
New Day Herald

Loving Here and Now, Live Webcast with John Morton

With over ten communities tuning in worldwide along with everyone in Santa Monica, our “In the Now” webcast with John Morton was truly an experience of loving together here and now.  Leigh Taylor-Young, a.k.a. Mrs. John Morton, welcomed everyone and noted the beautiful, sacred energy in the Brentwood Room.  When we come together in loving, no matter where we may be, that loving energy is present for us all here and now.

Leigh called in the Light as we attuned to God in our oneness and exquisite harmony. We chanted Ani Hu, an ancient name for God that brings forward that sweet quality of empathy.  Then we enjoyed the beauty in the silence for a sacred moment here and now.

From MSIA’s founder, John-Roger, we enjoyed three video Moments of Peace, all reminders of how the peace is always present here and now.  John-Roger reminded us that we all can be “reborn the Lord” through forgiveness and our willingness to embrace our innocence and the newness in each moment.  To experience God’s loving energy, all we need to do is take a deep breath.  J-R noted to look past our physical experience to the source that breathes us which is the Spirit.  J-R also reminded us that God’s blessings are already present and available to us here and now.

Leigh then introduced John Morton, MSIA’s Spiritual Director and the author of two beautiful books about blessings, The Blessings Already Are and You Are the Blessings. Leigh noted how John travels around the world, bringing the teachings of John-Roger to communities worldwide.  John serves as the Mystical Traveler Consciousness, following John-Roger and those who have served before in this divine line of loving service.

John began with a reminder that the story of Christ’s birth symbolizes how life in this world is filled with contrasts.  We are ordinary humans handling the mundane aspects of life while we have the opportunity to experience the subtle, invisible yet powerful aspects of the Spirit.  John shared how MSIA teaches Soul Transcendence which is becoming aware of ourself as a soul who is one with God.  To support our learning, John recommended subscribing to Soul Awareness Teachings audio recordings of John-Roger’s seminars from the 1960s forward.

For a question about the MSIA Ministry, John reminded us that our first ministry is to ourself as God’s beloved.  As we breathe in, John advised us to be aware we are breathing in the Holy Breath. As we breathe out, we can share that divine spark with others.

In times of disagreement with others, John encouraged us to face what seems like conflicts or contradictions with our loving.  If situations cannot be resolved in loving, John suggested we let go and let God.  While remembering to care of ourselves, we can still stand in the truth of who we are.  So we move forward with forgiveness and place our challenges into the Light. John reminded us that by allowing for a Light action, we bring forward grace, upliftment, healing and clearing.

For healing memories from upsetting childhood experiences, John suggested we look upon all our life experiences with loving.  He encouraged us to use our creative imagination to gain a higher perspective and to remember John-Roger’s suggestion to win in our fantasies.  John shared that regardless of what happens or happened to us, our soul endures and cannot be broken. We can always restore ourselves to our true nature which is happy and joyful as that is the nature of the Spirit.  John encouraged us to remember that within each of us is the power to overcome it all because that is the power of the Lord here and now.

During the webcast, John offered two spontaneous blessings.  One blessing was for light and clearing through forgiveness and love.  John’s closing blessing was for letting go and choosing into whatever the Lord brings to each of us. Both blessings were profoundly moving and comforting and precious reminders of why John is gratefully known as “The Blessings Man.”

As the webcast came to a close, Leigh let us know of upcoming events during Easter weekend in Santa Monica.  Peace Theological Seminary & College of Philosophy, the educational arm of MSIA, will provide the wonderful Walking in the Light workshop.  After the conclusion of the workshop, John will share an Easter Eve Live Seminar WebcastThen on Easter morning, John will join us on the beach in Santa Monica to offer and share his blessings.  Everyone is welcome to enjoy MSIA’s Easter on the Beach, in-person with a scrumptious feast or on-line, and always in the abundance of love and light that is already present here and now.

Baruch Bashan

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