
New Day Herald

Earthquakes: Inside and Outside

This article by John-Roger was first published in The Movement Newspaper in May of 1979.

“You would be furthest ahead, when you think of earthquakes, just to place the whole action into the Light…”

There has been some concern and some speculation about earthquakes in recent months. And because California tends to be ā€œearthquake country,ā€ there is often concern among Californians about earthquakes. There have been many, many predictions by various psychics about future quakes of major and minor proportions. This seems to be a good time to take a look at earthquakes and at their causes and results.

All earth changes are positive, when looked at from a higher consciousness. When you can look at it from the point of view of the evolutionary process of the planet, it ceases to appear tragic, and it becomes clear that earthquakes can be a vehicle for people to release themselves from the bondage of their negative thinking and the karma that has locked them in. Often, when the action has completed itself, people find that they are much freer to lift into new consciousnesses.

Earthquakes are funny. When you’re standing on what you think is ā€œterra firmaā€ and, all of a sudden, ā€œit throws up on you,ā€œ you don’t have a whole lot of reference points left. The emotion that goes with that is pretty hard to place. The upset and anxiety, and sometimes terror, that accompanies the action of an earthquake, can indeed shake you up on a lot of levels… and it can shake you free of negativity and into a freer consciousness. Now the trick is not to get caught up in the disturbance but to let it go as soon as the earthquake is over. If you can choose to participate in the life stream of what is happening, you will experience an earthquake in the moment that it is happening, observe it, and not get caught in the panic of it.

Think what would happen if all the rescue and emergency people reacted in panic, instead of doing their jobs. That might be disaster. When an earthquake hits, your best approach is to do the things physically that are appropriate to do. If you don’t know what that is, instructions about earthquake procedures are available from your local fire department or other public-awareness organizations. Beyond that, what you can do is move inwardly into a place of calm and Light. Focus the Light into the area where you are. Become a channel for Light energy. Become stable within yourself. Shift immediately from the ā€œpanicā€ of your lower consciousness into the steadiness of the higher consciousness.

The first law of Spirit is acceptance. And that is an important concept in the face of an earthquake. Since there seems to be nothing you can do about it on this physical level, one thing you can do inwardly is move quickly into an attitude of acceptance and calm. Most earthquakes that we experience are not of major proportions, and it is more the fear of what might happen that causes the panic, rather than what is happening. And, yes, we understand that they can cause severe damage as many quakes have in the past.

There are some physical reasons for earthquakes that we can look at. One is that the earth changes its shape slightly (from round to, say, egg-shaped) and the shift causes pressures in the earth and creates a slipping motion, which creates a wave-like effect that we call an earthquake. If you can see with the higher vision, you can see an earthquake coming. It comes through the ground very much like a wave…if you were an earthquake surfer, you’d probably want to grab your board and go for it.

Beyond the physical, an earthquake can often be reflective of an etheric shift in the energies of the earth, which are manifested on the physical. The etheric or magnetic poles of the earth are in a process of shifting in order to become aligned with a newer, higher energy that is coming into being on the planet. Those changes that have taken place in the etheric must be matched by the physical changes. It can happen gradually, which is evident in the many small quakes that we have had in the last several years and still have daily in California. The crust of the earth is shifting to match the etheric shift.

There are metaphysicians that say earthquakes are caused (or contributed to) by the consciousness of the people in the area where the quake occurs. Many years ago there was a religious/spiritual group in California whose leader predicted a major earthquake for the California area. I knew many people in this group, and some of them called to warn me of the quake and to ask me if I wanted to participate in their ā€œmass exodusā€ to Colorado where it would be ā€œsafe.ā€ I declined their offer to move…and their reaction was not too kind. They did, however, make the move to Colorado…and some months later there was a major earthquake in Colorado, where earthquakes were relatively rare. I wouldn’t swear that their consciousness of fear created the earthquake, but I do know that putting negative energy into something can add ā€œfuel to the fireā€ and help it to come about. You would be furthest ahead, when you think of earthquakes, just to place the whole action into the Light, see Light permeating the formation of the earth in your area, and lift above the fear. That is a way to be of service and to be responsible for yourself within this area.

It is also true that many of the psychics who predict earthquakes are tapping into their own inner levels of disturbance and turmoil and are projecting that out onto a more general action. There was a woman in San Francisco many years ago who predicted a major earthquake, and many people moved out of the area because of her prediction. And it happened that, very close to the time for which she had predicted the earthquake, she had a heart attack and died. She had accurately predicted an ā€œearthquakeā€ but had missed that it was her personal change that she was perceiving.

Many people have earthquakes dreams and become greatly concerned that it is a precognitive dream, indicating great disaster ahead. If you have an earthquake dream, you might want to consider it in a symbolic way, and look for the changes that may be about to occur in your own personal life and environment. You might want to look for changes in jobs, relationships, home, etc. Earthquake dreams are not necessarily indicative of an outer, physical earthquake.

When you look at change as an aspect of evolution, then it is positive. So you can look at the overall action of the earthquake as positive, and you can use the movement of energy to activate movement within your own energy fields. You can also use it to uplift you and ā€œpushā€ you into new patterns. You might experience a lot of physical things around the time of an earthquake. You might experience dizziness, nausea, rampant fear patterns, illnesses that can’t be logically explained, diarrhea, etc. That is your physical body being affected by the same energies that are affecting the earth. It’s okay. It can be a time re-evaluate and take a look at the patterns you have been stuck in and locked into. It’s a time of change.

Often an earthquake will be time of change on many, many levels: personal, relationship, career and employment, social, economic, political, religious, etc. These things are not unrelated, they do not exist independently of one another. When changes are precipitated, people tend to take a more serious look at themselves and their environment and become more selective of those things that are lasting and real and those things that are not.

In Chicago many years ago, there was a disaster through fire, and a large department store burned the ground. The owner took the opportunity to ā€œmake all things new.ā€ He rebuilt his store on the same site, but the new store was more dynamic and larger, with a reorganized administration and, consequently, was much more appealing to the consumer market.

In California, after the major earthquake of the 1800s, it was found out that the mayor of a city was involved in a lot of graft and dishonesty. The political machine was overthrown, and the city government was rebuilt on a more solid and honest basis.

In a major earthquake in the Los Angeles area in 1971, there was a feeling of camaraderie and mutual support that was created between ā€œestablishmentā€ and ā€œhippieā€ that did much to heal that gap and create good feelings on all sides. People on both sides moved out of a heavy judgmental consciousness, and moved into a lot more understanding and loving tolerance.

A young friend of mine, at the time of the ā€œLos Angeles earthquake,ā€ said, ā€œWell, people in Los Angeles put a lot of things in motion, created a lot of karma, and then they got to eat it.ā€ In a general way, that could be true. In the larger sense, the planetary logo, the Spirit that governs and activates the planet, perceived that time in 1971 as a good time ā€œto shake things upā€ and allow the opportunity for reevaluation and change. There is nothing negative about change. And the earth is changing and evolving according to its law and its destiny. Things are on schedule, and there are no catastrophes from the higher consciousness. Every 25,000 years or so, the planet moves through a cycle of return. The great spiritual forces that were present 25,000 years ago are again present today, and the earth must shift itself to match the higher energies and frequencies of Light that are present.

Make the things that you work in, work for you. So when you find yourself in positions of radical change and great upheaval, make that work for you. If you fight it and resist it, you will cause yourself unnecessary turmoil and confusion. Go with it. Find that neutral space within that is able to flow with whatever action is present for you in any moment, and just go with it. If you don’t like what’s happening, just close your eyes for a moment and center yourself within yourself. Look deep within and find where that disturbance you perceive outside of yourself exists within yourself…and clear it from within. Then you’ll find that the outer disturbance no longer upsets you, because it no longer exists inside of you. Create a safe place for yourself where you love yourself, no matter what, and then, from that safe space, reach out to others and, by demonstration, assist them to create a safe space for themselves inside of themselves. Then that safe space can be shared. And you will find that there is only love inside of you for yourself, and outside of you for everyone else. It seems obvious that earth changes (quakes) can be perceived through attitude, even though the physical reality is in a chaotic state of change. Your change is not synonymous with evil or ā€œend-of-days.ā€ It can also signal a new beginning.

Click Here for more on Earthquakes from John-Roger, DSS

3 thoughts on “Earthquakes: Inside and Outside”

  1. Really it was very helpful,thats exactly the situation I am in,hope and pray for change for good thanks

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