
New Day Herald

Sam Wigan and Nathalie Franks at the book launch for David Allen's "Team: Getting Things Done With Others"

“Team: Getting Things Done with Others” — A Book Launch with David Allen

“Team: Getting Things Done with Others” was the title of a talk, and book launch with a fellow minister David Allen.

As I walked into the meeting room with another fellow minister, Sam Wigan, there sat David and his wife Kathryn. I noticed the stillness and space where David was sitting. This is the second time I have felt this, the first time was at Living in Grace at Asilomar where David sat at my table quietly. My connection was in the silence, meeting again after a long while.

As David started speaking, I called in the Light and the Traveler. There were five MSIA ministers in the audience, so the Light was very present. David started speaking and I sat back and became engrossed in the flow of the energy and marveled at David’s ability to reach into each person’s consciousness and answer questions about how to work effectively in a team with others.

David is an international best-selling author, who is widely recognised as the world’s leading expert on personal and organisational productivity. Time magazine called his flagship book “Getting Things Done”, the definitive business self-help book of the decade. Edward Lamont joined David in writing this new book about how to harness the power of collaboration and work most effectively in groups.

I felt John-Roger’s participation in the event. Karma was being lifted. J-R would often make a simple statement bringing clarity and I witnessed the same wisdom coming through David as he answered people’s questions. I was humbled once again by his knowledge and grateful that David had invited me to witness it again.

Before I went to bed that night, I felt a tremendous gratitude for being part of our MSIA family, and how the gifts of Spirit are working though each of us in our own unique way to bring forward clarity, and unconditional loving.

Editor’s Note: You can find David Allen’s new book on Amazon.

David Allen and Kathryn Allen, photo used courtesy of GTD Getting Things Done®

1 thought on ““Team: Getting Things Done with Others” — A Book Launch with David Allen”

  1. I absolutely love and adore the Allens!!
    As I do you, Nathalie!
    Thanks for sharing your take on the day.❣️

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