
New Day Herald

Our True Friendship in the Lord

When we look for a friend, we’re really looking for someone we can trust who doesn’t abandon, betray, lie, deceive or go against us. Those are qualities that are very difficult to uphold in the flesh because to be human is to in some way falter. In the story of Jesus, there were points when Jesus was on his knees. There was a sense of faltering in the flesh, in the human aspect of who Jesus was. But the story also tells us that the One that is in the Spirit, that is of the Father, never falters.

You walk with your true friend, the Lord, always. You walk with that One, and that One walks with you in the Spirit. That friendship is actually more real than your body. All you need to do is move your awareness towards that eternal friendship within. That awareness is your constant friend. Your awareness of your friendship in the Lord enables you to choose into higher consciousness and all the blessings that come from higher consciousness.

As you gain awareness of your enduring friendship with the Lord, you’ll come to realize that true friendship is always present. So learn how to be in touch with the companionship that is of the Spirit, the Holy Spirit — the One who walks with you, sits with you and lies down with you. That One is always with you and never abandons you.

Choosing Friendships

With your friendships in this world, there’s no need to demand perfection from other people in order for them to gain your friendship. Be willing to give your friendship just because that’s who you are. Friendship is not about placing any demands upon others. Through your openness, you’ll tend to find those who can handle the friendship you’re offering. The One who can handle that friendship always comes forward from within you.

I wouldn’t be in a hurry to seek out friendships if they’re not occurring in your natural experience. I’d be careful of judging that something is wrong. It can just simply be, “Oh, those folks are of a different feather. We don’t quite see eye to eye. We have different values.” You may just be experiencing a sense of separation and alienation from some people more than you do with those who share your perspectives or ideas.

As children, we likely had openness and innocence with our friends so we shared ourselves more fully than we do as adults. Looking back, we can see that openness is kind of a secret to friendship. Childhood relationships often occur with a sense of completeness and generosity. We let ourselves be open and vulnerable in those relationships. We were the ones who created the closeness through our innocence and enthusiasm. And we are the ones who can create that closeness now by choosing to trust in the Lord as we open ourselves to loving one another.

In the Bible, Jesus said, “I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you” (John 15:15). As we come into the consciousness that is anointed of the Spirit, we can love one another as friends. That entails being more willing to extend ourselves, to trust and be open.

Look at people in the eyes. Be willing to touch people like you would touch a friend. There is a caring exchanged between friends, those who are related in the heart where we live in truth. We live in the joy and caring that is our natural way of being as that is the way of the Lord.

As you learn how to uphold your friendship with the Lord so that you’re aware that divine friendship is always with you, then there’s no longer a sense of being alone. You can then experience a sense of always being with your Beloved. Then whenever someone is gathered with you in the name of the Lord, they too are your beloved friend.

You can be friendly with a lot of people, but a true friend is somebody who puts their life towards you. True friends have a willingness to exchange their lives and put their lives on the line for one another in important and sacred ways. How many people can you really do that for so that you’re truly available to them? Even one true friendship is fulfilling for the heart.

You can endeavor to be that way towards all people, so you just befriend the one you’re with somehow. That’s a good policy, because the nature that I relate to as a friend is the Christ. I consider the One who comes forward from the Christ within is exemplifying true friendship. So anyone who is a friend in the consciousness of the Christ is also a friend of mine. If you uphold that nature of the Christ, you are going to tend to attract those that uphold that nature toward you.

Your Body, Your Friend

Do you relate to your body as your friend? Our body is one of our best friends amongst many best friends. The body is of the order of a perfect servant. Our body follows directions, and much of that direction is so far beyond what we know consciously. So it’s important to give our body responses and directions that are loving and healthy.

Our body is a vehicle, a housing if you will, for our functioning in this world. Our body is vital to us as souls, as spiritual beings having human experiences in this world. When we begin to appreciate what our body is, where it comes from and how it functions for us, then it is more revealing as a temple for our soul. It then becomes more of a place of worship that’s holy. So consider the perfection and majesty of your body as an instrument of your divine nature working through the experiences in this world.

When you don’t feel well, don’t judge yourself. For example, if you say to yourself, “I’d be really fine today if this body would do what it’s supposed to do,” that’s a statement of ignorance. Your body is doing exactly what it’s supposed to do as a vehicle for physical experiences. It’s your attitude that needs some adjustment. Do something caring toward yourself, starting from within and expressing in your choices and actions. You can be a great friend to your body just by having a loving, peaceful way of being yourself.

Move your consciousness toward being friends with your body regardless. Move your attitude towards what is joyful, healthful, and vital to you. John-Roger defines health as “loving who you are.” When I first heard that, I was struck by the simplicity and truth of that definition. If I’m loving who I am, there’s a vitality in that. Even if I’m in a coma, or I’m paralyzed, there’s still a vitality in my loving and honoring my body as my friend.

My vitality as a loving being is not about the functionality of my physical being. There are a multitude of conditions that bring to us what we are learning. Often, those learning conditions appear to us as obstacles and challenges. Yet they are on purpose for who we are and what we are learning as souls in this world. Remember, you can use everything for your upliftment, learning and growth, including your bodily conditions and the conditions in which you find yourself. Again your attitude is a powerful key toward using everything for upliftment.

You can change your attitude towards your body right now by loving it just as it is — your good friend. Choose to be happy and at peace with yourself as best you can. Forgive yourself for holding any judgments against your body and how it serves you. Even if you have a headache or you don’t have the energy to walk across the room, that doesn’t alter your purpose or ability to love yourself in each moment. So be accepting and loving towards yourself in relation to the conditions of your body as it is the temple for your soul.

God is Your Partner

As a result of a financial crisis, a friend of mine told me he felt he’d lost control of his life. The challenges in our world make it clear that none of us have control of things that happen in the world. But what we can control is how we choose to respond to the challenges we encounter.

Although my friend lost money, I saw that he could still choose to take every opportunity in his life to experience joy. He could still choose to be open to abundance and prosperity. Rather than giving up, I suggested he take action to protect and strengthen himself through these challenging times. And I reminded him he’s not alone.

“You have a partner in God,” I told him. “A partner in whom you can trust completely with all the things that go on in the world.”

I’m not suggesting there will be no more storms, droughts or blizzards. Partnering with God doesn’t guarantee we won’t lose money or have a health challenge. We all have challenges to overcome and from which to learn. However, through my trust in God, I choose to respond to each challenge as an opportunity for learning to become a better person and contributing to a better world. I know that each challenge is provided in some ways for my learning and growth. John-Roger said, “Out of God comes all things,” and “God loves all of Its creation.” It follows then that every challenge can be seen as having a blessing because every challenge comes from God.

In my partnership with God, I have an agreement just like I have an agreement in any other partnership. I don’t control my other partners nor do I control how anyone chooses to be a partner with me. I don’t control those relationships, just as I don’t control God. All I can do is make the best choices for myself through loving those relationships. I choose to strive towards perfection and then let go of control. I choose to let go and let God, which means to be patient and relax.

When I was younger, I chose to take a vow of poverty and focus my life on being of service. I gave up my material concerns as I had known them. I no longer owned anything. I didn’t have all kinds of things that a lot of people have. I didn’t have any income or pay taxes. I didn’t have a bank account.

During that time, I had many opportunities to learn about what really matters to me. I learned about true abundance and prosperity that comes from within which allowed me to live a very rich fulfilling life. I found the freedom that comes from not being attached to things through the perception of personal ownership. I found deeper appreciation for what is present in each moment and circumstance in a way that felt as if I was owning everything.

Taking a vow of poverty was somewhat like living a sheltered lifestyle. Eventually, I chose to let go of my vow of poverty. In the period since that time, I have continued to live a rich, fulfilling life. I’ve had many situations provide me with opportunities to take my attention away from the grand experience that freedom from material concerns brings. My life now has more material concerns than it had years ago. And from time to time, I find that material concerns weigh upon my sense of freedom.

What I’ve learned is that my ability to experience prosperity and joy are more about having the willingness to choose how to respond in appreciation of what is present in each situation. When we choose to respond with trust in God, we are partnering with that One who is in control and leading us through learning and upliftment regardless of whether or not we obtain anything material. God, the Creator that created all of us, is within me and within you. I still am who I am, regardless of my financial situation or whatever challenges are in front of me. You are still who you are regardless of your material situation or bodily conditions.

God is always our partner and truest friend. Your friendship with God is the ultimate, enduring relationship. Through your true friendship with God, you can experience richness, abundance and fulfillment regardless of any situation or condition in your life. It’s up to you to choose to raise your awareness of your true friendship in the Lord. So go inside. Take the time to tune within to that One who is the Holy Spirit. Find your trust in God as your partner, your unconditionally loving and most loyal friend.

Baruch Bashan


3 thoughts on “Our True Friendship in the Lord”

  1. This was so wonderful. Really helped gain better perspective as I deal with my cancer and
    walk through it with the Lord as my partner.
    With deep gratitude,
    Carol Barger

  2. It all resonates beautifully for me and in particular the piece about “playing for keeps” . To me that matters, in that; I am not playing to win or lose but rather for “keeps” as a Soul Line progression. Yay Lord! Thank you JM. 🙂

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