
New Day Herald

Participants on the beach at the Living In Grace retreat at Asilomar in December 2022

A Poem About My Living in Grace Experience

Peter Bailey shared this poem with the New Day Herald about his experience at the Living In Grace retreat:

In a week strangers share jokes and come into a deeper awareness of gratitude, loving and forgiveness.
Light plays on the surface of water on the beach. Waves kiss the sand in rhythmic motion like the sound current.
Grace occurs in unlikely moments. In the sharing of our deepest inadequacies, blame and shame. In our turning away from the light only to remember again, we never left.
And we hold each other fast against being whipsawed
from the struggles of our time.

Loving leans towards living
And, while we all have our individual expiration dates which claims all things at the end,
There are these precious times between,
In which everything is radiant
And we loved, again, ourselves, each other, this world and our connection to God

Peter Bailey

5 thoughts on “A Poem About My Living in Grace Experience”


    Peter –
    Your words are carrier waves for the many indescribable moments. Thank you for a mini-Grace moment. 🙂 <3

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