
New Day Herald

Blessings & a Celebration of Liberation at the July 4th Blessings Fest, 2011

The Conference of The Wayshower concluded with fireworks and a spiritual bang with a Blessings Fest, held at Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens on July 4th. In past years the theme of the Blessings Fest has been delicate and sumptuous food with an elegant setting, much akin to the beauty and goodness of Melisse Restaurant in Santa Monica, where the event had been held for so many years.

This year, a page was taken from our Founding Fathers and Americaā€™s Summer traditional celebration of our Independence Day with a more home-style cook out, paying homage as well to our neighbors south of the border. The mood was still upscale, how could it not be at the Home of the Traveler, with tri tip and organic BBQ chicken, and the very best burger sliders and hot dogs you could ask for, all garnished with salads, salsas, chipotle powdered corn on the cob, southern style home made corn bread, and delectable sweets and starters to begin and end that were too many to mention them all.

The day began with a raucous rendition of Hail To The Chief as our beloved Traveler and friend, John Morton, entered Prana (along with the lovely Leigh Taylor-Young, followed by Michael & Alisha Hayes), and ended some seven hours later to the sweet sounds of America The Beautiful by Keb Mo. There had been talk at Conference that this yearā€™s Blessings Fest may conclude earlier than usual, yet the outpouring of Spirit was so vast, and John Mortonā€™s commitment to the integrity of that Spirit so complete and generous, that the original estimated ending time of 4 pm came and went without a nod or a blink as the blessings just kept on coming.

This yearā€™s event was attended by a number of our friends from Bulgaria, recently graduated from the very first Insight 4 to be held in Eastern Europe, along with folks from Venezuela and other South American countries, Europe, Australia, and all across the United States, making the day not only a celebration of Americaā€™s Independence, but also the blessings of liberation in the consciousness of the Soul of people from all around the world.

As the ā€œbusinessā€ of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness is teaching Soul Transcendence, I found it particularly auspicious that we concluded the Conference of The Wayshower on the 4th of July. Perhaps the greatest gift that John-Roger has brought forward and shared with all of humanity throughout the many years of his ministry and service is a path to greater loving, kindness, and liberation in the consciousness of the Soul for all who choose to follow, with the ability and even direction to then turn and show the way of that path to others. This is the path that our beloved John Morton continues to follow with such devotion and dedication, as he continues to be a Wayshower for us all today. It is along this path that the many blessings of the Blessings Fest are celebrated, and the true opportunity lies for those willing to participate.

Outwardly, the Blessings Fest begins with an invocation of the Light, after which participants are invited to write a request or a question or a prayer, or really anything they would like to write onto a card, which is then collected and given up to John to address. This is done anonymously, and collectively, such that very often what one personā€™s concern, question, or contribution is becomes a vehicle through which to share the blessing with all present. All who are present are invited to write on a card, and after thirty or forty of these are addressed, the general themes of all of humanity on the planet tend also to be addressed. Themes such as assistance with greater or more effective loving relationship, financial wealth, success and direction in work, health and wellbeing, children, pets, spiritual progression, etc. The requests may be as specific or as general as can be, and in my experience of attending many of these events, through Johnā€™s and J-Rā€™s and now frequently Michael Hayesā€™ generosity and the integrity of the Spirit, they are all addressed to the very last one.

A while ago J-R brought forward an identification of ten blessings; Health, Wealth and Happiness; Loving, Caring and Sharing; Abundance, Prosperity and Riches; and Touching with and through all of these to others. These are the many blessings celebrated and brought forward in ever-greater goodness and abundance at a Blessings Fest. That which might have stood in the way of receiving any or all of these blessings, or that which might have been blocking the consciousness from the greater realization that these blessings are in fact already present and available, is also lifted and healed to the extent allowable by Spirit and the individual consciousness involved.

A Blessings Fest is a wonderful event to attend, as well as a fun way to participate in fundraising for our church, and my wish is that all those who might ever feel called to attend have the opportunity and ability to do so. Acknowledging that we are participating in practical spirituality, and that 6 plus billion people may not come forward to physically attend a Blessings Fest, I invite you to participate in and celebrate the blessings in every moment, and in this moment, with the exercise below.

And first, an invocation:

Dear Lord God of All Creation, just now we ask for a clearing through the Light and divine Love and Presence of the Holy Spirit. We ask that that which can be lifted and cleared that no longer serves the greatest and highest good of all concerned be done so through your love and returned to the nothingness from whence it came. We ask for ever greater attunement to your presence and the goodness and divine blessings that are always present with us, and for greater awareness of the Grace extended to us, for greater Grace in our lives as we come into the awareness of the Blessings within our midst, that we truly are the blessings, that the blessings already are.

In this moment, take a moment to come into the stillness that resides within and beyond your breath. Experience the spaciousness and calmness of your beingness.

Breathe in. Breathe out. Relax. Let go. Slow down. Breathe in. Breathe out.

Continue breathing, and bring your awareness to your breathing as you take a moment from the world around you. Be still. Be calm.



Be. ā€¦ Now, close your eyes and just breathe for a while. Let go.

Now, from that calmer place inside of you, take a moment and ask, ā€œWhat are the blessings of my life?ā€

Be in the appreciation of that which you do already have. Maybe it is as simple as hot water, or running water. Maybe there is awareness that you have the opportunity and ability to be participating in this moment in this way. Maybe it is the blessing that you know inside of yourself that you have so much to give to those that you love, and so much goodness of your creativity and caring to share with the world. Maybe it is as simple as the sweetness of the awareness of God within you, and the joy that that awareness brings.

If there is a sense of lack, or experience of emotional or physical pain, or maybe some sadness,ā€¦ bring loving forward for yourself to that area in your consciousness. Be ok with that for a moment. Be kind with yourself. Be loving with yourself. Be gentle with yourself.

Honor what is present.

Take a moment and ask, ā€œWhat is the greater Blessing I would like to receive?ā€

Breathe into that. Allow yourself to open. Allow yourself to ask.

If an awareness of sadness or pain is still present, allow yourself to be gentle with yourself. Now, ask, ā€œWhat is the assistance I am asking for?ā€ ā€œWhat is the Blessing I am looking for?ā€ ā€œWhat is the assistance I am opening myself up to receive?ā€

Be still. Allow the answer to come forward.

Make a space within yourself to receive.

Assistance is all around you in every moment. You can feel it just now, as if a gentle breeze is caressing your skin. Filling your heart.

Breathe in the goodness that is present with you right now. Breathe in the love. Allow the Spirit to infuse you. Allow yourself to be loved.

Ask, ā€œWhat is the blessing of my life?ā€

ā€œWhat is the Greater Blessing?

Baruch Bashan

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