
New Day Herald

Angela Bell at MSIA's Conference in 2014

At Age Ninety One I Am Incredibly Grateful

I awoke in the morning in a 91 year old body wondering how this life went by me so quickly and what I have learned that is of meaningful value. I also pondered on what it is like to be an Elder in MSIA.

A number of awarenesses streamed in as I pondered. First that came forward was how truly grateful I am to have a Spiritual perspective of how I live daily. Life and challenges present themselves each day and they are what they are. Not good, not bad, not right, not wrong. Each negative has a positive polarity inherent in it, a Light-filled blessing. Each positive polarity has a negative polarity. In that moment, and it is in a moment, I am faced with choice, aware that I am fully responsible for the outcome of my choices. Most often, my choice is to love whatever is present and from that loving place, respond to the challenge. Again gratitude washes over me for the Travelers teachings that have given me such a large and workable toolbox.

In a very practical sense, these are the qualities that I find most valuable, living in a physical and soul body centered and connected to God.

The first is awareness, essential in older age. As my body grows more frail, my eyesight a bit more dim, my hearing a little less acute, awareness in each moment of where I step and how to keep myself safe is a valuable quality and one to sharpen.

Moving on, acceptance of the gradual changes and loving them is also a very valuable quality. Changes are what they are and with the gradual changes come blessings and wisdom.

Cooperation with the changes is a good choice. I have discovered that multiple choices is God’s gift to us. The ability to let go and forgive in the moment of challenge is the best antidote I know for suffering.

Speaking kind words makes my mouth a sacred tool of enlightenment. A quality I value especially coming from Brooklyn, New York where I was conditioned on the other side of the coin.

I woke up when I was 40 years old and met John-Roger. Since then I have filled my awareness with workable tools, growth, and qualities I value with a loving and expanding heart, a life of service and one filled with Blessings. It is an adventure of goodness to awaken in the arms of a Traveler of Light and Sound. I am incredibly grateful.

Angela Bell

16 thoughts on “At Age Ninety One I Am Incredibly Grateful”

  1. Angela, you are a beautiful gem in the crown of our MSIA family. Thank you for your lovely story of gratitude and love.

    1. Marjorie Eaton

      Dearest Angela,
      you were among the several of the first dearest friends I made coming into MSIA back in 1975-6…. and welcoming me to your home for seminar .. and I got to play your piano! You were my “bell ringer” then too. LOL. Love you dearly

  2. Angela, thank you for sharing! I, too, met J-R when I was 40 and can only hope that in the next 16 years I will become as good at practicing the wisdoms as you are.

  3. JK Lucien-Scholle

    What a harrowingly beautiful account of the aging process. Such beauty and sweetness in your gratitude. You are a magnificent soul in our midst, Angela.

  4. Dear Angela,
    How beautiful you are.
    I was so deeply moved by your sharing, thank you.
    God Bless you.

  5. Angela, you wise soul you !!!
    When I was waffeling about becoming a minister, you told me to claim my heritage, why wait ?, and I thought about that and YES it made sense. I stepped forward and it became who I really am, my purpose… I take it to the world every day and lift so many, it’s amazing.
    Thanks so much…

  6. Dear Angela,
    You are a gem in the
    Movement. Thank you for all your prayers and blessings. Loving you from
    Barb Fismmetta❤️

  7. Dear Angela,
    You are a gem in the
    Movement. Thank you for all your prayers and blessings. Loving you from
    Barb Fiammetta❤️

  8. Angela, a hundred years ago you were my reader for all my correspondence courses. I had just joined MSIA and you were so loving, kind and supportive. You helped me develope a good foundation to build on and I have followed in your foot steps. Thank you from my heart. I love you.

  9. God Bless you Angela Bell! You were my reader in a Travelers Through the Ages course-and then 9/11 happened, and I found myself having great difficulty completing the final project. You kept encouraging me and it was a most beautiful experience of being held energetically. And I did finally complete it because of you.

  10. Thank you my friend, what an amazing and wise heart you have. Thank you for reminding me of the goodness we are.

  11. Angela, as another MSIA-er learning to accept my “elderhood” (which, IMO, is really the peak accomplishment of adulthood), your words are so valuable to me. Just being once again reminded of having the Traveler’s presence and guidance in this lifetime nourishes and warms me. I love you. God Bless You!

  12. Thank You Angela XO you are an inspiration. I always think of you with that humor and smile you so freely share. God bless you with many more awakenings every morning, And as always FTHG

  13. Mary Ellen Agolia

    Beloved Angela,
    Your article touched me with your loving and wisdom. I love you. May your path continue with love, Grace and numerous belly laughs!
    A fellow Brooklynite who was great fully blessed by learning to speak lovingly. Still learning beloved sister. ✨

  14. Dear Angela,
    Thank you for the words of inspiration and for sharing the beauty of your wisdom and reminding me I’m always making choices. Your ministry is always a gift to the world. Such love you are!

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