Joy, joy, joy were the hallmarks of this beautiful Light adventure!
In early March, blessed John Morton and Leigh Taylor-Young Morton visited Australia for the first time since March 2020, which was right before international borders closed due to the pandemic.
The great experience this time in all the cities visited was (and still is!) such a great experience of universal fellowship that it still brings tears to my eyes at the immensity of the Loving Light we all share (worldwide) thru MSIA, through our active spiritual study, which to me equates to being Light bearers and peacemakers worldwide!
Embracing Melbourne, Adelaide, Brisbane and Sydney, this tour was a beautiful meet and greet with Beloved John and Leigh, as well as MSIA Services and of course, truly Awesomely Amazing Traveler events! I Am truly still beyond words at all the glory that Beloved John shared and continues to share – as of course, folks would have witnessed online – as the events were magnificently live-streamed to our amazing family right round the world! Thank God for NOW Productions! (Network of Wisdom).
For me personally too, I got to share at a deep level with many folks I hadn’t seen for a long time! The Loving Light was/is palpable, as it is right round the world wherever we gather!
It was such a blessing to witness such Oneness and Loving in all the communities, with such beautiful service done by so many to produce a seamless tour with a great range of events and MSIA Services, with great loving devotion.
The great appreciation of the sacredness of the Blessing of Beloved John coming to these cities was shown to me time and time again wherever we went, as folks really embraced and shared the great Joy of the Traveler and Leigh being present. Such warmth, Loving and devotion to Spirit!
What also comes to my consciousness to share is:
In Melbourne, the beautiful meet and greet with John and Leigh over snacks, as we re-connected outwardly after three years, with folks sharing about their journeys during that time. The truly divine Seminar that followed.
In Adelaide, where Beloved John delivered a deeply sacred Seminar for Discourse Subscribers in a gorgeous historical building, with the sound of birds and rustling leaves and the fresh bush scent on the breeze as such beautiful accompaniment. Experiencing heaven, with all these amazing Light bearers!
In Brisbane, celebrating my birthday with such a great range of dear friends before and after our beautiful In The Now workshop, followed by another Magnificent John Seminar! The amazing heat and humidity, which wiped out our mild California winter in around 10 minutes!
In Sydney, where magnificent event after magnificent event went higher + higher! Along of course with the joy of MSIA Services, as offered throughout. Culminating with a record-breaking glorious BlessingsFest, with 44 participants singing Beloved John’s praises and many “Amen’s!” The food was really delicious and the Blessings of everyone’s company a great Blessing, including all online! As someone shared, “It was five hours in heaven!” It was awesome to have our New Zealand contingent present, as they had needed to miss the last BlessingsFest right before the pandemic, as their international border was about to close.
And so we come full circle to the Grace of God continually present, the HUge Blessing of all our awesome online offerings, particularly over the last 3 years worldwide, and the truly, truly amazing Blessing of all of us Being in the one room together – whenever that is, wherever we are – to all be breathing in The One Accord, sharing our awesome Light + Love + HUGS!! And, as our Beloved John says, “The Best Is Yet To Come!” AMEN.
Thank You, thank you, Thank HUUUU to Beloveds Johnny and Leigh for everything, to all who made all of this happen, and All who continue to make All this happen – on all the levels. We Are Truly Blessed!