
New Day Herald

Exercising Your Godhood

Article imageThis sharing and prayer were done at one of Peace Theological Seminary’s Doctor of Spiritual Science classes.

The word initiation implies starting (initiating) something. In the context of initiation in MSIA, we’re initiating something that’s already laid out and prepared. It means that you’ve released yourself from the things that would not allow you to go into what an initiate is dealing with.

In this world, exercising perspective is an aspect our higher nature. That’s what we’re dealing with as initiates: coming into our highest nature, our God nature, our Soul nature. And we ask for the Light to assist us with this. Why would we ask for help with this if it’s already laid out and prepared? We initiated it, so we are on track, we’re moving, we’re going. What’s the help about? I look at it as partnering, our becoming God’s partner more fully.

You might say, “I don’t know what I’m doing, but I do the best I can.” That’s important. That’s you doing your part of the partnering. And when you find yourself resisting, that’s for you to deal with, knowing that your choices include such things as resisting, holding back, putting on the brakes, stopping, slowing down, or going, and going as fast as you can. The Traveler is working in all of that at both the slowest rate and the highest rate because it’s the Traveler’s nature to be with you according to what you can handle and choose to create. The Traveler is positive. It is working with those going back to God; it is a consciousness that is that.

There is another kind of consciousness that is going away, and that is the negative aspect. These two aspects (positive and negative) run parallel and are not in conflict. There’s a dynamic that’s like polarity, and that dynamic creates an energy system that functions amazingly well. Knowing ourselves as initiates, we realize, “I’m of the positive order. That’s my orientation. I’m going into the positive. I’m going into the Spirit because this world cannot contain the greater reality of who I am in the positive. The world presents a very limited view of who we are but, with correct perspective, it is still a good view.”

However great the qualities are in the world, they are even greater in the Spirit. Asking for help is asking for your potential to activate. How much potential? It’s as unlimited and complete as God. Can you get God? Yes. All of God? Yes. Total God? Yes—but not more than you can handle. If you couldn’t handle it, it would be “disintegration time” for you.

Asking for help is also exercising your creatorship. How much creatorship do you have? Eventually, you have all of it, meaning you have the creatorship that God has. To get that, you go beyond this world. It’s here, now, as much as you can handle. Just keep going and activating the potential. This potential overrides what would deter and stop you; let’s call it your karma, because that’s how karma works.

Our karma will sit there as something that will keep us in place, having great potential, God potential, and yet it will keep us in a lesser form according to what we need to learn or, more than that, what each of us has accrued negatively to himself or herself. We’ve often accrued our learnings in unnecessary ways. Sometimes we think, “I already got the lesson.” Maybe the way you created originally means that you have to get it fourteen times, not just once. That’s the angel at the gate: “I’ll never forget that one. That went deep.” That’s the idea. You don’t want to forget that.

As you choose to take on the overcoming of the negativity, it starts neutralizing what you’ve done that is a debt. That’s who the Christ is: It is that consciousness of the Spirit that can pay the debt and neutralize what you owe because of what you’ve done negatively in your existence. That’s a big bill, not a small one. Paying it off to the “last farthing” would feel like eternal hell. It would be, “I’m here from now on because the nature of how I create is that I keep accruing negativity.”

The other way of relating to it is grace, and you receive as much grace as will serve the highest good of all concerned. So, as you get the learning, the unnecessary, repetitive part is bypassed through grace. So, in a way you get to challenge the class and take the test early, and you pass if you can pass the test. The test is going to come in ways like these: Will you love or will you hate? Will you be true or will you be false? Will you give or will you doubt and fear? That’s how those tests will come.

If you exercise your Godhood, you’ll live in truth. You’ll love. You’ll trust and have the compassion that can allow you to overcome your sense of separation, your fears, and your judgments. And when you do that, you automatically take on a greater mantle of love and support that the Traveler extends to the initiates. It’s a great, great opportunity to be an initiate because you can exercise grace.

We exercise our Godhood by acting in grace, living in grace. So we become a Christ. We become one who is anointed of that nature by having charity and by having goodness towards all things and seeing the good in all things. It’s being a good citizen, in a way, not because of man’s law but because of God’s decency. God, by Its nature, would not harm a single living thing. Some say that the correct application of that is in not killing a mosquito that is biting you, not killing a single living thing. But the reality of it is that in this world, you have to partake of life. Life has to come to you to nurture you. You may say, “I can live just on breath.” But you’re “killing” those molecules. That’s where I would take it. I would say, “You are taking those poor, defenseless oxygen molecules and devouring them.” At some point, you have to partake of life. This is a world you partake in, and it may not be pretty at times. And that’s why, when we take in things, when we are receiving, there really should be an honoring of that as a blessing, a saying of grace, a giving thanks for what we are about to receive and appreciating that we are taking in life and giving back.

We have a song in MSIA that says, “I’m going to love more this day. I’m going to give more than I take. I’m going to live more for the sake of living love.” Those are great words to have on your forehead so that you see them going forward into the world. And if you really practice that–love more this day, give more than you take, live more for the sake of living love–that’s going to take care of everything. It will take care of you. And you’ll have the Mystical Traveler at your side. You already do, but you’ll be more conscious of it, and you’ll exercise the Traveler.
As the Traveler, it’s generally, “I’m glad you asked.” The Traveler is here to assist whoever can be assisted. Even though the opportunity to receive assistance is present, initiates often don’t exercise the option. The Traveler is not an inflictive consciousness. That’s where the importance of asking comes in. Do you have to ask constantly? No, and not to the point where you’re disengaged from the responsibility of your life. But as an attitude, yes. As a constant prayer, yes–that you are walking in the Light, breathing the Light, and the Light is who you become. But if someone’s bleeding to death and you say, “Just a minute, I need to call in the Light. Father-Mother God, we ask for the Light here. . . .” They’re bleeding! So get down there and stop that bleeding. That’s the practical spirituality. The Light is going to be in your hands and your actions; that will call forward the Light.

Calling in the Light is not necessarily a ceremonial, ritualistic practice. And sometimes we do pause to do it, to simply have a moment where we realize it’s already done. As much as we think we need to do it all, we really don’t do anything. Often taking a moment to do nothing and pausing to be a witness to God’s presence is a smart thing to do. So, I’m going to do it right now.

Father-Mother God, we give thanks that You have called us into this place and prepared us so that we are choosing back. And right now we do surrender in Your alignment, that You bring forward the consciousness that straightens us and removes what needs to depart, so that we are open to Your love, Your truth.
We become servants to Your will being done, that we may go forward from this time and place, becoming more and more Your friends. And if that should be in some way that the world recognizes, we ask for Your courage and Your strength to stand up, to openly and freely declare our connection, our friendship unto You for the whole world to see. And if we are to be silent and unrecognized and should darkness visit upon us and the world knows not the Light, then we still do know that we are the Light and we are Your truth and we are Your way. Baruch Bashan.

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