On the Saturday night of the Conference of Heaven on Earth, we gathered to celebrate 50 years of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA) as an organization, and 30 years of John Morton holding the keys of the Mystical Traveler Consciousness.
We began the evening already in Heaven — the previous events at this year’s Conference had transported us into Heaven on Earth. As our Beloved Pauli Sanderson guided us through the decades of MSIA, beginning in the 1960s and into the ’70s, ’80s, ’90s and so forth, we were transported into the High Heavens as Pauli’s sparkling eyes, humor and brilliant stories from her days with John-Roger kept us engaged throughout. Pauli truly demonstrated her magic.
A song from the MSIA music of the ’70s was shared by Deborah Martinez and Paul Davidson, reminding us of how integral music is to our own movement of spiritual inner awareness and to MSIA. J-R often told us that music is the Sound Current on this physical level.
Throughout Pauli’s walk down memory lane, we saw video clips from each decade.
And, the most exciting moment of the presentation came when Paulo (a.k.a. Paul Kaye) joined us, along with his cohorts (Kevin McMillan & Graham Holley), singing operatic style and dancing with great use of hips and bottoms. The crowd went wild.
At the conclusion of Pauli’s portion of the evening, the beautiful and inspiring Leigh Taylor-Young Morton came on stage to share about and celebrate her Beloved John Morton’s 30 years as the Traveler. She shared about John through three joyful videos celebrating the many facets of John’s expression. Then she invited our Traveler John Morton to the stage. We welcomed John and thanked him with a standing ovation. Thank you John!!
The evening was capped with DJ music provided by Alisha Hayes and much dancing.
Indeed, a joyfilled celebration. And now, onward and upward for 50 more years, etc!