
New Day Herald

Initiates Meeting at the Conference of Living Love, 2006: A Sacred Gift from God

Article image Click here to view the photo slideshow from the Initiates Meeting at MSIA’s Conference of Living Love.

From the moment I walked into the Sheraton Ballroom for our Initiates Meeting at the Conference of Living Love to the moment of peace-filled chanting as we concluded our time together this year, I was reminded inside of the precious gift we have all been given to be Initiates of the Traveler. I heard again and again how powerful and beautiful it continues to be, for each and every one of us, to put our trust in the Lord in this way. What a sweet and profound blessing it is to know this path and to choose back, walking hand in hand, with the Traveler.

We began our meeting by coming into the silence and gently chanting Ani Hu, an ancient name of God that brings forth the quality of empathy. I was especially moved by the way the Assistants and Ushers held the focus for the grace in the silence. Through their loving glances and welcoming nods, we were greeted with Living Love through their loving service. As I looked around the room, I found myself moved again and again by all the ways we honor one another in our choice to walk in this world as Initiates of the Traveler — a knowing look, a tender smile, a gentle touch of a hand, a warm embrace.

Having arrived a bit early, I enjoyed the space and time to tune within, to do spiritual exercises. How beautiful it is to have this opportunity to chant in a room filled with my brothers and sisters who share this knowing love for the Traveler. As we all chanted within, John Morton then rose to the stage and called in the Light. John offered a blessing for all the Initiates, not just those of us fortunate enough to be present in the room, but to all the Initiates across the planet. As John did so, I felt my heart fill with the loving that comes from knowing that we Initiates are all holding hands together in our hearts wherever we are. Then both John-Roger and John Morton, our beloved Travelers, graced us with more than two hours of time for questions, answers and open sharings.

The first part of our meeting was open to questions from any Initiate. John walked down the aisle and counted off ten Initiates who raised their hands, choosing back eagerly and joyfully, to have the chance to know more of who they truly are. After those ten Initiates shared their questions, John then called for Initiates who had received their Initiation just that morning and wanted to know more. Throughout the sharings, I was moved by the gratitude that each Initiate shared about being able to know the blessing of this path with the Traveler. Regardless of whether they had just been initiated that morning or more than thirty years ago, the words that were spoken again and again were of loving gratitude. The sense of wonder and awe that each Initiate shared reflected to me the wonder and awe that I continue to have in my heart that the Lord has graced our world in this way and that I can partake in this sacred gift.

The answers I heard to the many questions that were asked for us all were mainly reminders of what I have heard and read again and again. And although a place inside of me already knows, it is so good to be reminded again especially with the love, wisdom and humor that J-R and John so generously give.

Some of the reminders I heard were to forgive ourselves for our judgments and to forgive all our judgments of the past, to let go and move forward and always ask for the highest good for ourselves. I heard us reminded to trust in the Lord completely as that is the natural way to move into acceptance, cooperation, understanding, enthusiasm and empathy, those qualities known as the Laws of Spirit. We were reminded that everything is a choice and that it is up to us to choose to hold onto hurts or to let them go. We can stop our doubts and fear at anytime simply by choosing to do so. Doing spiritual exercises, chanting our initiatory tone with devotion and dedication, was emphasized once again as the key to knowing more of who we truly are and the way to bring forth the health, wealth and happiness that is the truth of our being.

As the meeting concluded and J-R and John made their way out of the room, the Ballroom filled once again with our Ani Hu as our way of extending our Living Love to them. Our beloved Travelers continued on their way and we continued on ours, knowing we are One in our hearts always. From this year’s Initiates meeting, we have all been reminded once again of this sacred gift of Initiation. And it is with joy and gratitude that we choose back, calling out the sacred names of God in loving devotion, service and partnership with that One we are blessed to know as the Traveler.

Baruch Bashan

Read more articles from MSIA’s Conference of Living Love 2006

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