
New Day Herald

Nigeria MSIA group at the Travelers Living Center event in January 2024

The Power of Love at TLC Nigeria

The attached pictures were taken during our combined service, on Sunday 21st January 2024 at the Travelers Living Centre in Greater Port Harcourt, Rivers State Nigeria.

Incidentally, we have a culture of making our 3rd Sunday’s seminar at TLC very colorful and unique. So, the January edition — which happens to be the first of it’s kind in the Golden Year of Our Lord, 2024 — was tagged “Power of Love” and indeed it just happened just like we envisaged.

We never planned to showcase our dancing talents or skills but it did happen – as the present of Spirit is joy, joy, joy. All we planned was to do an outdoor seminar, to feel the beautiful nature. Even though our women folks arrived early and decorated and beautified the seminar arena.

However, the magic started after our Light invocation/silent spiritual exercises which culminated to beautiful sharing from students;  on the Travelers Endless Love to His votaries. In the course of experiencing these uplifting and inspirational sharing, so much love and joy were felt by all.

The Blessings and the Love of the Travelers was abound, as we got twisted in the cool ovation of the Power of Love music by Eric. Which eventually brought us to a beautiful closure… with Baruch-Bashan.

Love and Light,

Prince Iwuoha

For: TLC Community Nigeria

View the Photos from the Travelers Living Center in Nigeria, January 2024

2 thoughts on “The Power of Love at TLC Nigeria”

  1. It is still a thrill for me to know the vibe of the Traveler is heard and felt around the world. I remember helping MSIA’ers in Mexico and Venezuela and now my son Eric has been to Bulgaria to help. We are the world! We are Soul. Love and Light to all Souls in Africa!

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