
New Day Herald

A Staff Party, A Labyrinth Blessing, and A Seminar

Article imageOn December 20, 2000, Prana was buzzing with the sounds of holiday cheer as the Traveler’s arrived for the annual Staff Christmas Party.

The feast was prepared, and the Christmas tree was decorated with purple and gold ornaments along with beautiful angels. The day began with a festival of foods that were pleasing to the palate, along with a dessert spread that was fit for kings of olden days.

And as good as the food was, the friendship and camaraderie were better.

After the feast we moved to the next thing that was on the plate for the day…

The Labyrinth Blessing:

Two years of planning, 3 months in the making, 5000 hand-cut stones later, the Labyrinth at Prana is now nearing completion. It is truly a marvel to behold, and soon, to experience.

Labyrinths can be traced back over 4000 years and have been used by many diverse religions and peoples throughout the world. This ancient symbol has found a new home at Prana, and was blessed by John-Roger and John Morton during the Staff Christmas Party for all those who will tread it’s path.

At the start of the blessing, J-R stood in the labyrinth invoking the Lord “To bless everyone that comes through it…to bring forward plenty and to open up the doors of Your gifts to those who walk the labyrinth.”

Then he invited all those in attendance onto the labyrinth to perform a mass blessing. J-R shared that when we use the labyrinth, we can: “take time to get a thought in your mind that’s been bothering you, and you don’t seem to have a solution for it. Walk the labyrinth with that in mind when you start, and when you come into the center just give it up to the Father or the Holy Spirit. Then turn around and walk back out with the sense of ‘it is done’, and you just have to go to the completion of it.”

John Morton spoke next, expanding the blessing of the labyrinth: “We walk the symbolic aspects of this labyrinth, it has been anchored in a pattern and a flow of energy, so we experience the spiral aspect of this energy. It moves in an upward and circular expansive motion. What it also is doing is releasing any restrictive patterns, bringing in the fulfillment and completion that is necessary, in perfect timing, in perfect ways.”

The labyrinth is a beautiful gift, so stay tuned to find out when it opens for use.

The group then made their way to the large seminar room for an old fashioned J-R and John seminar. It was broadcast over the radio waves, and it was a good thing as people were overflowing into the foyer, laying on the grand staircase and even falling “asleep” in the backyard. It was a powerful and moving experience. A perfect way to end the day and start the holidays.

Note from the Prana Administrator: The labyrinth at Prana is not yet open to the public yet. It is undercover during construction and we will announce when it is available for use. So stay tuned to the eNDH.

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