
New Day Herald

Happy Days Are Here Again

Article imageA wayshower is kind of like this: first, your invitation is needed. I can’t do your invitation. You do your invitation. Then the wayshower’s part is this: “It’s over there, that way. That way. No, no, no. Not this way, that way.” If you do something in relation to “this way” or “that way,” that’s your choice. That’s yours. I don’t have the authority to make you do something. That authority is yours and it’s God’s.
The good news about God’s authority is that it’s working to take you home. Even if you’re a prodigal son, it’s taking you home. It just looks like it was your idea. Then at some point you realize, “You had me all along. Wow. I remember at some point I didn’t even think you existed, and I was going to do everything I could to get with you. And you had me all along. Not only that, you’ve been nice. Even when I insulted you, you were nice.”
There is a saying that “your arms are too short to box with God.” If you try to go after God, it’s like you get weaker and more incapable. Your life kind of implodes upon itself—but only until you realize you’ve had enough. Then it’s amazing what happens. Happy days are here again.
It’s really important to declare, “I’ve had enough,” because there’s a grace action such that no one who asks for the Light is refused. And that is a turning point in your existence. It’s like this: “I was going to the dark, and I just asked for the Light, and amazingly good things began happening.” It begins within, and then the relationship into the world is also transformed. This does not necessarily mean that the outer circumstances are transformed. Your relationship to the world is transformed so you are free to be who you truly are regardless of the circumstances.
Circumstances could be stuck and seem to grind to a halt. When that happens, just consider it’s meant to be. It doesn’t mean it’s permanent. Consider that whatever circumstances show up in your life, they’re on purpose—not an evil purpose, but a good and divine purpose. It can take tremendous wisdom and trust and faith to realize the goodness in all people and things. Perhaps you call out to God, “Okay, if this is good, if this is serving a purpose, I want to know what that is. I want to see that.” Just that request can move mountains.
Remember that when you connect to your experience—even in terms of a thought—you always have an opportunity to look for the good. When you start looking for the good, then the nature of good reveals itself immediately. And transformation is also immediate. It doesn’t mean that you’re done. There’s no such thing as “done” in this world. Everything, including you, is in motion as an ongoing process. In Spirit, it’s done as God’s will is done. That’s entirely good news.
What did God do? That’s a great question. Looking at this with an intention towards God lets you realize the good and the divine through a strong, clear, calm, beautiful consciousness. That is its nature. An amazing thing about it is that you can realize, “I’m always this. I’ve always been this. And when I think I’m not, when I feel I’m not, when I have reflective experiences that say I’m weak and no good and unworthy, that’s just something that I’m not.” Expression can come out in a form that’s not really you. It can be harsh or weak or resistant. That’s not you. None of that is your true nature.
There’s a place in the scriptures in which Jesus talked about his yoke being easy and his burden light (Matthew 11:30). I like that. Bring it on.
We’re in an awkward place. This world in relation to the Soul is an awkward place, fumbling, bumbling, stumbling. But as you start to get on to how it works and how you work and as you put those together, there’s an integration or an alignment between how the world works and how you work. It’s not two different things. The world works to reflect who you are and who you’re not. And it does a real good job of that, as in perfect.
You learn how to identify who you are and trust that knowing of yourself. Then it becomes very practical. Take care of yourself so you can help take care of others, which really means take care from the inside out. This is a great short message that says a whole lot. And when we really find who we are, when we are truly connected to our Soul and alive in who we are, we don’t strike out at one another. We just don’t do that. Forget about striking out. That’s a false self. Why give it any more energy?
In Australia they have a saying, “No worries.” It’s a way of saying, “Hey, there’s nothing there. No offense taken. Let’s move on. Let’s go for the joy. Let’s go for something better.” That’s grace in action right there.
You might say, “Well, I tried to offend you.”
“I know, but I didn’t take offense from you. I took care.”
“But I’m really sorry.”
“You don’t need to be sorry. Let’s not even indulge in that. We have better things we can focus upon together while we share this moment in time.”
“Yes, but I want to apologize.”
“You don’t need to do that for me, so who are you doing that for?”
“But I offended you.”
“You didn’t offend me if I didn’t let you offend me. So who’d you offend?” “Well, I offended myself.”
“Okay. Fair enough. What do you want to do about that? I’m not hanging on to it, so there’s no need for you to feel regret over how I’m affected. Do you want to be offended?”
And the real answer to that is, “No, I’d rather be enjoyed and appreciated.”
The more spiritual your consciousness becomes, the more this world is awkward, yet the more you have an ability to handle it by transcending it. If you stumble and fall, you can laugh. You don’t have to be embarrassed and apologize and promise you’ll never do it again. You can just see if you can have some fun out of it and enjoy it. And if there are some amends you want to make—like you knocked something over and you’d like to see if you can restore or replace it—then make that your joy.
There’s responsibility in our spiritual nature. There’s a principle of staying true to ourselves and clearing up any debts. Those are both very important principles, so that as you go about your life, you leave each place better than you found it. If you can do that, it’s a mark of a high level of existence. If you can find ways to resolve, clear, balance, and contribute in this world, it’s better, often far better, than creating the opposite. You have a choice to declare that this day is happy and act more like it.
Baruch Bashan.

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