We have just put the finishing touches on an element in a special site on the MSIA.org web site – the John-Roger Library. The site is accessible using the Menu on the MSIA.org home page (top right menu bar). In the Menu, you will find the John-Roger Library link on the left side under “Popular.”
The John-Roger Library site is dedicated to sharing the works of J-R and currently has three resources in it – the new addition is a search feature for a collection of John-Roger books, articles, and transcripts. You can look up anything you would like by putting your search word into the search bar. Want to see what J-R wrote about “marriage,” “happiness,” or “health”? Just put your term into the search bar and click on Search. When you see the books or article that come up from the search, opening them will go straight to where your search word appears and will be highlighted in yellow for every instance. There is a link for Search Tips on how to make your search more powerful.
The search feature is a great resource for PTS students to research MSIA teachings, as well as anyone who has a specific interest to check out. We hope you will enjoy visiting the John-Roger Library site. Come back often as we add more books and articles to grow the library of available content.
By the way, you can customize your Quick Links on the left side of the MSIA.org home page (when you are logged into the student dashboard) to make the John-Roger Library one of your seven home page Quick Links for easy access.
Engagement with HeartFelt and HeartReach continue to grow. HeartFelt, and HeartReach as an MSIA community focus within it, has been run mainly by volunteers since its inception. It is now embarking on a new phase to become more of a worldwide network of volunteers. The vision we are holding is that each MSIA community will have at least one HeartReach Community Representative to support it. That person(s) will be “eyes and ears” of HeartReach, bringing together existing guardian angels and HeartReach volunteers, to assess what is needed and place a call into the community to assist when a need arises. Each Rep will also have the support of the MSIA ministerial board in their area. We will also be having a monthly call for all the Reps globally so that we can come together, share ideas, share inspiration, support each other, and learn together.
We are hard at work building useful resources, trainings and materials, and building a network of volunteers who have expertise in specific areas of support, all to support HeartReach. Some of you already have a HeartReach Community Rep and ministering angels to assist in your area. If you are in one of those communities, there is no need to change anything but please reach out to them if you feel called to volunteer. If you are in a community that doesn’t have a rep or network of angels, please consider that you might be that person called by Spirit to join our team. If you are not sure if there is a HeartReach Community Rep in your local community, we can let you know, and we still encourage you to follow your heart and join us even if there is. There are never too many of us serving together. Our goal continues to be empowering MSIA community members to care for each other.
What does serving often look like? Nothing that you would not ordinarily do for a friend or neighbor in need. It might simply be to visit someone who is ill, bring them food or go grocery shopping for them, take them to their doctor appointment, a comforting phone call, and so on. In this next phase of HeartReach our intention is for all of us to become more aware of people in our local community who may need help and assess how and if we can be of assistance to them. You can volunteer either by being a Rep or a ministering angel for someone in need, or both. We see this as a fabulous team effort worldwide. Whether you are a minister, initiate or just beginning on Discourses, we welcome you to be part of HeartReach.
The greatest commandments are to love God and to love your neighbor as yourself. All the rest of the Bible is a commentary on how to do that. Sometimes you say, “I love my neighbor,” but you won’t help him push his car out of the ditch. Love is a nice idea, but it doesn’t live unless it is manifested through loving and service.
John-Roger, DSS
Please join us in creating a network of love in action throughout our MSIA worldwide family by emailing lorimatson@msia.org. Let us know if you would like to be a HeartReach Community Representative for your area or/and a volunteer serving those in need. We will follow up with you with more details and give you more information about how a core HeartReach group of volunteers and the ministerial board in your area will support you. If you are interested, we would love to hear from you by April 15.
The HeartFelt/HeartReach Town Hall Meeting in March was well attended and the next one is scheduled for Sunday, April 16 at 1 P.M. (PDT) if you would like to join the fun.
God Bless you, and thank you for participating in MSIA and for all that you give in so many ways. As J-R would constantly remind us, “It is the loving that makes all this work.” We love and appreciate you!
The MSIA Presidency – Paul, Vincent, and Mark
MSIA Presidency Succession – David, Jeffrey, and Sherie
Great Work, Our Beloved Msia Presidency