
New Day Herald

Some EnCHANTed Evening

A heavenly host of extended family and friends, in the flesh and online, made their way to Prana for the annual New Year’s Eve Sacred Tones workshop. The ever-ebullient Paul Kaye served as facilitator, MC, and amiable host for the evening.

The evening began with an invocation of the Light and an invitation for John-Roger’s presence to infuse the evening. As we sent Light to family and friends, we also focused on the simple rise and fall of our breathing.

The focus on breathing swirled throughout the evening — breathing with a focus of lightness and the loving of our hearts. As we followed our breathing, Paul invited us to let go of the past, and breath in the newness present and to come. We gave thanks for making it through the year, however that happened, with whatever mistakes we may have made along the way. After all, it’s all ok — we’re here, now, and can come to all things anew.

We also invited gratitude into our hearts for all the blessings of the year, amidst any and all challenges that may also have been present — gratitude for the blessings that held us. Paul noted that those blessings can also be called grace — how lovely! — so we can remember to be open to grace continually, to its gentle, loving warmth. This set the tone (no pun intended) perfectly for the exercises we did with each other, one focusing on letting go of anything we wanted to release from 2012 and the other identifying our intentions for 2013.

J-R was with us in abundance, through divine presence and a bevy of meditations and excerpts perfectly constellated to move us deeply inward. We listened to a breathing meditation, a meditation of the heart, and the So Hawng meditation. With the excerpts, again and again and again J-R kept reinforcing a keynote of MSIA: loving it all.

The evening came to an early completion with an invitation to light refreshments and time with friends. As folks hugged and made their way home, Prana is alive and humming with preparatory energy for 2013, and two high point events to kick it off — the New Year’s Spa Day with John Morton, followed by (or, really, including) the wedding ceremony for John Morton and Leigh Taylor-Young. Glad tidings for so many good God things here, now, and to come!

God bless us all : )

(to the tune of ‘Some Enchanted Evening’)
Some EnCHANTed Evening
Whenever you’re with Spirit
Let the loving find you
There’s really nothing to it…

Baruch Bashan
Always and all ways

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