So a horse walked into a bar, and the bartender said…. Thus opened MSIA‘s Conference of Health, Wealth and Happiness, with the comic styling and heartfelt facilitation of Penelope and Laren Bright leading us all in the open workshop, “Laughter, The Best Meditation.”
Although the Brights assured us in a most sincere way that they were not the comic relief of MSIA’s annual Conference, and that the workshop they were about to conduct was in fact a serious affair — with actual content, processes, and let’s just say, a point, — a raucous, yet tender and healing time was had by all.
John-Roger, MSIA’s founder, has been known to say that perfect vulnerability is perfect protection. In the workshop we practiced the perfect vulnerability of honestly sharing — sometimes from despair to the absurdity we experienced in situations we might have judged or perceived as tragedies ā and through the sharing healing occurred; the realization that somewhere in the depth of despair is the fact that the situation, when viewed with higher perspective, is often quite funny.
One of the greatest keys that John-Roger has given us is the fact that if it is going to be funny later, (and it will be) it’s funny right now. Through the process of awakening to and experiencing this fact the hurt is dissolved, perspective expanded, and a lot of space is created for the love and joy of Spirit to enter. Cue the laughter. Cue expanding into a greater expression of health.
During the workshop participants were invited to recall an experience that had brought forward upset, and to share that with others, looking for and experiencing the lighter perspective. To assist with the process, a number of meditations, audio excerpts, and short videos were played. And, the evening concluded with a sharing with John Morton, our beloved Traveler, and the Spiritual Director of MSIA.
And so, with all the loving and laughter present, and with an abundance of Grace coming from Spirit in preparation for all the Conference events to follow, only one question remained unanswered.
Why the long face?
With Love and Light.
Thank you.
Dear Beloved,
i celebrate with everybody at the conference from Nigeria.We love you all at the conference.