
New Day Herald

January 1, 2010 — New Year’s Resolution Spa Day with John Morton

Article image Click here to view a photo slideshow by David Sand from the New Year’s Resolution Spa Day with John Morton, January 1, 2010.

The New Year’s Resolution Spa Day with John Morton started as a crisp, cold morning with bright sunlight streaming into all the windows of Prana. Prana was decked out in Christmas finery — the dining room sparkled with New Years decor in silver & clear glass shimmering in the sunlight. Everywhere, folks were already uplifted and happy, gratefully congregating and then finding their seats.

The magic was present as Leigh Taylor-Young welcomed everyone and introduced Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens to all the new comers. She also talked of who we are as the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA). She shared about John-Roger, the founder of MSIA, asking everyone to send J-R the Light. She immediately explained about the Light, as Living in God’s Holy Thoughts, and the radiation that comes directly from God.

Next Leigh introduced John Morton, the Spiritual Director of the MSIA. She shared about the gifts of blessings John has given us through the years. Welcome, John Morton!

Today’s essence was Rejoice, and re-Joy for me, hearing the sacred laughter. Here’s some of what I heard:

John explained from the stage that “It’s all here”, and told us about Prana and who we are, and how we’re here early this morning getting first things first. I heard him share about coming into our very best and highest.

Then plunging “up”, right into our topic of Resolutions, he explained how it’s really success that comes with responsibility; and our highest intentions have already been set by God for us. We can start doing and creating what is our highest by creating of the highest order, and partaking in our highest intentions. Yet, we’ve already made it; I heard him say, you just may not know it yet.

John also explained about Soul Transcendence and what it means as our birthright and it’s already in place as our inheritance. We just have to show up and claim it. Part of claiming, is letting go of what has already been done. He shared keys about loosening up, letting go of the past — stop thinking about it, stop focusing on it — because that’s worshipping a false idol.

He reminded us from the Bible, in Genesis, where God created the firmament. So we now start building something on a firm foundation, something solid that we can stand upon that’s working for us.

He went on to explain about direction and purpose — that these resolutions create an order, and that everything is in its natural state. Once again, reminding us — as we think in our hearts, we will become.

John went on to share some more keys about Resolutions and how to come to resolutions by being on purpose and having intention. He explained about putting your whole self into that, and then reminisced about the “hokey-pokey”.

As John was sharing, there was lots of joy and laughter from everyone in the room right from the very start.

What do we want to become? Have the determination, have the commitment, and God supplies the purpose. Once again John reminded us: here, in MSIA, “Choose ye this day who you will serve. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” [Joshua 24:15]. He also suggested the way we are conducting ourselves will determine that we have a good purpose.

Everyone was provided with a beautiful New Year’s Day journal filled with special quotations. We focused on our commitment and alignment with our purpose and what is for our highest good.

I heard John say, “God loves all of Its creation, do you?” — asking us what is our resolution here, and do we love all of the creation, do we love the person next to us? John also suggested the furniture and the ceiling, etc. Once again we couldn’t stop giggling, as good Hu-mor was also part of our experience.

Next directing our attention to Devotion, John brought forth the rest of the subjects to contemplate: Dedication, Consecration and Celebration. Yes, our lives become a cause of celebration as referred to in the story in the Bible of the Prodigal son. [Luke 15:11-32]

John told us that no matter where we are, or where we are headed, Home is already prepared, we just move to it, and we’re home. We then contemplated and wrote about celebration for us.

After much sharing about the blessings in our life, and the celebrations in our life, John Morton then introduced a delightful musical duo – Susan Frye and Tom Boyer — providing a musical celebration of “When You Wish Upon a Star,” and “Happy Trails to You.”

As the workshop portion came to a close, we learned more about the Labyrinth itself. Walking in is a release and letting go. Coming into the center is the enlightenment and illumination. We all erupted into laughter once more as John told us we don’t need to “camp out” in the center when we get there, it just takes a spark to ignite and do it. Then walking out is our integration.

I stood in line to enter the labyrinth. Everyone patiently waited as we observed those before us who were already winding in and out of the center of the labyrinth. I set a slower pace in the labyrinth as I use it as a walking meditation. I noticed many passed me by, and as I approached closer to the center, there was plenty of space around. I stepped into the center in the stillness. Then slowly raising my right arm, I turned as a Dervish would, acknowledging God in and all around me as the manifest blessings. Then I circled the opposite way, and stepped out of the center and back on the path of integration.

This too was a sacred journey and I was reminded of the celebratory essence of this day as my left foot was still on the labyrinth and my right foot was about to step clear. The Holy Breeze was upon us, and all the wind chimes encircling the labyrinth in the trees sounded a glorious ringing to chime in this new year, this new decade and the Truth that shall set us free.

Next was brunch, the dining room was replete with all kinds of food delights: enchiladas, chicken sausages, scrambled eggs, pancakes, fresh fruit compotes, and many sugar delights. After enjoying the good company of loving friends, I then left to walk around Prana.

I experienced the peace everywhere, the delight and joyous sharing amongst everyone. A few were now walking the labyrinth, as others were eating of their meals. Above me, the skies were clear and blue, the temperature was warmer, the earth was sanctified and made Holy once again. God smiled upon us and within us all this day.

Happy New You.

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