
New Day Herald

Spiritual Warriors at the Woodstock Film Festival

Article imageClick here to view photos from the Spiritual Warriors screening at the Woodstock Film Festival, September 2009

It was truly an honor and a pleasure to be present for the viewing of Spiritual Warriors at the Woodstock Film Festival on September 6th. Despite the late hour and the fact that it was the next to the last film in a weekend long festival, there were 35-40 souls on board! It was a real Woodstock crowd complete with tie die clothes and a performance artist named Benny from Australia pictured here in his political garb.

It was quite wonderful to be the only MSIA person present and to observe an unbiased audience. I was delighted to witness their interest and enthusiasm. They were genuinely touched and very grateful to receive the free Spiritual Warrior books.

Having been a bit nervous all day in anticipation of hosting the Q&A, I prayed on my way in that Spirit bring present only those who were meant to be there and that I not be concerned by how many came. Once I arrived, I was just fine and enjoyed seeing the Spiritual Warriors film for the eighth time. We had a good discussion of the portrayal of good and evil and one man’s transformation of consciousness. One person asked how the movie is doing in terms of making money, noting how expensive it must have been to film on location. I said I did not know about the money side of things, but that I did not think that was the primary intention of making this movie. I suggested that the gratification was perhaps not financial but rather the blessing of advancing spiritual awakening and understanding.

It was a great pleasure and honor for me to have the opportunity to serve in this way and I loved seeing all those Spiritual Warrior books going out into the universe. It was a very blessed evening.

And from Woodstock Museum Film Festival Founder — Nathan Koenig

Spiritual Warriors was effectively chosen to culminate Woodstock Museum’s 10th Annual film festival whose theme this year was “change.” Change in consciousness brought about by the consideration of infinite possibilities with forces we encounter each day, would probably do less harm than current social models and maybe even improve our chances for surviving the 21st Century. We thank the makers of Spiritual WarriorsDr. John-Roger and Dr. Jsu Garcia for opening our minds to less mundane dimensions. Our audience thanks you too. We are also grateful to your associate Judith Johnson, who did a fine job fielding questions from a challenging Woodstock crowd.

Please see attached photos. Thank you!!!

Love & Peace is the Way,
Nathan Koenig

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