
New Day Herald

Negotiating Your Karma

Article imageKarma is absolutely negotiable. How is that? By working it out. So, you’re here to work out karma (in fact, we’re all here to work out karma), and you’re negotiating your karma all the time in how you respond. Is there a way to keep what you’ve created or have it come into a form that’s of a lesser responsibility? If you have created karma you don’t need, that’s called doing unnecessary things. You didn’t need to do that; that doesn’t really add to you. You had that experience already, so what is it doing? It’s just reinforcing what you need to learn. So there’s an advantage there.
By living well, you can be pardoned for good behavior by choosing what adds to the greater good for others and the planet. You can become a trustee, which means that you demonstrate that you can be trusted, that you become reliable. Become self-reliant first so that you know yourself and that your word is good, that more and more, what you say you become. You can do that because you know yourself. So when you say something, you know what you’re saying. That takes some correcting at times, and it takes the responsibility to be willing to correct. That’s paying attention.
It’s up to you if you want to pay attention to what you’re doing. It involves keeping track of how things are working for you, keeping track of what you put out and also realizing whether what comes around is on purpose for you. So if you try to avoid your karma, deny it, get away with something, mock it, or say, “No, that’s not mine” or anything like that, that doesn’t work. If anything, there’s karma for that, plus there’s the original karma. So it’s just better to face it, whatever it is, and go through the experience.
Is there assistance? Absolutely there’s assistance. And it comes through the consciousness that is the Light, that is the love beyond what we know, by allowing ourselves to be of the Light, to be of the love, to be an honest, decent person. I’m not meaning this in a moralistic way; I’m meaning this in terms of the purity, the integrity of who you are so that others can clearly see you. You become bold and clear in your expression because it’s not wavering on different frequencies.
You need a tremendous amount of discernment as you learn to negotiate your karma so that more and more you’re doing less and less. This is because much of what you see is not your level of concern, and more and more you choose what is your level of concern. If anything, there’s a tremendous allowing for things to be what they are, plus there’s a neutrality as you go through this world and deal with the circumstances you’re in with a neutrality that holds up. And when you find yourself out of that neutrality or having stepped out of alignment with your Soul, with your true nature, you correct that as soon as you can.
When you become more adept at neutrality, there’s less downtime, less being off-course, and more being on purpose. As your life simplifies, the more the karma elevates to just what you need to learn.
From the outside, we may look upon someone who’s going through a very difficult, challenging karma and not understand that they’re demonstrating tremendous strength. You might think, “I don’t know if I could put up with or handle that.” Well, maybe you’re talking about yourself. But learning how to handle your karma with grace and ease is a way to renegotiate it. It allows early exit, early graduation, because you’re demonstrating that you’re free of the karma. And at some point, it can’t hold you even if you did create it.

The Blessing

So please engage the part that calls upon all the blessings available to you to be on purpose with yourself right now, to ask for the consciousness that is Light and love, the consciousness that is the Christ.
Through the Spirit, the Holy Spirit, you breathe this in. And your breath breathing in and out is choosing to receive and choosing to give. And in this moment, you come into a neutrality with your life, so you let it be. You let your breath be where you sit, wherever you are in the circumstances you find yourself.
You may need to close your eyelids so you can have a better awareness of what’s going on inwardly, to let go of the world for this moment. You’re protected. There’s no need to guard.
And take a moment to see a light that radiates from you, like a beam or a ray. If you were slowly turning 360 degrees, about five degrees every second, in a little over a minute you would be scanning into every part of your life and seeing this light radiate. And as you can see it radiating into whatever you look upon, there’s a clarifying and lifting.
Notice the care of this light. It’s not too slow. It’s taking enough time. It’s gradual, like dawning. There’s no urgency in dawning, and it’s in a perfect rhythm. And the part that goes out from your vision, the part that passes by so you may see something coming before you, you let that go. Do not be concerned that you need to know what is taking place in every way. Simply allow yourself to look with openness, with a sense of agreement, upon whatever you see as new things are continually revealed to you. The agreement is you allowing and accepting that things have a purpose. And as much as you would want something to change, to be different, the beginning is with the acceptance.
And as you come into the acceptance in a deeper way, there is loving, there is understanding, and there is compassion towards yourself, and you realize you come to a consciousness that observes, that is always above what is taking place below.
And in the higher perspective, you can see the great design. You can see all the harmony and the perfection in the whole, that everything is connected and integrated in perfect ways.
And you take a moment to scan within yourself—through the body, through the inner consciousness that is the mind, including the emotions, all the ways that you would perceive things. Within your own consciousness is a point, sometimes referred to as a still point or a center point. It’s a source of light. It has no bounds, and it radiates in every direction. And so you are always in a consciousness of illumination that is the Light.
Baruch Bashan.

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