
New Day Herald

Embracing the Power of Living Love: Insights from My Prana and Conference Experience

Katja Rusanen shares her experience of participating in-person at MSIA’s Conference of the Power of Living Love.

The day prior to my journey from Marbella, Spain, to Los Angeles, my heart brimmed with anticipation. It marked my first trip overseas since the grip of the pandemic loosened. After enduring a sleepless flight (as I have yet to master the art of sleeping on planes), my weariness melted away when a familiar face emerged from the bustling crowd. David Jaramillo, with unwavering patience, stood by as I traversed the arduous customs queue. Despite my physical exhaustion, a radiant smile adorned my face.

As we drove through the gate into the Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, affectionately known as Prana, an overwhelming sense of coming home enveloped me. Since the heart-wrenching sale of my childhood home in Finland following my parents’ passing, this serene abode resonated with an indescribable depth of familiarity and tranquility. It felt like I was home. The stately, resplendent white mansion welcomed me, and I was excited to stay for an entire month—a graduation gift to myself.

The cozy corner room embraced me like an old friend, providing a sanctuary for much-needed rest. As the sun graced the morning sky, I eagerly made my way to breakfast, my eyes beholding the ethereal beauty of the labyrinth. There, I encountered kindred spirits and cherished acquaintances, their warm embraces and heartfelt greetings touching my Soul. Could it really have been four years since my last visit? It felt as though no time had passed at all. One of my favorite moments is sharing meals with the amazing people at Prana—it feels like being part of a spiritual family. I’m also immensely grateful for the delicious meals and extend my appreciation to the wonderful kitchen staff—a treat I dearly miss back home.

The Conference just around the corner brought a fresh influx of new faces to Prana. I had the privilege of welcoming a first-time visitor and accompanying her on an exploratory journey as part of my service work. In that moment, I realized the trust bestowed upon me as a member of the Prana community, warming my heart gently.

Adjusting to the elevated energetic altitude at Prana, which served as a spiritual base camp, I reveled in the ever-increasing energy as the Conference drew nearer. Amidst the collective excitement, a deeply personal pinnacle awaited me—the embrace of Traveler John Morton during my Doctor of Spiritual Science graduation. It was a cherished moment I had envisioned for years during my dedicated studies, a beacon of inspiration propelling me forward through every obstacle. And now, before me, it stood as a living reality—a true blessing indeed! In his commencement speech, he referred to our willingness to do what makes for the better and choosing back.

Katja Rusanen receiving her doctoral hooding from John Morton at the PTS Graduation 2023

In the following days, I willingly assisted during the Power of Living Love workshop. Having experienced the transformative presence of David Raynr and Joey Hubbard during Insight Seminars, I knew I was in for a profound treat. Together with fellow participants, we delved into the boundless depths of love’s power, forging connections that seemed to transcend mere words. The workshop provided both practical guidance and inspiration for participants to take home.

On Sunday, I joyfully assisted in the Ministers and Initiates meetings. It was the largest in-person gathering since the pandemic. The palpable energy pervading the room was awe-inspiring, guided by the wisdom of the Traveler. My heart overflowed with profound gratitude for the opportunity to be present and to serve in that sacred gathering. I’m so grateful that I found my way to this loving community through the University of Santa Monica, which I discovered almost 10 years ago through a Google search.

These precious moments at Prana have nurtured my Soul. I found deeper connection, inspiration and a renewed sense of purpose—a chapter of my life etched with gratitude, love, and an unwavering commitment to my spiritual path. And now, I extend to you an invitation—to embark on your own transformative journey at Prana if you feel called to do so. Come and immerse yourself in the beauty, tranquility, and transformative energy that Prana offers, whether it is a tour or a stay, for it is a place where hearts find peace, Souls awaken, and dreams take flight.

7 thoughts on “Embracing the Power of Living Love: Insights from My Prana and Conference Experience”

  1. It’s inspiring to read the way you describe your excitement, accomplishments and journey. Congratulations and wonderful to meet you.

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words and warm congratulations! I’m delighted that my article resonated with you. It’s equally wonderful to meet you. Wishing you continued inspiration and success on your own path. Thank you again for your encouraging comment!

  2. So very pleased to have read your sharing as it has led me to be awakened to what resonates with me as well: In that I immerse myself in the beauty, tranquillity, and transformative energy in my Home & Garden which has been created with love through focussed awareness and in co-operation with nature. I find that this is true also when I am in the company, homes or gardens of others who continue to manifest so much in tandem with a sacred inner loving and a heart centred self. Not surprisingly I aim to spread the LIGHT with the art that I gift or show in galleries or in places that I may feel could do with being stimulated into greater synchronicity with the grace that is always present, if only one has the wit to look!

    1. Thank you for sharing your beautiful reflection! I’m thrilled to hear that my article resonated with you and awakened you even more to what truly resonates in your life. Your dedication to creating a harmonious home & garden and spreading Light through your art is truly inspiring. May you continue to immerse yourself in beauty, spread Light through your art, and inspire others to discover the grace that is available for us.

  3. Lucy Dickinson

    The loving leaps out of this article, Katya! I love your joyful writing and I especially loved the description of “coming home” to Prana. I felt it vicariously. Thank you for sharing your gifts—and congratulations on your graduation and the actualization of that long- envisioned embrace of the Traveler!

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