
New Day Herald

Australia Conference 2024 – Happy, Shiny people!

For the first time since 2020, the MSIA Australia Conference was held in Sydney in March 2024, under bright and sunny Sydney skies. With sparkling Sydney Harbor and beautiful Hyde Park as the backdrop, folks from around Australia and the world gathered to celebrate Joy, Fun and Laughter!

It was a wonderful time to reconnect with folks well-known and new. The Conference team was led by amazing Maree Thomas and Lesley Freeman. The venue really created this beautiful, warmly welcoming space in terms of energy, beauty, amazing Conference facilities and amazing food all round! Grace and ease all the way!

From the informal introductory meditation evening at John Hayson’s beautiful home, where Beloved Traveler John and beautiful Leigh led folks on a glorious meditative experience — along with what felt like a brand new Planetary Blessing/Invocation from dear Leigh (that I’d love to see released! – for the highest good) — to the Peace Is Present workshop the next night, the space was brimming with positive energy, joy, lightness and peace! I bet some folks didn’t event realize the Sydney region had a rare earthquake during our Peace Is Present workshop, because we were all in such a peaceful place!

The next day, the Joy, Fun, Laughter workshop with Beloved Leigh at the helm and Beloved Traveler John so freely sharing was an absolute joy. The day after, our Ministers and Initiates Meetings were at such a high level that I’m still beyond words!

Our BlessingsFest which completed the amazing Conference in such style, grace, and beauty with Blessings freely and continually extended to all of God’s creation, now and all ways, was naturally the best-ever! The food was truly amazing, which we enjoyed along with the manna from heaven! Beloved John was bountiful and amazing, as all ways! In my experience, the Blessings all ways continue to flow to all during and after a BlessingsFest, so let’s keep enjoying all that, as an ongoing inner experience of The One Accord.

Throughout all this of course, MSIA Services were offered and my experience of everyone I saw was just how bright, shiny and beautiful we all are! Inner and outer! There was something about the glow of Loving Light that was present for all during this time, which is still present in a beautiful way. Such caring, loving, fun, joy and laughter throughout!

The MC’s were amazing and in particular, dear Andrew St John in what later turned out to be his final swan song. God Bless you dear Andrew in your beautiful ongoing Soul experience in the heart of God! Such beautiful vignettes come to mind of Andrew at this Conference: leaping into action on the stage to grab a pile of papers that had fallen to the floor, beaming radiantly throughout, exuding joy and Light, joyfully ordaining a new Minister, and his song, “From the Heart of the Traveler” – absolutely unforgettable on any level, is my experience. The gold tapestry of your Beingness continues to enrich us all who knew you, Thank You beyond words!

Andrew St John

And yes, there were two joyful Ordinations during Conference! My memory is of such joy, laughter, sharing and Light throughout, from the amazing meal breaks to meeting and greeting folks for Services, to quietly doing Spiritual Exercises before events, to big hugs, so much Light-filled exuberance all round! Covid also decided to join the party, so much ongoing Loving Light for the highest good to any folks affected.

Such an amazingly successful Conference certainly takes a village, and folks from around Australia, and our beloved Vincent and Richard from LA, came together to make all this happen, contributing amazing skills and enthusiasm! Thank you for Lighting the Way!

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