
New Day Herald

A World Planet With World Citizens

This article by John-Roger was first published in the Movement Newspaper, September 1985.

One of the most accurate ways to define the spiritual consciousness is as the very source of your heartbeat and your breath. It is who you are. Not who you feel you are, not who you think you are, but truly who you are.

These things are not true because anyone says so; you are able to check them out for yourself. It’s the same if I point to a light and say, “The light is on”; it is simply a statement of what is. I may recognize it, but you can turn and see it for yourself. When you say, “It’s on,” it is the same recognition. What is IS and that’s the attitude we want to deal with.

Regardless of how we feel, we can live with a positive attitude. We can transcend the attitude of, “I didn’t do anything wrong” and ask ourselves, “What have I done right?” There are a couple of principles that assist us in this attitude: Don’t hurt yourself and don’t hurt others. Take care of yourself so you can take care of others. This is an attitude that recognizes an error, recognizes a mistake, but does not castigate, criminalize or confine people. It recognizes it for what it is.

When we recognize the truth of spirit, we no longer need to run our prejudices. We no longer need to manipulate or take advantage of others. We can take all of that and put it aside, we can deal with each other in the way we’ve often wished and fantasized that we could–heart to heart. When a person comes present with their heart, it’s not an emotional response. The emotions may be there but they just don’t seem to come forward. We call it heartfelt energies.

When we put our prejudices aside, we find that we are all tremendously alike. That can be the good news and the bad news. If we are all the same in the garbage pit that’s the bad news.

If we are all the same in God’s heart, that’s good news. In reality we are in both places. We can feel like we’re in the garbage pit and be present in God’s heart, because the garbage pit could be a transitory place while we are moving toward God. If we maintain a focus that we are residents in God’s heart, then life takes on a euphoria.

My premise is very simple: God loves us and that’s why we’re here on the planet. We are loved continuously in Spirit; even when we say we’re not, we are loved. We are coming to a place collectively on the planet where we can no longer consider anyone alienated in any sense of the word. Maybe the word alien or foreigner will have to go. We are coming to a world planet with world citizens. Everywhere we go we have a responsibility to that place, even if we’re never going back. Not only that, but the place is better because we have been there.

One of the most astounding things in the world is when a person comes to that moment of recognition in their life that they are 100% responsible, either creating, allowing or promoting everything that’s happening to them, and the key to that is attitude. The more we come to realize that everything is just what it is, and deal with it from that perspective, the more the mind begins to relax. It’s not necessary to carry on conversations in your head about what you should say to someone. You can let all the “shoulds” fall away and when you meet that person, allow your heart to be present. Love them in terms of you-that you feel good and let that good come out.

When we come together with someone in sharing, we’re free, because we choose to be with them. If we can allow people the freedom of their space, allow them to be free, then whatever they do, we’re free inside of ourselves. And that’s a quality of wealth, to have freedom inside. We don’t get freedom and understanding by fighting; we get understanding by understanding. We don’t get peace by fighting, we get peace by not fighting. Some of us are fighting to be close and fighting doesn’t make us close, it pushes us apart.

This world is a very practical world. Practical means you listen to what people say, you love them in what they say, and you support them in what they’re saying. Then you check it out for yourself. It may take a little more time to check it out, but you don’t have to sit in resentment, hate, or revenge trying to get even. You have all that time to be loving.

In truth you are royalty because the spirit of God lives inside of you. That’s what keeps your heart beating and that’s what wakes you up when you go to sleep at night. The spiritual essence within you is everlasting. The royalty, the oneness and the love within you is your connection with people wherever you go.

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