
New Day Herald

Perfect Timing for Meeting the Challenges with Spirit

It couldn’t have been a more perfect time to experience and receive of the bounty of wisdom that keeps on coming from last weekend’s Meeting the Challenges with Spirit Workshop.

Tom Boyer, with his resonant voice and clear direction, facilitated us through each process. That’s no mean feat and requires impeccable attention to time to do this — along the lines of a PAT process, for those who have participated in the Peace Awareness Trainings.

One of the treasures in this workshop is getting to listen to the challenges that John-Roger delivered in his seminars from back in the early days. J-R would issue a special challenge for the participants at the end of each week’s seminar. Of course in those days, many of the participants would come back to the next week’s seminar just to hear what the next challenge would be. Always those challenges, even as I hear them now, make us think and expand in our loving, courage, trust, abilities, and expression of our Light. In that timeless way that John-Roger has, the challenges then were more than perfect for what is present right now.

John Morton participated plentifully with us each day of the weekend, even as he was meeting the challenges of preparing to move to a new home on Monday morning. His sharing sessions expanded further on how we could use what was difficult for us right now to lift and expand, to forgive and to bless, to accept and receive the blessing that was unfolding, even amidst the challenge.

By Saturday night I was feeling full to the brim, and somehow there was even more wisdom, delight, and Spirit that was brought forward to enjoy and to expand us. Listening to the cornucopia of teachings from J-R was like sitting under a spiritual waterfall and being continuously and gently washed through and through.

We were supported every moment by the amazing Now Productions tech team led by Hugo Alvarez, our Zoom host, assisted by Gaby Grigorescu who helped us navigate our Zoom room, moving into the breakout rooms and raising hands to ask questions. This was our maiden voyage of doing a workshop via Zoom with a larger number of people. Hugo and his crew worked day and night to ease the bumps that first appeared, and by the end of the workshop everything seemed to flow smoothly and almost effortlessly. They had met the challenges with Spirit, as had we all!

You can participate in John-Roger’s weekly challenges on the MSIA website.  Here is the Challenge for the week of June 1-7:

Our challenge is to take what we’ve learned and share it. You may have heard the song, “Love is the strangest thing that I know. You keep it around by letting it go.” That’s why I keep sharing this work with other people. If we don’t share what we’ve learned, if we don’t reach out and share our experience with others, then there is very little value in our having participated.

What we’re dealing with is the overall upliftment of society — the actual transformation of the planet. That transformation is possible if we are willing to reach out — if we’re willing to communicate, to share, and to touch those people in our lives.

-John-Roger, DSS

Each week, you can find J-R’s Challenge of the Week on the MSIA homepage and also at this direct link:

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