…that going into my past I can easily go into judgment…that going into my future I can easily go into worry and concern…but that staying in the present moment I can come into that center of who I am, my center of peace…and all is well.”

“I learned three keys to live my life by:

Giving back to the community:

The One World Seminar also offered an opportunity for the participants to give back to their local community. A service project is being organized for participants to volunteer at a local Boys & Girls Club and serve youth ages 5-13.

Another graduate is organizing a series of Insight seminars specifically for the Spanish speaking population in NYC.

Los Angeles — November 14-17, 2008

Now the focus of One World shifts to Los Angeles. The next One World Seminar will be held in Los Angeles, California November 14-17 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel near the Los Angeles International Airport.

We invite you to join us in Insight’s bold new initiative and assist us in reaching out to people who haven’t yet received the benefits of participating in an Insight Seminar.

If you are a graduate, we have a special offer for you as part of our 30th anniversary year … to come back and take the seminar again and bring a friend. Call our office to find out about this special offer and how to register.

As in New York, the Los Angeles One World Seminar will be offered in a bi-lingual format with simultaneous translation into Spanish available for our Spanish-speaking participants.

We invite you to come play, come learn, come join us in creating a world of peace, prosperity and promise from the inside out.

When: Friday, November 14, 2008 through Monday, November 17, 2008

Where: Crowne Plaza Hotel, 5985 Century Blvd., Los Angeles, California 90045

To register or for more information, visit: or call 1-800-311-8001 ext. 108.

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