
New Day Herald

Answering the Call to Spirit's Leadership, John Morton

With So Much Negativity Around Me, How Can I Love It All?

Question: With so much negativity around me, how can I love it all?

Answer: You have a wonderful opportunity to discover your trust in God and God’s trust in you. Consider that as you gain soul awareness and awakening, you come to your understanding of the divine nature in all of the creation including all that is involved in this world. Spiritual Exercise, involving your calling yourself forward into soul awareness, is an important key. You can request understanding and offer up your misunderstanding, whatever that may be, as your willingness to surrender with God, the God of all and your Creator. This can involve tremendous dedication and devotion in your willingness to simply present yourself unfettered of all judgment and prejudice.

Come clean. Come open so your mind is willing to let go. Be willing to forgive your judgments “least ye be judged,” not by your Creator but by the influence of the one we know as the Kal power. That negative power would deceive you and invite you to remain in negative positions that you have allowed by your past judgments and the related negative actions.

God loves you and all of this creation which is destined to return to the nothingness from which it came. The Traveler working through the Christ consciousness is with you and every soul through all these trials and tribulations whenever and wherever they occur. It is upon you to call forward your divine nature through loving unconditionally which is to love every person or situation regardless of how painful or unjust it may appear.

Souls are not the bodies nor the conditions in which they frequent and occupy. We as souls are entirely free to choose into our divine nature and gain that realization. It is your choice how you relate to God and all of the creation including yourself.

Choose wisely. Choose lovingly. Choose with mercy and grace and to that measure it is done unto you.

Baruch Bashan
John Morton

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4 thoughts on “With So Much Negativity Around Me, How Can I Love It All?”

  1. Timely question, love this part “The Traveler working through the Christ consciousness is with you and
    every soul through all these trials and tribulations whenever and
    wherever they occur.”

  2. Carol M. Barger

    Thank you for inspiring me as I surrender with God, to renew my dedication and devotion
    to simply present myself unfettered of all judgments and prejudice. And reminds me of the
    value and importance of constant clearing. I am so grateful for your ministry.

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