
New Day Herald

Light Tour — Sharing Day 2

Another day of sharing, same format as yesterday—eating, Q&A, zonking out on the energy, eating, out of the body, back in the body, rinse and repeat. It’s mostly John Morton and Michael Hayes, holding the energy that’s doing this whole thing, giving just enough information so the spiritual work can get done and each person can have their experience without too much interference, but making sure that each person is held so that they don’t fall or lose themselves in the typhoon that’s blasting them open and cleaning them out. Sometimes Paul Kaye has valuable keys to unlocking areas in the physical, emotional and mental levels, as his name implies (Paul = small/humble; Kaye=Key).

The work goes on hour after hour, led by our mostly serious and very disciplined men. I’m sure it takes great discipline to hold all that energy, and in the scramble to take on the complete range of roles that J-R used to play out physically (to my way of observing he’s very much in charge of the whole thing spiritually, and/or spirit is in charge of him), it seems to be the most disciplined ones who won. But there’s no complete and whole way to approach the spirit in the outer world without implying its opposite, no construction without destruction, no discipline without madness, no holding without letting go, so the more our disciplined spiritual warriors on the dais hold the energy, the more the moment begs for chaos.

And since J-R, the master pattern-interrupter, isn’t at the dais, and since Jsu, another master of chaos, would rather sit on the sidelines, spirit provides a much-needed pattern interrupt in the form of one out-of-the box sharer who starts with a series of jokes instead of the usual series of problems, and cracks everybody up by violating the conventional rules of sense (but making lots of sense in the spirit). There are gales of laughter, and the room feels tons lighter by the time it’s over. God always provides.

The other great pattern interrupt is a brief appearance by J-R, who waves to everyone, and everyone waves back. The man behind the curtain comes out for a moment. While all eyes are watching him, he says quietly, “I don’t want this to turn into a circus,” and then it’s back behind the curtain again.

During dinner there’s live music by a great Arab musician (Yehonatan Nachshoni) discovered by Jsu, then back into our cauldron of healing, and the evening ends with DJ Phil playing “I Feel Good” by James Brown, everybody dances, we pop off to bed around midnight, and the work goes on.


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