
New Day Herald

A Message from John-Roger About Windermere Ranch

How many of you have not been up to Windermere ranch? Do yourself a favor and go up there. It’s a lot like saying to someone on a hot day, “Do yourself a favor, and get out of the sun.” Or, “Go have a nice cool glass of water.” The healing energy up there is coming in more and more, and the rocks are starting to generate it. The only way you’re going to know this is to lie down on them, and you’ll find out for yourself. If nothing else, visit with the horses, because they will reflect back to you what you’re doing. And sometimes it’s not fun to find out how much they really know.

We’ve done “horse awareness trainings” up at Windermere. At one of these, a woman told me, “I really enjoyed riding the horses. I’ve been afraid of horses, and on the first day I wouldn’t even go up to them. On the second day I thought, ‘This time I’ll stay with them, but on the other side of the fence.'” Then later she decided to shovel some of the manure out of the corral because there were no horses in there and she wanted a little exercise.

On the third day she started combing a horse a little bit. The horse went into this deep relaxation, and as it went into the relaxation, she went into relaxation too. Later on in the evening she said, “Could I ride one of the horses?” And they said, “Yes.” One of the staff who was with her said, “Just follow me, hold onto the pommel, and close your eyes. As you feel more comfortable just take your hand off.” And the person did that.

Later on she had a sharing with me and said, “I’ve been up with the horses, and, oh, they’re just lovely, just wonderful. But that’s not what I want to talk about. I cured my fear of heights. I had this terrible fear. I wouldn’t walk across a bridge or climb up on rocks.”

I was just looking at her as she was sharing. I said, “How about this other thing?” And I mentioned a few things she had been dealing with. She said, “Oh, yeah, they’ve been gone too.” I asked her, “How did you get out of those things?” She said, “I had to get up and just go do something to expand the energy, to just push it out.”

Obviously, she had contracted. Contraction causes you all these problems. She found out very fast that once you start to feel a contraction, you start to move. But you can’t just move thinking of the fear. You have to move thinking of the success.

With Windermere, it’s getting down to me, and you, and all of us having to get off our butts. You have to just start helping us over the hump. There’s no indebtedness anywhere in IIWP, in Windermere, or in any of the aligned organizations. While I was the steward of it, I gave everything over to it. I just made it work. When new organizations started, I said we do not go into indebtedness for anything. If you need a computer and we can’t afford one, get a pencil with an eraser and start writing. It will take you longer but that’s how we will be doing it. And as soon as the money comes in for that, yes, we’ll get it.

Some people start to look at IIWP and Windermere from the point of view of, “Oh, you’re my daddy. Gimme this. Gimme my gas for my car. Gimme that.” We won’t do that. It’s not Daddy. It’s a location for us to come to gather into peace and to start bringing that forward. I don’t know if you’ve noticed it, but anytime you’re upset, there’s a good chance you’re going to go eat, or distract yourself doing something else. Very few times when you’re upset do you go towards peaceā€”but that should be the place you go.

In the other organizations, we come inside to touch into the Spirit, and to move up in Spirit. In the Institute for Individual and World Peace we’re coming inside and we’re not moving to that exact same place. Were moving just to the side of it, where we can have peace and let the peace start to flow into the world. Do you know what’s going to flow into the world with it? Spirit.

Some people do not want Spirit in this world. They do not want anybody to have anything equal to what they’ve got. They want to control what’s going on. One thing we found out about being at Windermere is that you don’t control the horses. They have the option to kick you and bite you or to let you get on them and ride them.

And you people have the same options. You can say, “If you don’t do what I want, I’ll hit you. If you don’t do what I want, I’ll take a bite out of your pocketbook.” Now I know some of you who, when you get upset with your spouse, go shopping. That’s just about the worst way to get even that I know of, because you’re using up the money that you could have for other things. It might be best just to say, “This thing that I want to buy costs $300, and instead I’m taking that $300 and putting it away someplace.” Then you say, “Let’s put it in a house. Let’s put it in bonds. Let’s build something together.”

At Windermere, we’re taking that money and putting it into the land. Windermere is being built for all of you.

I just really thank you all for supporting the Windermere project.

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