
New Day Herald

Pick Up on the Christ

Article imageDid you know you can take commitment joyously? It is a fun thing you can do, but sometimes people take their commitments with fear, the fear that they are not going to be able to meet what’s there for them to do. They feel overcome with fear, which is close to feeling overwhelmed.

One way I relate to overwhelm is that it’s overcreation. You’re doing things you can’t handle; you’re doing things that are too much for the conditions you’re in, the relationships, the harmony. When we are doing things correctly, harmony and balance show up automatically because they are natural to who we are.

It’s also natural to expand, and growth can come from your expansion. That also means if you give yourself some patience, if you’re not big enough right now, just consider that you will be. And this physical level will bring you the experiences necessary so that you overcome.

If you are overwhelmed, in a way you are overcome with all you feel is upon you, including your emotions. Christ gave us a message about that. Jesus said, “I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). So all the challenges, all the issues that are in the world, through the Christ we overcome them. That means that we fulfill them, and we also get to a place where we transcend them. That’s the natural order.

In the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness, we deal with the aspect of the Christ that gets to the transcendent quality. We teach that you can be in the transcendent, in the Spirit beyond the world, when you’re also in the body. That’s really what we’re about. It does involve your taking on what you’ve got, the conditions you’re in, in such a way as you handle them well. It’s important to know that you’re designed to handle them well. But because we’re free in our choices, we have the ability to mess up, to make things more difficult than they need to be. And if you’re like me, then you do that regularly. You do things that are unnecessary and that don’t work. And I think the whole point of that is to stop it.

So when something doesn’t work for you, have the wit to let it go. In other words, stop it. It’s not working. Have the wit by invoking your wisdom. Then let what does work come forth. This is an inner process of letting that consciousness come forth that knows how to work this level perfectly. So we become those who surrender, accept, allow, and cooperate with that presence. The way it works with God, we only have 10 percent of the deal, and God picks up 90 percent. This simply means that in the grand design of what needs to be done, God has it all prepared, just waiting for us to choose back, which is each person’s part to do. To me, that is a great deal, great odds, and the reality is that there’s no limit on the rewards when we do our part. These are the kind of rewards in which we end up having much more than we can use, much more than we can even handle, but in a prosperous and abundant way. At that point, we’re called upon to share; in fact, we almost have to share because it is overflowing. You know, my garage “only” has room for three cars, but it only really has space for two, because we’re using the abundance of the space for my sports equipment (which is actually mostly my kids’ sports equipment) and a few other household things we store. From another perspective, I don’t need the garage because I don’t even need the things that go in the garage. It can be either abundance or overcreation, depending on how I relate to those things.

Having the wit to let go of something that is not working for you is listening to the voice of your heart and following that. But beware of the one who masquerades as your heart. Our friend Jesus reminded us that we are known by our works, by our doings. And Gibran has said that “your work is your love made manifest.” So let your love be your product in everything you do.

In this level, there are things like rats and scavengers that will pick up the pieces. Sometimes we act kind of like we’re that, but the truth is that this is far beneath you, but, still, don’t spurn them. There’s nothing here to curse or fight; that’s not our business. If something really goes in the opposite direction of where we’re going, we can honestly say, “I’ve already been there, thank you. I don’t need to do that. I don’t need to go into that. My consciousness is going to the love and the joy and the peace.” So we don’t participate in that.

If you’ll just let it go, somebody will take part in what you leave behind and pick it up. That one is also known as the Christ, and it’s the Traveler because we are garbage collectors. It really is a tremendous grace to know that if you’ll just have the wit to go to your Godhood, the rest is taken care of. It’s really strange when somebody has that opportunity and they’ll let some picayune thing stop them and they focus on it. We say, “Suit yourself.” And I’d also say to watch out for the little things because they tend to be the things that hang you up. You know that saying, “Don’t sweat the small stuff, and it’s all small stuff.” In England, they say, “Don’t get your knickers in a twist.” And if they are in a twist, just get someone there to untwist them a little.

If you are sweating things, if you are in a twist, there is a way out, and that is to get in with the Christ because that is the one who came to disturb the comfortable and to comfort the disturbed. But keep that second part going, which is to comfort. We ministers in MSIA all have that as part of our ministries because that’s the ministry of the Holy Spirit. Christ said that he would send his Comforter, that presence that comforts what is disturbed. It’s that peace that has “beyond understanding” in it. It’s just peaceful, no matter what the conditions turn out to be.

You may say about something, “There shouldn’t be peace in this situation, this is a terrible occurrence, so why am I feeling the peace?” Because it’s still here, it’s still present. That’s the Christ. When you go into a disturbed place, use your tuner (or whatever you want to call it) to pick up on the vibration of the peace: “I come in peace. I’m here to comfort you.”

Of course, you need to do that with yourself first, and that’s having the wit to call yourself forward in the Light. It’s as simple as this: “Light.” And it’s even faster in your mind, so you don’t have to verbalize it. If you think you could be disturbed by something, just pick up the peace frequency immediately and get on it. Later you may be shaking and quaking and wonder, “How come I was calm and clear during all that mayhem, and now I’m shook up?” During the mayhem you picked up on the Christ, and now you picked up on how you are personally being worked through.

Pick up on the Christ whenever and wherever you can, which is always and in all ways, and you will know you’re in the grace.
Baruch Bashan.

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