On the evening of May 30th, John Morton could be found one mile above sea level (still rising to great heights) signing “The Blessings Already Are” at the Northglen Borders near Denver, Colorado. John-Roger again blessed the evening with his presence to introduce John. J-R gave such an upbeat, off the wall and humorous introduction that it tickled many a funny bone, and most likely broke the crystallizations in many a person’s consciousness. It was so unique, that a participant informed me the morning after the event, that they had laid in bed laughing instead of sleeping because of J-R’s funny introduction. Humor is another great blessing given by Spirit.
John Morton took sharing with people expressing personal challenging situations, and he guided people to find the blessings wherever they are. It was a great demonstration of how, even though a situation (such as bankruptcy) may not look like a blessing, if you look within yourself you can see the essence of the situation which is indeed a blessing. Seeing with new eyes by looking at the blessings in all things, bankruptcy is turned into freedom. By seeing the blessings in all things, we begin to use all things for our upliftment, learning and growth.
John-Roger’s book “Spiritual Warrior: The Art of Spiritual Living” and John Morton’s “The Blessings Already Are” both SOLD OUT. “The Blessings Already Are” sold over one hundred and twenty books – spreading God’s blessings throughout the land.
“Loving is a blessing.
There is always an opportunity to open up to greater loving. If you want to know what my work is about, the bottom line is that it is about loving. If you are invoking and evoking your loving nature, it will lead you into the highest consciousness.
Loving is the opening. It is the portal. All pass in loving. All enter through loving.”
– John Morton
(From: The Blessings Already Are)