
New Day Herald

Heaven On Earth Tour 2018 | Anacapri, Italy | Day 21


“My job is to awaken the soul into the soul realm, so you can have heaven while you’re on earth.” John-Roger, DSS.


Anacapri, Italy | Day 21 | October 5, 2018

Today we have a morning of exploring what the island has to offer. The island of Capri has two principal towns, Capri and Anacapri. Anacapri is on a high plateau above the Capri town. A zigzag road links the two towns down the cliffs. Before the road’s construction in the late nineteenth century, Anacapri’s only connection with the outside world was by a flight of steps called the Scala Fenicia (Phoenician Steps).

The steps to this day lead steeply down the mountainside to Marina Grande, which is the island’s port. Axel Munthe, a resident in Anacapri in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, wrote that he encountered Anacapri villagers who had never been to Capri, and vice versa. The two towns are historic rivals, and even nowadays they have completely different atmospheres and attractions. Anacapri is peaceful, residential, and much like a village, while Capri is expensive and full of hotels and high-end shopping.

Anacapri is a quaint town with a few vehicle routes. There are a couple of streets with souvenir shops which provide more of a tranquil atmosphere.

Anacapri’s biggest tourist attraction is the Villa San Michele. This beautiful building is perched on the mountainside looking down over the lower half of Capri, which was built by the Swedish doctor and writer Axel Munthe (1857-1949). His book about the villa, Capri and his life, in general, is an exciting introduction to Capri. His home is open to the public for admiring his collection of antiquities.

In the heart of the settlement, the Santa Maria a Cetrella (Chiesa di San Michele) is a small church, with renowned eighteenth-century majolica (painted ceramic) floor. The floor is of pastoral scenes, including Adam and Eve.

The Casa Rossa or ‘Red House’ is another attraction built for an American colonel from New Orleans who lived here at the end of the nineteenth century. This eccentric building is painted in bold Pompeian red. It is now a small museum which exhibits a collection of paintings of the island.

After a morning of exploring, we all meet up together at the Caesar Augustus Hotel to take sharing with our Beloved Traveler John Morton. The evening is full of loving communion with each other followed by a beautiful four-course dinner at the hotel. After a full evening of Traveler sharing and an extravagant dinner, some head off to sleep and others share time walking the grounds of the hotel with the magnificent views from every corner of the Mediterranean Sea.

In Loving Service
Julie Lurie


Touring Photos by David Sand



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